posted on Nov, 8 2022 @ 06:37 AM
Has nothing to do with internet via spyPhone or with WiFi. Have these problems since almost two years. I never use WiFi or a spyPhone for the web,
have a 500Mbit/s, tried switching on and off my VPN and i don´t know what else.
My everyday experience with ATS since around two years:
I have bookmarked the "new" section, i click it and it loads up, at least good enough to read the text. If i can see the forum signs i know it´s even
worse. Because then i only can open one or two threads, in a time frame of around 3-5 minutes, to read them. I have to reload and reload and i have to
be lucky to hit the exact few seconds in these 3-5 minutes ATS allows me to load/open any pages of it. If i am very lucky i manage to open even three
pages i want to read in these few seconds.
When one of these threads is interesting and i want to write something, give some info or whatever, i have to login now. Same procedure, trying to hit
the exact few seconds ATS allows me to to load the login page. If i am lucky and i logged in, now i have to reload the page of the thread i wanted to
answer or whatever. Same procedure "as every year". Then, when i managed to login and reload the page, i can´t star and flag for around 5 minutes,
can´t use the quote function, if i manage to write something and want to post it... you meanwhile know how it works for me, the few seconds in the
time frame. If i then see that i need to correct something...
Uploading pics doesn´t work for me since a very long time, trying to write an own thread uses to much time and nerves under these circumstances. I
often don´t read the threads i want to read because i can do something better with my time than to waste it to read ATS threads. For me it feels like
somebody slowly wants to destroy ATS. Or it is the machinery behind the honey pot ATS meanwhile turned to, they first want to make clear that they
exactly know who and where you are, i really don´t know. Maybe it´s because i secured everything to the max, block everything and everybody that and
who doesn´t need to spy on me while i use the web. And maybe that is not ok for somebody...
ATS is the only website i have these problems with so there is no need to doctor around at my modem ports or whatever crap, i simply use ATS less and
less. People are reporting problems since at least two years too but somehow the owners of the website don´t seem to be interested to fix anything.
Less QoL for me, less clicks for them, simple as that.
To write this comment took me more than 30 minutes now because of the said problems and i don´t know how long it takes till i am allowed to reply
now. Using ATS for me is like trying to play football with only one leg and no football shoes. I only did write the comment because i took a break
from what i was doing and had to drink a coffee. Coffee went cold, my body temperature went up because of that BS effing around with my nerves. But
good in these times, at least some free heat...