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Loving the ALIEN

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posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 03:44 AM
I have had/am having very strange experiences through my whole life. It is nothing to do with mental ill health as there are witnesses to a lot of what has happened to me.

I want to make it clear that I am not in nor wanting to be in the public eye. I hide like a tarantula in a dark corner and do not want to be disturbed in this beautiful web home I have made (inner beauty I mean, not posh or expensive). I will never seek any kind of audience other than a site like this. This is where I feel most comfortable actually on the whole of the internet. I do love ATS. I first saw the site way back in 2004 and always end up coming here to read what you lovely crazy people are writing (neuron sharing I like to call it).

Guys, my life is nuts. It will not leave me alone. That is why I know that the Elohim exist 100%. I would be willing to die for that testimony. The Elohim are ET. They are more real than us. They are in another dimension. Some of the prophets got to see visions of the place, including St John of Revelation, Paul, Moses, Ezekiel, Elijah, Enoch. What they describe is what it is. Some visions slightly disagree, but I believe that is more to do with the extreme differences between that dimension and this, and that they are being shown visions. They could not go there physically because they would perish as simple atomic matter. They say Enoch and Elijah did not die though, as well as Christ. Christ was reanimated before their very eyes and that is why they were willing to die for him because they saw with their eyes and it made them very brave. All three got taken to Heaven for a purpose.

All manner of crazy has happened with the Almighty. Animals have spoken with human voices. Jesus spat some mud into a paste with his own spit and rubbed it on a guy's eyes and the guy saw again. You know how many crazy experiences have been reported in the Bible. It is a one off to be sure. It is a tradition of vision.

What I am I should not be. I am a working class council estate idiot who only has one GCSE Grade A as a qualification to my name yet I have travelled all literature, Judaism and Christianity. I have in my mind been on a very fast journey through Creation and all its expression. I know TS Eliot's poetry and prose extensively. I understand his words better than professors do and can demonstrate that any old time to them. I understand Ezra Pound. I completely comprehend Haile Selassie and Bob Marley. I understood like it is my own mind the mind of Bob Dylan. I see them. I see you too and understand you as much.

My brain works at great speed. I think of multi concepts at once and jewels sparkle of new interpretations, new revelations; visions and spiritual information break through from the other dimension. Something keeps calling me. I have tried to tell it to # off a thousand times and I just end up metaphorically in the belly of the whale. If I don't try to tell the world I get put back in the whale's belly. I am a fully committed Christian, but I don't do denominations. If I was to choose a Church upon this earth to belong to it would be The Ethiopian Orthodox Church. I am not of the current African diaspora and don't have black skin, but Haile and Bob showed me the power of faith in the modern age. Remember, none of us are perfect. I have my own # to deal with like Paul did, like Haile, Bob, Bob and TS Eliot have had to.

It will not leave me alone. I am in my fifties now and this has been happening since I was about 11 or 12. Jewish people will know what that means. A huge light shone in the window of the bedroom my two uncles and I were sleeping in, in a little council house on an estate in East Leicester, England. My uncles said I was shouting in my sleep, saying "Look, the light". They looked out the window and a big pole of light was in the garden. It stayed there for an hour or so. We were very scared of it. My two uncles since did not question the experience. It is like they don't want to acknowledge it, but they will tell you it really did happen. I have two witnesses. With my frenetic mind obviously I was going to question and use every last drop of this unique experience metaphorically and go searching. Even at that age, because I went to Sunday Schoool, I knew of the pole of light from what happened to Moses and the Israelites. The Almighty led them as a pole of light in the night and a pillar of smoke in the day time in Sinai (The Wilderness of Sin). That is the emptiness and vacuity of matter without the Creator's pulse through its veins.

On the first day I got the internet in the year 2000, in Malvern, Worcestershire, England a thunder clap happened in the sky as I switched it on. There was no rain or lightning, just one clap of thunder. My two friends laughed and said "Wow, there ya go"! They did not seem to question the craziness of this as my uncles did not question what happened with the light.

This is just the tip of the iceberg that is going to sink the rusty old Titanic. I am full on attached to the Tree of Life. I am not even allowed to let go. It is this or the belly of the whale, no other choice, nothing I can do abou it. They will have to kill me to shut my mouth. It is only my mouth and tongue I will use, but I have used it and am using it through my fingers in an increasingly powerful way. Just last night I communicated with President Putin and Russia online. I sent him a nice, humane and Godly message that I knew would have some appeal to him.

There is a language that the Elohim are using to comunicate with me. I have even had a vision of Yeshua on the White Horse in the sky. He gave me a message. I told you how I visited the Almighty at Jerusalem. Someone upstairs was impressed with that so Christ came to visit me just for three seconds literally and gave me a private message just for me. This is all real, folks. It is not a story. It is me writing an acurate report of what I have done and experienced. I can and probably will tell you if you give me the opportunity of the many experiences I have had. There are hundreds. I told you the other day it is endless. It is coming from forever eternal Alpha and Omega.

Today I want to draw your attention to HOUSE as my attention has been drawn to it metaphorically:

I have an interpretation of Daniel regarding the Temple. I don't want to specifically detail that right now as there is no need to. Everything has become HOUSE. The Almighty is sending me the message HOUSE!

It started with that visit to the Temple. I touched the post of Shekhinah Gate remember? Then in St Agnes after i returned I had all manner of weirdness happen around Beit H'Amal Achim (House of the Angels) at St Agnes, Cornwall, England. That was directly around the time of seeing the Rider on the White Horse in a vision. That was the heavy one that broke my mind and sent me to the belly of the whale because I would not obey. I have to go there every time I do not do what i am told. That happened in 2013.


edit on 16-10-2022 by Tarantula777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 04:03 AM
I ended up making HOUSE music. I love making it. I do it most days and am pretty good at it now. I am House of the Angels in my mind these days. That is my "handle". Yesterday it got too tough. I had to tell Israel off and I wanted to walk away forever. I wanted to shut my mouth because I have had enough. My mouth will not shut though. After I wrote what I wrote yesterday I again had amazing experiences. I sang all day two songs. I am a very good singer and guitar player. I sang:



My house is my studio. It is a lovely studio. You would be impressed. Here is Buffy Sainte Marie singing "Universal Soldier"

and Joan Baez singing "Where Have All the Flowers Gone":

You can change the words if you like and sing "He's fighting for Mother Russia, he's fighting for Ukraine"; I did all day yesterday and will do it some more today.

At first I could not make it through the singing of the songs without croaking it and bursting into tears. Slowly I found the control. I kept cracking on,

"Without him how could Hitler have condemned you at Dachau
Without him Caesar would have stood alone".

Again the Temple and the Jews come back to me in tears. I am back in the belly of the whale with no place to go, but tears and rain.

It is related to HOUSE. This morning I looked at my Neve Audio Interface that has made my sonic dreams come true from the origins of Creation, from a man called NEVE. I knew it meant something important. Upstairs was telling me. I knew it meant something in Hebrew.

I looked it up and found "Neve Tzedek", remembering where I had set foot even near Yaffa, Israel. I then looked into the word and it is an old Hebrew word wait for it...HOUSE or ABODE.

I know what the Metaphors are telling me now. It does not matter if those guys are being corrupt. There is something more important happening than that, seriously. Keep watching and praying. I promise you it will be okay. The Almighty is in HIS HOUSE, watching over us. The Great ET in the Sky is with us and will take us all to the Promised Land in the future.

You want to know a little of what I told President Putin in my message to he and Russia? This was in it:

I know Russians like that song very much.

I have written this in the Spirit of Lord Yeshua The Christ and His Father. Stay blessed and Amen, Bro and Siz! I am not giving up. It is to death and/or glory. I have so much to tell you. I hope I can get it across.

David Bowie can play this thread out as his song gave me the title:

edit on 16-10-2022 by Tarantula777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 04:17 AM
No offense but I can't make heads or tails of any of this?

It's kind of all over the place and I'm not sure what message you're trying to convey other than just asking about different talents and hobbies

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 06:12 AM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

It is written as well as I can. It is written with full meaning. It is meant for only who can see it. They will see.

You have to look at a painting to see it. I am writing in metaphors that you will not quite understand as I am a bit ahead. It will be understood in rerospect. I am quite deliberately using metaphors. This is how I think. It is way different to how you think. You have to read my other posts as I am linking lots. This is a very complicated bit of writing. I have read so much literature and listened to so much music and thought about so many concepts that I am writing with the intricacy of someone like Ezra Pound that way. Do you even know who Ezra Pound is? Do you know who Haile Selassie is? Do you know who Neve is? Did you listen to Bob Dylan tellling you,

"Ezra Pound and TS Eliot are fighting the captain's tower,
While calypso singers laugh at them and fishermen hold flowers
Between the windows of the sea where lovely mermaids flow
And nobody has to think too much about Desolation Row"?

In that one quote Bob is doing amazing things. He has linked you to Jack Kerouac's "Desolation Angels", Eliot's "Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock and "The Waste Land" poems. All that in just a few lines of a song and a few allusions. It then creates coherence for all involved and creates a tradition and development on a theme. It is pointless writing in the empty tabloid way. What is that communicating other than a lot of political retorts that are forgotten about tomorrow and will have no meaning at all in six months time. My words could mean something in even a hundred years and will still have spiritual credibility and relevance. I am trying to introduce you all to WRITING. You are all expressing an interest in the written word and have a desire to communicate and share. You can perfect your communication and give it weight and meaning. That is what I want for you. It is called EDUCATION. It is great fun and so creative to do this. It will give your neurons the language to express and share who you are and what your visions and experiences are which I want to read very much.

I did go to Chetenham College of Higher Education and did half a degree in English Literature, but dropped out as I didn't require any further educational help from them and the bit of paper qualification had zero meaning for me and my life.

You have to look them all up to know. They are developing a theme and referencing eachother's works. They steal and eat eachother's art as I have stolen and eaten their art. In literature they call it ALLUSION. You do not know them so you do not know me. You have to do like what I did. I looked up Neve this morning and then the elucidation came of its relativity to my proximity spiritually, in my life and in my music. Rupert NEVE was a Christian man who invented some amazing equipment. His Christian faith gave him visions of musical and auditory invention. I even wrote about that here in a few posts. Only they who read everything will know the whole meaning of what i am writing...and why, guys. Do you know who I want to read this most of all? It is the Jews, powerful Jews like Rothschild, Soros and all. I want them to read it the most, but I doubt they would bother. Jesus had to go to some considerable lengths to get people to even bother to listen to Him. I will not be able to do that of course.

Read the other posts if you want to know the meaning. You have to know what I wrote yesterday, what I wrote all along about these last months. I am writing not just threads, but experiences. The threads and replies I make are like chapters of a book. I am doing it deliberately. I did write before in a post that I am developing a theme. I am not just writing unrelated stuff. This is the opposite of all over the place. It has been carefully constructed, describing my inner journey, from my reaction yesterday and going full ape on the Jews to today coming out the other side of that. It is about how I came out the other side of it. I wrote yesterday, "Be seeing you on the other side of 666". Today I am on the other side of 666. I walked the gauntlet of the thing in my mind. You have to have an eye for literature and to be able to understand men like Eliot to have a hope of understanding me. I am wanting to encourage interpretation and thought in every thread and reply. I am uing allusion all the time, in a Christian visionary way.

The Bible does this too. Christ and prophets, the LORD Himself, speak in metaphors. Adam and Eve are a metaphor. It was evolution in real life, but this is the Divine Metaphor that explains it with meaning and poetry. The Almighty and Christ are poets and writers because they used words creatively. They call Jesus THE WORD for a very good reason. His Words even make Pound and Eliot look like kindergarten kids.

You are welcome to pass me off as a loon who is wasting your time. I am writing it for me probably more than anyone else. i am keeping a record. That is why i said it is complicated. Some writing requires thought and deliberation, imagination and suspension of disbelief, "surrendering" to the experience as TS Eliot descrbed the reading process. I am writing for intelligence, not tabloid soundbytes and reactions to mundane binary political rhetoric. People find Bob Dylan hard to understand too. He is. He does it for a reason too.

It's the only explanantion I have. It's the only language I have. There are references here all over the place if you know your stuff. This is an autobiographical composition. Like "Tarantula" is the name of a book written by Bob Dylan in the late 1960s. My name here is even a reference. I am trying to draw people to concepts. Bob Dylan, if he read this thread, would understand every word. I write like the beatniks. It is they I chose as the way I would express myself in words. Again, it is for a reason.

It is not me being all over the place, You have to look hard at this message. I am trying to tell people who believe in aliens that the Almighty is the real Alien, the real ET. I am writing creatively because it is pointless just writing the same old way. I wrote in a post here before about creativity and the Tree of Life. You have to look. If you don't look it does not matter really. I wrote it for me to clarify my experiences over yesterday and today.

I can link every concept I am writing about up. I can write a hundred pages right now explaining each link. I am obviously not going to do that. I am sharing the experience of a mind who is developing their Christianity, inspired by vision, metaphor correspondences and so much more.

Hah! Perhaps it is an alien language??? It is my language. I am communicating internally with the Boss upstairs. There is a relationship and a sharing of concepts and ideas. It is an ongoing process and it will last forever now I exist. This is possible for all humans. Most would be too confused by it and go nuts. I nearly went nuts until I understood and joined up the dots over a life time. Eliot neatrly went nuts. Jonah nearly went nuts. Bob Dylan nearly went nuts. Jesus talking to Satan on a mountain top is not exactly common social activity. We can do all of this. All of us can do it. I wrote the other day that "Everyman" has become "Everyperson". I am just continuing with that theme. I want us all to light up like fireworks in this nasty dark night of life. Do it with WORDS.

edit on 16-10-2022 by Tarantula777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 07:00 AM
a reply to: Tarantula777

I have a canny ability to 'tune in' so to speak and I often get the theme of music. There's magic in music, it can mean different things to different people but hold the exact same theme, almost like it can unify minds through time and space. Haha

It's why I posted that music vid yesterday... Peace of mind is a brilliant thing but you just don't get that when you're under attack do you? Well, Tupac said all eyes on me. I've had some funky experiences in my life like yours too and maybe they're connected with everything maybe they were nothing. Make no mistake I can apply maybe to them now and I have for a few years.

I don't like to define cosmic ultimatums but the acceptance of deism seemed to do it for me now that I look back. Everything else is allowed. Or for the assassins creed fan's, nothing's real. Everything's permitted. Lol

Christianity is but a string, I don't know if we're part of a harp or a cloth but it's not just humanity we're intertwined with as you point out.

Hmm, I have an irrational phobia of spiders that I managed with destruction that I'm dealing with. We can change our approach. We can learn to live in peace.

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 10:12 AM
I am with you. I could only ever afford the API preamps though. I bought a house recently. It really needs some work and I have barely unpacked. I take steps on it almost everyday but my kids slow the process. Where can I listen to some of your music? I have some stuff on soundcloud.

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 01:43 PM
A bit a head of us eh……yet In your fifties preaching on a conspiracy forum.

I find some folks use flowery and convoluted communication in order to sound superior. They are however idiots. Beatniks if your will.

Your super special insight sound a awful lot like basic Jehovah witness cult beliefs.
a reply to: Tarantula777

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: Tarantula777

Sorry, as a Vietnam veteran I find the song and sentiments of “universal soldier “ extremely offensive. That song is an affront to the memory of those who fought and died for their country and and was aimed directly at those who fought in Vietnam.

This is the sentiment that was responsible for returning soldiers being spat upon by pretty young things in short dresses. I know a little about this as I lived thru it. Blame the soldier, it’s all his fault, if it weren’t for him there would be no war. If it’s his fault then it’s okay to spit on him. It must also be okay to call the parents of the those who died and tell them how happy you are that their son came home in a bag whose contents were so horribly mutilated there would be no open casket.

You have no idea of the damage that was caused by those beliefs and sentiments.

I was 19 went I went overseas, I’m almost 73 now. The memory of how I was treated when I came back is as fresh as if it happened yesterday, and still feels like an open wound. Imagine that for a moment or two. Touchdown in the US, Bremerton Washington. 3 days ago you were in combat. Finally you are on that plane that is taking you home from the nightmare you were in for the last year. Imagine your thoughts going home on that long flight. You survived that nightmare, it’s over, you’re finally going home. Then you receive that very special homecoming.

It’s something that has affected my entire being, it’s not over for me, and I’m not alone.

So, listen carefully to those lyrics, I’m the one responsible, not the government, not the politicians. It’s my fault alone. The unspoken part was that I should be punished, and believe me when I say they heard that too.

Think about that when you play your song, and please don’t bother to thank me for my service.

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