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Alien Abduction :A Global Analysis

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posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 07:10 AM

originally posted by: Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
In the U.S., by contrast, we really don't have any sort of uniform cultural/social narrative historically to define UFOs. They are objects that should not exist.
You might be right about the cultural narrative, but UFOs should exist, so I don't know why you say they should not exist. There are many things flying around in the sky that are simply too far away to identify and until they are identified, people will call them UFOs. Or people are using technology that displays the object differently than we normally see in visible light, like the infrared optics or "FLIR", which can for example in certain conditions make the wings of a plane vanish and they may look like a "tic-tac" just from the heat signature of the engines. For example, pilots might call these Tic-Tac shapes UFOs if we didn't already know what they were by other means (they are F-15s):

It seems part of the old air force definition of UFOs that involves unusual flight characteristics is often completely ignored these days and anything peole can't immediately identify is considered a "UFO". Now the Navy calls them "UAP" but it's noteworthy that the "tic-tacs" in the image above look very similar to the "tic-tac" in the famous navy "UAP" video.

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 07:43 AM

originally posted by: peaceinoutz
We must remember that these guys are frail human beings subject to all the bad stuff folks do, the good stuff, and in between. That's not to say they are or aren't.

So they're doing bad things doesn't necessarily negate any truth they have or support one way or the other...


Yes I get your point. It's comparable to say that certain accusations against Michael Jackson shouldn't negate his work as an artist.

What would you say, if anything, is a positive part of Hopkins/Mack/Jacobs legacy?

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 09:47 AM

originally posted by: KTemplar
a reply to: Arbitrageur

People who have not been abducted, like Susan Clancy, should not claim to be experts in the field.

I was abducted in the 70s with my friend/neighbor. I never reported it officially (MUFON), etc, as I had a strong belief that we were not suppose to talk about it. I’m getting older so would like to know why?.

Also, we were missing for about 6 hours, the neighborhood searched for us. We reappeared in a driving rainstorm on our bicycles at night with no shoes or any recollection as to what occurred after the abduction.

I will never forget the grey’s eyes two inches from my face.

Western science is a failure. Sure, it’s good at physical phenomena but, being solely focused on materialistic evidence, completely ignores the immeasurable and even denies it. Scientists worship “data” and overuse the word to an embarrassing extent. Then, without “data”, claim they have the abduction phenomenon figured out and generally presume its cause as being misidentification, hallucinations, mental illness, or some other stretch of the imagination. Se cant measure love but we know it exists. Similarly, they cannot even measure or quantify consciousness. The illogic of science would tell us that if it cant be measured or observed it must not exist except in the twisted mind of the mentally ill.

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 10:21 AM
Based on your figures in the table of the OP, it would seem that alien abduction is a predominantly Anglo-American phenomenon, with approximately 90% of all abductions catalogued being in the USA, Canada, the UK & Australia. The USA has 80% more or less, so this opens up some interesting avenues for speculation.

English is the overridingly most popular language which the movers & shakers of world power utilise. And with the USA being the masters of the geopolitical arena, it would seem that the 'aliens' are very interested in manipulating mainly the dominant culture on the Earth, English speaking peoples. As their interest extends into the remainder of the Anglo-American world order, I would suggest that 'they' are deeply involved in some sort of cat & mouse diplomacy with world leaders in the West. The hidden military-industrial complex leadership would seem therefore to be hiding monumental secrets regarding this matter, as many researchers have surmised.

I find it interesting that when the 'Mandela Effect' became a unique phenomenon of global interest, it was predominantly also affecting the Anglo-American nations, again, English speaking persons were the ones affected. I believe that these phenomena are related, as part of the giant puzzle box which this world represents.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this overwhelming preponderence the 'Phenomenon' has with regards to the peoples who speak the English language?

Cheers, FITO.

edit on NovemberTuesday22011CST10America/Chicago-060024 by FlyInTheOintment because: spelling

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: mirageman

I don’t look at them as positive or negative necessarily. They’ve become believers, so they are no longer objective regarding ufos and Alien abductions. I have no problem with that since they are at least honest about it. So, they have become a part of the wide tapestry of this interesting and mysterious field.

And within this vast unknown are the ufos in themselves, the pro or cons---debunkers or believers---and the in-between, the ET hypothesis, the space brother era, the abduction side of it, the Government responses side---psyops-disinformation within it-- the foreign angle, the spooky part, the ID, the spiritual hypotheses (jinn’s, devils, angels, gods) ancient alien theory, and other aspects. It has become very complex.

These fellows have become the face of the alien abduction angle or the most popular. Taking one at a time. I can't read Steiber books; I've tried and never got through them. Hopkins is a good writer, and I can read some of his stuff, and Mack--a good writer also, but not too interesting and maybe a bit gullible---but Jacobs books I find more interesting of all of them. I guess his theory is more dramatic and entertaining, I must admit.

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: mirageman
Here in the Netherlands we've got the NAT , so that's why we're not on the list.

But it's a strange phenomenon , maybe the aliens need to be in control over those countries?

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 06:56 PM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

What I meant by "should not exist" is that these objects fly about and behave in ways that would be impossible for man made craft. These are things that defy our known laws of physics. Technically, by the standards of our western culture, these things should not exist or be viewed. Thus, because they defy our vision of reality, they are worth reporting.

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 10:53 PM

originally posted by: mirageman
a reply to: peaceinoutz

If you check the graph in full screen mode you'll note that the abduction reports topped the 200 mark in 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2020.

You can also do a search on the Alien Abduction Web Page I created. By putting in the year, country, state/town or a combination to view the specific reports. Then just click on the flag to view the full report.

First off, I really liked your page and I've always found this fascinating.

What's striking to me is how the United States represents nearly 79% of the reported abductions/encounters but then it drops drastically to a bit over 6% in Canada. I can't help but wonder if this is driven culturally through television/media or possibly a form of mass formation psychosis.

I didn't read all the reports but it would be insteresting if we could correlate histories of individual mental illness, use of psychoactive substances and/or increase in SSRI use rates by country. I simply can't contemplate how or why an alien race investigating humans would select Americans by a 13:1 ratio especially given the fact that we only represent about 4.25% of the planet's population.

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 10:59 PM
I notice AA reports in 2022 are really low, and it’s almost over. That seems to indicate a big drop in AA reports. Interesting.


Anyway, great contribution as usual, mm!

posted on Nov, 30 2022 @ 04:07 AM
a reply to: peaceinoutz

Reports from 2022 only covered the first quarter of the year. So I wouldn't read too much into that one.

Although there was also a notable drop off across 2021 from the previous year. But that was stil higher than anything from the 20th century. The reasons are almost certainly due to an increase in prank reports. Especially during lockdowns due to the pandemic. Boredom creeps in and some people really have nothing better to do.Also the wider spread availability of the internet and smartphones have an impact.

posted on Nov, 30 2022 @ 04:43 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

This is probably where people interested in UFOs and aliens tune out.

But I don't think it points to aliens preferring English-speaking people. As I mentioned in the OP Nigeria has a massive English speaking population but no one reported being abducted by aliens in Nigeria. There's also a lot of obvious pranks and poor data there.

But it's predominantly a North American thing. The rest of the world averages somewhere between 0 and 2 abduction reports per million of its national population across 125 years of reports. America is closer to 10 per million with Canada 6 per million. Still only a tiny fraction of the national populations, but a significant difference for this specific topic.

It's almost certainly a product of popular culture and other social factors.

In 1981 CIA Director William Casey is alleged to have said

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false"

This is a short video by Kurt Andersen. It's not about aliens but his observation is:

"....a combination of the new-age mentality born out of the 1960s that encouraged Americans to find their own truth and the internet age, which has allowed us to create communities that reinforce our beliefs"

It's also interesting to note that hardly any 'alien abductions' were reported until the 1960s.

posted on Nov, 30 2022 @ 05:17 AM
a reply to: mirageman

It's also interesting to note that hardly any 'alien abductions' were reported until the 1960s.

I know 4 people who have been "abducted", one in the mid 50's and the other 3 in the mid 60's.
They never reported the incidents, are very hesitant to talk about them (one refuses), and I am one of a handful that know any details. Three are members of my wife's family and they had their encounter on a rural road in Plymouth MA. on the way home from a concert. There is missing time involved as well.

What happened really happened to these people and they are impeccably honest and responsible individuals. It has been a family mystery all these years, and I wish they would actually allow a formal sit down and explain, but as yet, it is doubtful that will ever happen.

Thanks MM, for another reminder of the old ATS and this was great content, as usual.

posted on Nov, 30 2022 @ 07:37 AM

originally posted by: mirageman

It's also interesting to note that hardly any 'alien abductions' were reported until the 1960s.

Plenty of strange abduction cases though and sometimes a thin line between supernatural and alien. There were also quite a few contact reports some of which are almost abduction by consent.

The typical grey abduction is a more modern meme but maybe there is something similar to crop circles there, whereby even the circle hoaxers couldn't explain the appearance of some of them. Is it the phenomenon reflecting popular culture or vice versa ?

posted on Nov, 30 2022 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: Visiting ESB

Western science is a failure. Sure, it’s good at physical phenomena but, being solely focused on materialistic evidence, completely ignores the immeasurable...

That's how science works.

Are you implying that alien abductions are not something physical?

...Then, without “data”, claim they have the abduction phenomenon figured out and generally presume its cause as being misidentification, hallucinations, mental illness, or some other stretch of the imagination. Se cant measure love but we know it exists. Similarly, they cannot even measure or quantify consciousness. The illogic of science would tell us that if it cant be measured or observed it must not exist except in the twisted mind of the mentally ill.

Sure science still fails to explain many things. But without it, we'd still be in a medieval age of superstition.

Science is working towards measuring such things as emotions. Which tend to be a mix of subjective experiences, physiological responses and resultant behaviours. Science cannot measure dreams. But most people dream, and no one is claiming it's a mental illness.

As referenced in the OP. Psychological evaluations have confirmed that ‘abductees’ are not necessarily psychotic or mentally ill, but may have what is termed a fantasy prone personality or are suffering hypnopompic hallucinations or sleep paralysis.

So if alien abductions are not physical, as you appear to have implied, then the above explanations are at least plausible.

posted on Nov, 30 2022 @ 01:46 PM
In the mid to late fifties started, the sightings of aliens, not abductions, but usually outside their crafts, and this was mainly in Europe, France particularly, and South America. Not greys, either. That increased in the 60s worldwide and slowly came to America before and after Sirocco.

Of course, in 1961, Betty and Barney started the American abduction avalanche.

Some ufologists, like Steven Greer, claim these nasty grey abductions are Milab operations. Military Army-based and FAKE alien abductions.

posted on Nov, 30 2022 @ 05:38 PM
a reply to: peaceinoutz

The HIlls might have mentioned something resembling what is now a known as a grey alien?

But the Walton case (which occurred just two weeks after the Hills story known as 'The UFO Incident' aired on TV) seems to be a point where the old humanoid space brothers merged with grey aliens into his story.

That was November 1975. But it seems that by the 1980s and the resuscitation of Roswell that slowly these pesky little grey guys were almost ubiquitous in any alien story.

But when did the grey guys really enter the lore?

More importantly why?

posted on Nov, 30 2022 @ 09:25 PM

originally posted by: mirageman
a reply to: peaceinoutz

But the Walton case (which occurred just two weeks after the Hills story known as 'The UFO Incident' aired on TV) seems to be a point where the old humanoid space brothers merged with grey aliens into his story.

... That was November 1975. But it seems that by the 1980s and the resuscitation of Roswell that slowly these pesky little grey guys were almost ubiquitous in any alien story.

But when did the grey guys really enter the lore?

More importantly why?

Excellent, classy thread, MM.

I think it's unarguable that Whitley Strieber's book 'Communion' (published Feb 1987; spectacularly awful movie in 1989, except for fans of Walken-dancing!) actually popularised the Greys and led to Strieber's Grey facial icon appearing on so many T-shirts, mugs, etc, that it is almost impossible to ignore in popular culture.

Just ask Brandon Fugal at Skinwalker Ranch...

Spielberg's skinny lead Grey in 'Close Encounters' (1977) certainly IMPLANTED the typical Grey into the wider consciousness, but the first real life report of a Grey as we know and love/loathe them dates back to - I think - 1967 (sorry, I can't find the case at the moment) and quite unusual for its era.

The Hills and Walton's Greys have more in common with schlock TV/film aliens, although many argue that the two cases are inextricably linked due to the aforementioned 1975 TV movie that Walton & Co did admit to watching before their rather unique encounter - albeit the uniqueness arguably encompasses five men being conned by another two, but it's an ugly, combative situation between Rogers and Walton after 50 years, so best to leave them tusslin' in the dust.

Walton certainly bargain-bucketed 1950s blond contactee aliens alongside a 1970s Grey mob, but Walton's description of his own Grey varies according to which decade he is being interviewed in.

"Why" did the Greys enter lore?

Perhaps we CAN blame Chris Walken...

posted on Nov, 30 2022 @ 09:57 PM
a reply to: mirageman

The analysis by geography was very interesting. The majority of reports coming from first world nations.

I totally expect the number of incidents reported by third world nations to be lower due to socio-cultural factors and lack of reporting infrastructure.

I think the exponential growth in first world entertainment, specifically science fiction literature and cinema, could also be closely correlated to the number of reports over time.

posted on Nov, 30 2022 @ 11:31 PM

originally posted by: mirageman
a reply to: peaceinoutz

But when did the grey guys really enter the lore?

From wiki…..

….” First attested

(in fiction) Meda: A Tale of the Future by Kenneth Folingsby (1891)

Entered folklore with the Barney and Betty Hill abduction case (1961)”…….


posted on Dec, 1 2022 @ 12:41 AM

originally posted by: mirageman
a reply to: Visiting ESB

Western science is a failure. Sure, it’s good at physical phenomena but, being solely focused on materialistic evidence, completely ignores the immeasurable...

That's how science works.

Are you implying that alien abductions are not something physical?

...Then, without “data”, claim they have the abduction phenomenon figured out and generally presume its cause as being misidentification, hallucinations, mental illness, or some other stretch of the imagination. Se cant measure love but we know it exists. Similarly, they cannot even measure or quantify consciousness. The illogic of science would tell us that if it cant be measured or observed it must not exist except in the twisted mind of the mentally ill.

Sure science still fails to explain many things. But without it, we'd still be in a medieval age of superstition.

Science is working towards measuring such things as emotions. Which tend to be a mix of subjective experiences, physiological responses and resultant behaviours. Science cannot measure dreams. But most people dream, and no one is claiming it's a mental illness.

As referenced in the OP. Psychological evaluations have confirmed that ‘abductees’ are not necessarily psychotic or mentally ill, but may have what is termed a fantasy prone personality or are suffering hypnopompic hallucinations or sleep paralysis.

So if alien abductions are not physical, as you appear to have implied, then the above explanations are at least plausible.

Fantasy prone personality is classified as a lifelong condition (per Wikipedia) so, for me, this does not fit with many abduction/contact experiences of people because it seems most experiences aren't lifelong.

Hynopompic hallucinations (sleep paralysis) may account for some experiences but I've read quite a few cases where the abductees/contactees were not sleeping.

What's interesting to me is reading Ante Johnson's Abduction story because with each new story I read there is always something in there that is exactly what I experienced as well. Like this -

When we discuss his experiences and journeys to other worlds Ante hesitates. He states that he does not know how real his experiences are. Of course, they are real to himself but he cannot say for certain if they are real in a more objective sense. There is no definite way to distinguish them from dreams.

"It can all be a dream. I can't stop thinking that, says Ante. Neither can I stop knowing that it all happens in the real world. Sometimes I don't know what to think."

The problem here is that when we are experiencing whatever this phenomenon is, we all feel that it 'felt real' or that deep down inside we know it really did happen in the real world, as Ante explains.

A person can have an overactive imagination, daydream, fantasy dream but when it comes to the abduction/contact isn't it strange how we all get the same warnings from the aliens about nuclear power and some of the same procedures and or experiences. I'm not sure how we can explain away fantasy dreams that have such specific similarities for so many people.

Oh and to comment on your global analysis: if we assume alien abduction reporting is due to mental illness, does it not stand to reason that the numbers would increase year over year due to population growth and the increase in mental illness in the general population?
edit on q000000461231America/Chicago2323America/Chicago12 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

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