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Putin signs expanded anti-LGBTQ laws in Russia, in latest crackdown on rights

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posted on Dec, 6 2022 @ 12:48 PM

originally posted by: Blue_Jay33
Well the Russians don't believe in any freedoms anymore, at all levels they attack and ban religions outside of the traditional Russian ones, and now basically banned the LGBTQ community as well. Imagine being a gay male at prime draft age in Russia right now, life would horrible, best leave and get out.

tell me about your "freedoms" in the west with lockdowns, quarantines, travel restrictions, and vaccination mandates

posted on Dec, 6 2022 @ 12:53 PM

originally posted by: fiverx313

originally posted by: JAY1980
It's the Russian version of the Florida anti-groomer bill. Anyone who would be against this is technically supporting pedophilia by extension. Or you're just misinformed and driven by emotions more than logic...

funny to see this comment getting stars after coming from the other thread where people are falling all over themselves to claim this site doesn't have homophobia
I'm extremely homophobic. I think gay sex is repulsive. I also think consenting adults have the right to do what they want in the privacy of their bedroom. Just as I have the right not to be confronted with this degeneracy.

posted on Dec, 6 2022 @ 08:15 PM

originally posted by: Blue_Jay33
I think a better balance is needed in the west, LGBTQ shouldn't be persecuted/shamed or anything else; but HR departments need to quit pandering to them at such a high level, at the expense of everybody else.
You leave me alone, and I will leave you alone, that's fair.

Look at that restaurant that refused to serve that group of pro-lifers; why many of the servers were LGBTQ......
I have been in the service industry for years, you don't get to pick who you will serve or won't unless they are saying rude/hateful things to you, then that is different. It can't just be about people existence and having different opinions and perspectives than yourself being hurtful, especially if they are respectful and say nothing around you.
But like a bunch of wimpy snowflakes they canceled the reservation, when the waiter googled them and said he would refuse to serve them before they even arrived at the restaurant. And the owner backed them up.

This is the type of things they are doing that upset people....and rightfully so.
So as I said a better balance is needed in the West.

And which will cause them to suffer blowback, inevitably, and at which point the LGBT will want to play victim and pretend not to understand that respect is a two way street, can't continuously punch normal people (which are the MAJORITY) and not expect to receive a retribution beatdown...

posted on Dec, 6 2022 @ 08:55 PM

originally posted by: fiverx313

originally posted by: JAY1980
It's the Russian version of the Florida anti-groomer bill. Anyone who would be against this is technically supporting pedophilia by extension. Or you're just misinformed and driven by emotions more than logic...

funny to see this comment getting stars after coming from the other thread where people are falling all over themselves to claim this site doesn't have homophobia


“Phobia” is an uncontrollable, irrational, and lasting fear of an activity or object.

Calling ATS a site with homophobia sounds like more name calling to me.

I have no fear of them any more than I have fear of other things that I disagree with and find harmful when forced on society.

Do what you do, just don’t force it on me and mine.

Labels and names, labels and names
Sick and tired of leftist games

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 04:27 AM
all you homophobic can now go to Russia, it's your new paradise. Why can't we be more like Russia?
Well, because we are not retarded...

posted on Dec, 9 2022 @ 01:21 PM

originally posted by: UpThenDown
The a reply to: jerryznv

F@@k any government, politician, religion or rich ahole who says 2 adults are not free to love who they desire

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 08:02 AM
it's become part of the control grid and woke mind virus...

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