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The Masochism of the Left

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posted on Nov, 20 2022 @ 12:06 PM
Essentially all the racket from the Left the past decade in particular, when I look at it and envision the logical climax, all I see is an ever mounting backlash worse than anything a well adjusted logical person would ever wish upon themselves.

That is, unless they're masochists.

It's just human nature, you push people and they'll push back. And what they've been doing, in particular going after everyones children with ideological indoctrination... the likes of which embodies in your face appeals to homoerotic sexual grooming.

And what else outside of direct violence better amounts to outright declaration of war?

The Left appeals to people whom have been bullied. It stokes the sense of victim-hood. And promises "social justice". It starts with the youth. And in youth is most when people get bullied. The fat kid. The smart kid. The poor kid. The kid who looks different. That can be skin or clothing. And yes of course gay kids. Anyone "unpopular" will end up getting bullied. It's just what kids do, pick on the outsiders.

But people tend to grow up. Grow out of that shallowness. School ends, and freedom comes. Freedom to not go where you're rejected. To move away, and move on.

Then comes the Left, and instills in its subjects the drive to dwell in that victim mindset. And get active. Oh, you were "gay bashed"? It's time to get active! Look at us, not only are we trying to bring tolerance for your flavor of being bullied, but lets get together and ram you taboo down everyone's throats. Especially their childrens'. That'll show em!

And so on all the other minority / marginalized (whether actual, perceived or convinced so) groups they could muster under their umbrella.

Oh you're black? Oh yeah we've got just the remedy for what that means in this grand scheme. Pay back whitey!

Well I've got news for you all. The harder you push at people the more they'll push back. It's not even just human nature, it's literally physics!

Think back 30 years ago. However bad gay bashing and racial prejudice was then, well the brazen bareknuckle actions of the Left are setting the stage for far worse than all that ever was.

You go after people in the streets, beat them for being a different skin color or of a different ideology and they're going to punch you right back. Keep doing it en masse, and they'll get together too and respond in kind.

Spare me. Before BLM and the 2016 elections and Antifa, minorities and LGBT and so on were NOT being wholesale assaulted and murdered in mobs or by mobs across every metro by everyday normal white straight folks. But then the Left had their sheep bring that fight to them, as such.


If you punch someone and they'll naturally punch you back, what do you think they'll do when you come for their kids?


How cant anyone and everyone look at all this and not see the inevitable logical climax to this push?

And then at the very least not participate?

Unless, of course, that's the goal (I mean for the individual subjects therein): abuse. They want the abuse. Being bullied, that's what they want. I guess that's what they've always known? But the stakes here aren't just getting picked on, beat up, the stakes are mass shootings. Bombings.

Taking the guns away cant stop this terrible social nightmare game the Left is playing at. But the Democrat's will sure play their "anti-gun" agenda when it happens. And you know what happens when they do? Backlash. The Democrat's that claim to be anti-gun, their posturing since Obama got in has been the biggest advertising campaign the gun and ammo makers could have ever dreamed of.

edit on 20-11-2022 by godsovein because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2022 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: godsovein

I honestly couldn't tell you why they suck so bad, no one else can either. We already know all of the reasons that get mentioned everyday on multiple threads for the past X amount of years, but the truth is still out there.

With no exagerration, they very well may be Satan's army on earth.

Our experts on this forum have been analyzing this for ages. We come up with the same conclusions. I don't know, but your well written essay will be much appreciated. Thank you for contributing.

posted on Nov, 20 2022 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: godsovein

people need to stop listening to ALL politicians all they do is provide hate and division and it is not limited to any particualr side, if people wanna make a difference stop cheerleading for the right or left

posted on Nov, 20 2022 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: UpThenDown


"None of the above" works for me.

Don't vote or the Govt will get in.

posted on Nov, 20 2022 @ 01:20 PM

originally posted by: Thrumbo
a reply to: godsovein

With no exagerration, they very well may be Satan's army on earth.


And the right wing is chosen by GOD as his emissary to right all the wrongs caused by the lefties.

Is that correct? If so...what's your plan?
edit on 20-11-2022 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2022 @ 02:55 PM
Tbh, those that still believe that there is a right and a left have fallen into the traps of those trappers who want to make all of us believe that we have the always other side, still your fellow citizens, to hate and fight so we don´t unite and fight the trappers.

That what formerly was known as so called "left" is today fascistic, pro economy and against workers rights, anti-freedom and anti-democratic, pro making the rich richer via taking it from the poor. Wtf is left about all that, it´s what formerly was known and sold as right.

There is and was never a left or right, it´s just an illusion to divide the people. There always only was a "have" and a "have not so much or nothing". And those on the "have" side are those trappers who set up those left and right traps for the "have not so much or nothing" people. So the trappers can stay on the "have" side and the others have to stay on the "have not so much or nothing" side.

It´s that simple divide and conquer game everybody should at least have heard once about. And it works since it was created, again and again and again because a lot of simple-minded people love to put themselves into by TPTB created drawers. That is one big reason of having to deal with the mess the world turned into nowadays, we fight each other instead of uniting and fighting the real culprits for everything that is wrong in our world.

posted on Nov, 20 2022 @ 05:29 PM

originally posted by: olaru12

originally posted by: Thrumbo
a reply to: godsovein

With no exagerration, they very well may be Satan's army on earth.


And the right wing is chosen by GOD as his emissary to right all the wrongs caused by the lefties.

Is that correct? If so...what's your plan?

if that's correct, then wouldn't it be "God's plan"?

posted on Nov, 20 2022 @ 05:31 PM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: olaru12

originally posted by: Thrumbo
a reply to: godsovein

With no exagerration, they very well may be Satan's army on earth.


And the right wing is chosen by GOD as his emissary to right all the wrongs caused by the lefties.

Is that correct? If so...what's your plan?

if that's correct, then wouldn't it be "God's plan"?

Whatever God's plan you think you will benefit?

posted on Nov, 20 2022 @ 05:44 PM

originally posted by: olaru12

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: olaru12

originally posted by: Thrumbo
a reply to: godsovein

With no exagerration, they very well may be Satan's army on earth.


And the right wing is chosen by GOD as his emissary to right all the wrongs caused by the lefties.

Is that correct? If so...what's your plan?

if that's correct, then wouldn't it be "God's plan"?

Whatever God's plan you think you will benefit?

You sure won't benefit following satan's plan, that is assured.

God's plan is for everyone to hear and believe the Gospel. If you refuse to consider and do that, then you ARE following satan's plan.

What the world is witnessing now are the foolish plans of human beings to dominate, conquer, and punish those who oppose their wickedness.

That part is definitely not God's plan.

But you do you.

posted on Nov, 21 2022 @ 05:21 AM
A civil war is inevitable at this point. It’s not a matter of if anymore, but when. There are lots of people just itching for it at this point. You’re right OP, they went way to far, especially with our kids.

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