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2 Years Later; has anything changed ?

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(post by TheLieWeLive removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Nov, 12 2022 @ 03:16 PM

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posted on Nov, 12 2022 @ 03:43 PM

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posted on Nov, 12 2022 @ 03:55 PM

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posted on Nov, 12 2022 @ 04:18 PM

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posted on Nov, 12 2022 @ 06:06 PM
a reply to: Rapha

Lots has changed in the last 2 years if you are observant enough ! .

Hospital staff no longer have enough time to make tik toc dance videos they are now run off their feet with the workload and they are quitting in droves just ask them .

Undertakers etc are quitting because of the workload and the stress -there are plenty of videos online of them pointing this out - when you think they would be rubbing their hands at the extra work and MONEY flowing in to their business .

Child coffin makers are getting orders for more coffins than they have produced in decades

Thats the ex vice president of Pfizer ? statement

And nobody said a word when they made it MANDITORY in july if the WHO declare a pandemic everyone has to get jagged .

Plenty changed in my life i buried many many young friends who either died from a heart attack or who died within weeks of getting told they had cancer and 4 females in my family have been impacted since this injections .

With a war and cost of living and elections to distract the dafties maybe they should head to a cemetery and look at the new graves that have gone in in the last 2 years then say nothing has changed

posted on Nov, 12 2022 @ 07:24 PM

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posted on Nov, 12 2022 @ 07:45 PM

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posted on Nov, 12 2022 @ 08:59 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm
I'm not silent about it, you will get your answer.

I knew personal two women both in their 50s, late 40s respectively. The older woman died after a booster, the next day. The younger one in her late 40s died two weeks after. She came down with flow rate drop to around 15%. They can only measure in ~5% steps if they do not do the sonar boje down the throat.

I just left heart disease rehabilitation on Friday after almost 8 weeks and got a permanent defibrillator inserted. It has wires going into my veins with little dart like tips that poke into my heart muscle so it can reboot it after it acts up. Good for around 10 years, depends on how often it needs to fire.

Anecdotal for you maybe, absolute reality for the two families and myself. Being ridiculous over it? Not sure if you would see it like that if you were affected. It's not fun to live with a heart condition.

Do you know how it feels when you are absolutely against getting the vaccine because it's documented the immune system reacts violent for days, but in the end get forced to get it? And then you're sick for months, not just days as expected. Not mild symptoms but damage to the heart over three month including both kidneys pounding and hurting as well as the liver swelling. At least that one gave me no pain. I had complete messed up cycle and when the flow rate dropped to around 35%, the real problems started. Headaches, blue and numb toes. Numb hands. Numb half side of my face with hanging eye lid and cheek. I could not sit nor lay down without extremities "going to sleep" after a minute. In the end my circulatory system shut down after getting up from the toilet seat at home. I woke up with my face on the tiles and the face again: numb. I could not articulate myself properly as I had not real control over my tongue.

All that supposedly came from undersupply of blood, from an undetected heart inflammation I dragged out in those months I was so sick, directly after the 2nd jab that was hitting me like a bulldozer a few hours later. The first jab was a lot milder, I still was in bed for almost a week. And if you think I just overdid an infection, nope. In the last November week I prolonged my divers license. Because I had concerns that I soon would not be able to visit any doctor, as announced by politics. Fines 5-12k€ were in talks. I could not go anywhere except buy food and medication. So I did that exam, it's a full stress test on the stationary bicycle with EKG pads and a mask that measures the lung volume. I scored as usual in the upper 90% for my age.

Without the vaccine: No winter boots for my back then 5 year old daughter. On other occasions I had to beg-bribe people on the street to get me stuff, because I was outcast as non vaccinated.

If you went through that, you will never use the word "ridiculous" in terms with being vary about the jab. Am I an exception? I do think so because of my medical history. Does that help me in any way, no.

On top of all that, now try considering the mental burden coming down with a heart disease when I told people and the doctor about it and just nobody #ing cared. Nobody! And after I came down with illness, it was refused to be acknowledged for almost one hundred (!) days that it has anything to do with the vaccine.

That's my ridiculous history.

posted on Nov, 12 2022 @ 09:31 PM
I guess they were hoping you would die and just be a statistic.

Sorry to hear your having troubles TDDA.

a reply to: TDDAgain

posted on Nov, 12 2022 @ 10:04 PM
a reply to: Dalamax
Thank you for the warm words, don't be too concerned.

I am past the worst and have recovered to around 60% of heart flow rate, around 70-75% would be normal for my age. It's normal to not have 100% and although I still feel the foreign object, it gives me a bit confidence. The eight weeks helped me a lot, continuous upping the workload under professional help and watch.

In the meantime, I bought a R32 GTR chassis, got it dry ice blasted and painted inside & outside by a paint shop. It's waiting in a trailer to be unloaded with the fork loader. I am eager working on it starting Monday. After 11 1/2 months not being able to work or earn money, I can't wait to start going at it and do something with my hands! Going to throw an RB30 into it and then sell it after dialing it in. The soul and the bank demands this lol. Should be finished until the start of the new season in March. Chassis was really beaten up paint wise, so after I finished this, there's going to be a brand new Skyline R32 GTR in this world, resurrected. With used but mostly refurbished parts though.

Ah got carried away by emotions, just ignore that lol.

*slaps hands together and rubs them euphoric*

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 07:41 AM

originally posted by: Hecate666
If you doubt the coof, I am 100% on your side.
If you think the jabs are safe, I'm not, as they work slowly, over decades.
If you doubt the 5g I am also doubtful.

It is almost like TPTB never let go of a "natural / orchestrated" disaster. Then their "narrative" creates lots of "Doom Porn" for them to feed off.

A natural event like War gives TPTB a opportunity to then "preach" their narrative across all forms of media.
Then they feed off the pessimism amongst us humans created by their "doom porn" scenario.

TPTB really are sicko's. MSM & Doom Porn seem to create "FEAR" 24/7. Maybe that is their ultimate goal.

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 11:18 AM
a reply to: Rapha

You haven't heard?

The latest conspiracy is that "they" are going to kill us all - every one - by old age!!!

All they have to do is keep feeding us with with wealth, healthcare, prosperity and peace, and we will all die. Some of us will die sooner of overindulgence.

And while all this is going on, they will use us to generate their wealth, by making us follow fashions and fads, and to want things we don't need. And as we begin to live longer, due to medical advances, they will profit from us even more.

And all they have to do is wait, it's insidious and unavoidable, and we are DOOMED - DOOMED !!! ...

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: stonerwilliam


Definitely on the new burials in the local cemetery. More than usual by far in the last two years. Where I live was an area where by and far people trusted the vaccine.


posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to: TDDAgain

I'd like to watch the rebirth of that riceburner. Could you do it with a gopro for youtube?

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: olaru12
I always videotape everything anyways. And for special cars I will do a little 2min trailer, I have a guy that is an excellent camera man that I rent hourly for such stuff. He has all the equipment like stabilizers, camera wagon and stuff to give the video stability and nice sweeps. I cut the clips together them myself in ShotCut.

I think I remember you're a professional in the movie industry. We should have done a "making of" video of the last one. We had a hilarious time producing the special effects. I have tons of ideas for this one. Last time we could not use it because of software problems but the camera guy built a servo driven camera platform that can rotate and slide.

Should give some amazing shots like focus on the speedo and then the cam swivels and slides into a position it focuses into the side rear mirror. And all that during a drift, but we had problems with the trigger loop since I have to trigger it myself in the car, while driving / drifting. Or having a Gopro mounted on a pole with a magnet that I pick up by drifting by with the rear.

It's really an artistic job to do, I dig it. The creativity with special effects is the most satisfying. Calculate end of February / March. I want to have it drivable by March.

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: TDDAgain

Calculate end of February / March. I want to have it drivable by March.


I'll be looking forward to it. Do camera, sound and other crew have union representation in Europe. I know actors have....FIA.

edit on 13-11-2022 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: olaru12
Check PM because offtopic

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 02:08 PM
a reply to: chr0naut


Dare i say it; nasty, ninja Reptiles against helpful, harmless Humans.
Couldn't be more damn close to the truth for all i can handle right now.
edit on Rpmp02pm by Rapha because: spelling

posted on Nov, 22 2022 @ 12:00 AM

originally posted by: stonerwilliam
Lots has changed in the last 2 years if you are observant enough ! .

Has it ?
The Funeral cars in my 99% vaxxed town are always empty.

myQuote: "See you tomorrow; then the next day, next week, next month, next year etc."
Told you so. So far, 1 week has passed and nothing has changed.
Everything was recently set for "Deep State" to go "nuclear MAD"_Max after their missile crashes into Poland.

Well, why would "Deep State" throw away an absolute perfect opportunity like this and NOT go WW3 with Russia ?

Deep State has been praying to the devil for their NWO since time began. Well, where is it ?
Deep state and their Lucifuhrer are so stupid that they could not even organise a "p1ss-up" in a brewery.

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