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Transcript Of Speech Given By A Dissident At The "End The Fed" Rally From 2010

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posted on Jan, 9 2023 @ 02:26 AM
The great teacher and philosopher Vernon Howard once said: "Human sickness is so severe that few can bear to look at it. But those who DO look at it will become well." With this in mind, let us now bravely take a look at the sickness.

They are aggressive and callous, and show an abnormal lack of conscience and empathy.
They are cunning, and extremely adept at manipulating others.
They engage in strongly amoral, often criminal, conduct.
They take what they want and do as they please.
They possess a deceptive ability to appear outwardly benevolent, and can behave in superficially charming ways to hide their purely selfish motives.
They use intimidation, and if necessary, violence, to control others and to satisfy their own needs.
They are willing to intentionally violate the basic inherent human rights of others.
They do not experience or express any sense of guilt or remorse for the harm their actions have caused to others, but instead they rationalize their behavior, blame someone else, or deny it outright.
They view the feelings and desires of their fellow beings with utter contemptuousness.
They lie pathologically, and are willing to say anything without any concern for accuracy or truth in order to advance their own hidden agendas.
They have a severely distorted sense of the consequences of their own actions.
They display a total failure to accept any responsibility for their own parasitic, socially irresponsible ways.
Because of their utter contempt for their fellow human beings, they believe that they will never be brought to justice for their criminal behavior.
They have been described by many as predators of their own species, for they lack the very qualities that allow human beings to live in social harmony.

What I just read does indeed perfectly describe the characteristics, attitudes and behaviors of the owners and directors of the privately-owned central banking cartel that we call the Federal Reserve System. However, what I just read to you was not originally written to describe the Federal Reserve specifically. It was a list comprised by modern clinical psychologists to describe the pathological mental condition known as psychopathy. In other words, it was a list of the personality traits of psychopaths.

The condition of psychopathy is at the very root of the crisis in which the human species finds itself in our current times, and it is more prevalent than most of us would prefer to admit. The reason for this is NOT human nature, as some would mislead you to believe. The reason for this is that psychopathy is not just a psychological disorder, it is also a learned behavior and a communicable disease. It is a virus that has infected the collective body of humanity.

My own spiritual journey and my personal quest to understand as much as possible about the workings of the human psyche have led me to study this phenomenon in great detail over the course of many years. And today I would like to share with you a few basic insights I've discovered with respect to how psychopaths in general, and specifically, psychopathic institutions such as the Fed, are able to hoodwink the general public and get away with their abusive and immoral behavior, almost entirely unchecked.

One of greatest skills of psychopaths is their ability to feign normal human emotions and empathy. This enables them to remain well-hidden, or occulted, in the communities in which they operate. We all know that good works are done in the Light of day for all to see. In contrast, the work of psychopaths is always done, and indeed, it must be done, under the cover of Darkness. For once enough Light is cast in their direction, enabling people to become wise to their ways, psychopaths always scatter.

Psychopaths are extremely adept at manipulating others into thinking that the communities in which they exist could never survive without them; that they somehow perform a vital and necessary service; and that if they were ever to be exposed and routed out, that total chaos would result. To reinforce this untrue notion based upon fear and dependency, psychopaths will create crises in their own communities, and once a chaotic reaction has been invoked, they then step in, to pose as the savior, by offering self-serving solutions for the very problems which they initiated...

To listen to the full speech:
edit on AMMonday1am2317396Mon, 09 Jan 2023 02:30:17 -0600301 by livinglight108 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2023 @ 03:02 AM
a reply to: livinglight108

Not wanting to promote thread drift but the traits below sound like my Ex !!!

Have a

They are aggressive and callous, and show an abnormal lack of conscience and empathy.
They are cunning, and extremely adept at manipulating others.
They take what they want and do as they please.
They possess a deceptive ability to appear outwardly benevolent, and can behave in superficially charming ways to hide their purely selfish motives.
They do not experience or express any sense of guilt or remorse for the harm their actions have caused to others, but instead they rationalize their behavior, blame someone else, or deny it outright.
They view the feelings and desires of their fellow beings with utter contemptuousness.
They lie pathologically, and are willing to say anything without any concern for accuracy or truth in order to advance their own hidden agendas.
They have a severely distorted sense of the consequences of their own actions.
They display a total failure to accept any responsibility for their own parasitic, socially irresponsible ways.

posted on Jan, 9 2023 @ 03:28 AM
a reply to: livinglight108

It's not just the Fed or the banking cartels, it's everywhere. The US MIC is another example. The ruthless psychopaths will always rise to the top if they are smart or cunning enough to hide behind the veneer of respectability.

posted on Jan, 9 2023 @ 04:30 AM

originally posted by: Cymru
a reply to: livinglight108

Not wanting to promote thread drift but the traits below sound like my Ex !!!

Have a

They are aggressive and callous, and show an abnormal lack of conscience and empathy.
They are cunning, and extremely adept at manipulating others.
They take what they want and do as they please.
They possess a deceptive ability to appear outwardly benevolent, and can behave in superficially charming ways to hide their purely selfish motives.
They do not experience or express any sense of guilt or remorse for the harm their actions have caused to others, but instead they rationalize their behavior, blame someone else, or deny it outright.
They view the feelings and desires of their fellow beings with utter contemptuousness.
They lie pathologically, and are willing to say anything without any concern for accuracy or truth in order to advance their own hidden agendas.
They have a severely distorted sense of the consequences of their own actions.
They display a total failure to accept any responsibility for their own parasitic, socially irresponsible ways.

Cheers mate. Actually your ''derailment'' is appreciated AND accurate. Learning about both primary psychopathy and secondary psychopathy is certainly important if one cares to deeply understand our condition. Sociopaty, narcissism, and neuroticism come under psychopathy and also ought be understood by all.

I have had the same experience from one of my exs. In my case, she sociopathically caused me profound suffering and should be held accountable for the violence she covertly initiated upon me.

But..... we can start another thread about sociopathic/narcissistic/psychopathic exs! :-)

posted on Jan, 9 2023 @ 04:52 AM

originally posted by: livinglight108

originally posted by: Cymru
a reply to: livinglight108

Not wanting to promote thread drift but the traits below sound like my Ex !!!

Have a

They are aggressive and callous, and show an abnormal lack of conscience and empathy.
They are cunning, and extremely adept at manipulating others.
They take what they want and do as they please.
They possess a deceptive ability to appear outwardly benevolent, and can behave in superficially charming ways to hide their purely selfish motives.
They do not experience or express any sense of guilt or remorse for the harm their actions have caused to others, but instead they rationalize their behavior, blame someone else, or deny it outright.
They view the feelings and desires of their fellow beings with utter contemptuousness.
They lie pathologically, and are willing to say anything without any concern for accuracy or truth in order to advance their own hidden agendas.
They have a severely distorted sense of the consequences of their own actions.
They display a total failure to accept any responsibility for their own parasitic, socially irresponsible ways.

Cheers mate. Actually your ''derailment'' is appreciated AND accurate. Learning about both primary psychopathy and secondary psychopathy is certainly important if one cares to deeply understand our condition. Sociopaty, narcissism, and neuroticism come under psychopathy and also ought be understood by all.

I have had the same experience from one of my exs. In my case, she sociopathically caused me profound suffering and should be held accountable for the violence she covertly initiated upon me.

But..... we can start another thread about sociopathic/narcissistic/psychopathic exs! :-)

I'll do just that after lunch Pal.

Already sent this link to mine , awaiting the Tasmanain (kiwi actually( Devil to kick off.

posted on Jan, 9 2023 @ 06:04 AM
a reply to: livinglight108

Seems to perfectly describe the current democrat party and their followers.

(post by LowLevelATop removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Jan, 9 2023 @ 09:52 AM
The description in the OP sounds like most people these days, or at least the overall mentality (yes, with some exceptions, of course). But to me that description of psychopath sounded like an overall societal mentality. AKA "the new norm."

posted on Jan, 9 2023 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: AOx6179

...But to me that description of psychopath sounded like an overall societal mentality. AKA "the new norm."

And that to me seems the precise strategy forward for the 'messaging' we are subject to today. Someone wants us to believe that aside from everyone we know personally, all those we deal with in life, everybody else is to be considered a 'bad person,' 'a sick weirdo,' ... just like they show us endlessly on TV and popular reporting.

The author of this speech was particularly focused on an institution that has made itself the master of the world... the central bank. This is not a description of "folks" in general, as I can wager that your family, your friends, the people you hang out with, nor you ..., can be described that way.

The banks of the world (not your local 'hubs,' but the central banks) are not what we think they are... they never were. If you think them a bank, you are normal... but that doesn't make them "banks." Were responsibility a river, many of the most abusive tragedies flows to them distinctly.

posted on Jan, 9 2023 @ 03:19 PM
TLDR version:
They're evil.
Somehow we ended up with a system that actively recruits these types and rewards them as part of the club infernale.

posted on Jan, 9 2023 @ 08:12 PM

edit on 9-1-2023 by elevatedone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2023 @ 08:40 PM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
TLDR version:
They're evil.
Somehow we ended up with a system that actively recruits these types and rewards them as part of the club infernale.

Somehow? We can understand exactly how this came about. The real hard swallow is that the only way out is through a change in (the aggregates) mind. The work of committing oneself to freeing minds/souls is the work some are here to engage. It's allegorically expressed in the Matrix quite nicely. Sadly, many falsely believe it isn't our duty to open people's eyes, hearts, and minds. Meanwhile the adversary takes that all the way to the bank through their still-to-this-day efficacious mind control methodologies / methods of manipulation.

posted on Jan, 10 2023 @ 03:19 AM
a reply to: livinglight108

DM'd you Pal


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