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Is technology behaving in an odd way for you?

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posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 12:07 PM
Where I am located I have noticed a number of internet service providers, including cellular networks, operating very slowly and cutting out periodically. Other systems I have communicated with are reporting similar experience. Additionally, a number of devices connected to these networks are behaving in unexpected ways, often not working or simply resetting. The issue seems to be growing. I was wondering if any people have noticed this as well?

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: Machshev

I had that problem while using my ISP DNS server a few month ago. Then the google DNS acted up too, so I went for cloudflare and it's a lot faster now. Pages come up instantly.

But yes, in the last three days, a lot of websites seemed to struggle.

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: Machshev

CenturyLink has been out for several hours now...
Our phones and internet don't work...

I've been told four or five more hours for repair..
Apparently a backhoe cut the wire....😂
edit on 28-9-2022 by Bluntone22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: Bluntone22

This morning they had issues with all cashless payment in the supermarkets.

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 01:26 PM

originally posted by: Machshev
Where I am located I have noticed a number of internet service providers, including cellular networks, operating very slowly and cutting out periodically. Other systems I have communicated with are reporting similar experience. Additionally, a number of devices connected to these networks are behaving in unexpected ways, often not working or simply resetting. The issue seems to be growing. I was wondering if any people have noticed this as well?

Complex things break from time to time and when they do the first jump shouldn't be something nefarious is happening. Please note I am not saying the OP is doing that but it is a common response in the CT world.

When things go wrong a good place to start is DownDetector or other similar outage aggregation services:

More often then not when an outage occurs across multiple services nowadays its a good bet to look at AWS and see what drama they are having. People would be surprised at the scale, scope and impact AWS actually controls on the Internet.

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 03:13 PM
a reply to: underwerks

Damn my nihilistic dyslexia. I thought the skimmed
headline was 'Giant Solar SYSTEM Crashed Into Earth'.
"I need PARTS!" Gary Larson,
"Hit me."Johnny Reeves Mnemonic

And I haven't been able to keep my VPN in one piece
for love or moneyeither, for over two months.
Forget masking getting me kicked off financial pages:
I expect that for everybody but the State Troopers.
(They already know
everything about me there is to know that's wortha $#)

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 03:28 PM
Yes, my internet over last 2 weeks here in UK.
Many of my online students are reporting the same. Particularly Facebook. I thought my laptop had done overnight 'updates' and had caused a lag. Cleared itself aver a couple of days, then it happened again the following week, aka last week. Worst website was Farcebook. It's still slower than other places, they seem fine now.
In my defence, I am a complete technophobe!

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 05:40 PM
My tech has been fine, but I don't use a lot of it. My most futuristic gadget is my laptop from which I bring you this message. But, friends of mine who are big tech geeks are having sudden issues.
I can't even count how many times over the last month various people in my circle have said, "it never does this! It's never malfunctioned like this before!" or things like "what on earth is it doing? I've never had it do this, I've had this -insert gadget type here- for years!"
Just over and over. Everyone I hang out with. Friend's printer, other friend's DVD player, another friend's cell phone, I have a friend that "live streams" local events and out of nowhere this friend's videos got choppy, even though they were taken in the same location as they always record them. All sorts of wacky stuff.

Maybe we are just paying more attention to our gadgets failing. With everything else in the world seeming so strange, it makes us notice everything that fails more.

Or maybe things are getting overworked, overloaded, cell towers overloaded etc etc for whatever reason causing issues.

I don't know.

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 05:55 PM

originally posted by: underwerks
Huge Unexpected Solar Storm Smashes Into Earth From Mystery Source

Wait , that didn't make sense .
Solar = Sun.

Unexpected Solar Storm Smashes Into Earth From Mystery Source

Mystery source ?
HADES , even I know the source as Niburu doesn't exist .
Or , does it ?

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 08:03 PM
Mercury is in Retrograde folks, happens a lot actually.

Three to four times each year, Mercury goes through a three-week long retrograde cycle when the planet appears to stop, pivot, and move backward in the sky. You know when you’re on a train and you pass a train on another track that’s moving at a different speed? The way that other train appears to move backward is exactly what is happening from our perspective on Earth: When orbits align, the planets in our solar system appear to shift their direction. Similarly, the retrograde period itself challenges our POV and implores us to look at life from a totally different vantage. And in the case of speedy Mercury, that can feel a bit … messy.

So when is the next Mercury retrograde?
On September 9 at 11:38 p.m. ET. Mercury will begin its retrograde motion in Libra (the air sign symbolized by the scales of balance, representing partnership, harmony, and justice) and continue until September 23, when it shifts into Virgo (the earth sign associated with systems, organization, and structure) through October 2.

But wait, there’s more! Many astrologers (present company included) consider the “shadow phases” (sometimes referred to as “retroshade”) as part of the Mercury retrograde cycle. The shadow phases come before and after the retrograde dates with the “pre-shadow” period revealing what will be challenged and the “post-shadow” period smoothing out any retrograde-riddled changes. So if you’ve been feeling weird, it may be because Mercury entered its pre-shadow phase all the way back on August 21 and won’t emerge from its post-shadow phase until October 17. So, all things considered, the impacts of Mercury retrograde are actually experienced for approximately two months. Oop!

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