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John's Seven Headed Beast is of Sumerian Origin

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posted on Aug, 16 2022 @ 05:01 AM

In Revelation John, as we know, uses the metaphor of the Seven Headed Beast to describe human power and its systems in a supernatural way. The Seven Headed Beast goes all the way back to Sumeria and where Abraham came from. I have noticed so much of the Hebrew and Christian Bible's roots coming from there. Even Baphomet comes from there. The emon that "The Excorcist" movie is based on is called Pazuzu and strikes the same one arm above and another below posture that featured as recently as George Washington's statue striking the same pose as the Roman emperors did before him. "Nothing is new under the Sun", so says the King. There is even a word in Swahili from Sub Sahara "Zuzu" that means fool and this word even gets into modern French (and modern English through the medium of movie). Remember there is a huge Jewish representation in Hollywood. I have seen so many of their folk tales and superstitions, stories and creative atavisms come through in the U.S movie industry. It is no different to what the Greeks were up to with their public drama, just its own idiosycrasy in the modern age.

The more research I have done at this fast pace now available through the internet patterns are revealing themselves, as they are to all of us who are interested in learning. This will help us to now advance very quickly I hope as we need to urgently get conscious if we don't want to be wiped out by the destruction we have brought to the earth and ourselves. Is it a wonder The Most High banished us from Eden and despatched an eternal Angel with a Sword guarding it and the Tree of Life from us? That is the meaning of Babel too. Our development was deliberately sabotaged and retarded because we would have ran before we could walk. That is my interpretation of it anyway. We would have made weapons beyond our savage state of behaviour control. We struggle with that even so.

Abraham came from Iraq, as did the whole Hebrew conception. It is his baby. Judaism and Christ too carry with them so much cultural information that came from Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia itself would have inherited a lot of their source information culturally from others such as the builders of Gobekli Tepe and their descendents. All around the Levant and Near East these cultures fed on each other, including the Greeks, Romans and eventually us. I see in Gobekli Tepi much in common with African animism. Africa, as the source of everything human, has been influencing us cutlurally all the way in a cultural context as the root of so much of what we believe even today. How could it be any different? That is where we all came from.

We see in John's Seven Headed Beast a metaphorical atavism to a culture memory that goes all the way back to Sumer and into the unconscious of our origins as we slowly evolved out of the animal kingdom. That fear of serpents and sea monsters is all based on animal instinct originally. Animals know what to fear from their environment instinctively. They know what kills them with bites, stings and venom.

Read the Wiki articles for a full explanantion relating to serpents/dragons. I've no doubt our ancestors found huge skeletons of dinosaurs and whales, all manner of predators that have cunning beyond our defenses. They saw the huge lizards like komodos, crocodiles, whales and sharks in the sea. They could not explore the depths like we can and so often only saw the huge slither of a whales back and water spraying from their blow holes. Blue Whales have been seen in the Red Sea and the Med on Israel's coast.

Even in our Judaism and Christianity today we are still using metaphors from our animist roots to give language and meaning to our modern consciousness of the universe, physical and hidden. The Seven Headed Beast of Revelation has a modern siginificance, a modern meaning and sense. As it had meaning for the Mesopotamians, remembered and passed down to the Jews and Christians through Abraham, it still has a meaning for us.

It is fascinating to consider why John specifically chose the word "Dragon" for Satan the Adversary relating to the last of the Last Days. To me Satan is the Adverse. It is the destroyer, the one who tempts away from purpose. That is what Christ meant by it. Consider His temptations and how He overcame that by sticking to the purpose of His mission. He called even His best friend and rock Peter a Satan. He called whatever was adverse to His purpose Satan. The Dragon is the ultimate metaphor for what is toxic to us, what may kill us if we play with it or even go near it. The metaphor becomes animistically obvious.

When you read the Wiki article about the origins of "Dragon" you will notice that China is the Dragon culturally if any state can be said to represent this metaphor in a modern sense. Its Emperors gave homage to the Dragon, spiritually, culturall and metaphorically down the ages. It is the highest up of the animal hierarchy of their year cycles. Notice how their years are still based on Animism too. It is very Pagan in origin, unadultarated Paganism.

I was reading today about the lockdown imposed on a shopping centre in China,

There were chaotic scenes at an Ikea store in Shanghai on Saturday, with shoppers trying to escape as authorities tried to quarantine them. Health officials were attempting to lock the store in Xuhui district down as a customer had been in close contact with a positive Covid case. Videos show the guards closing the doors at one point, but a crowd forced them open and made their escape. Shanghai endured a severe two-month lockdown earlier this year. Since then, in line with the country's strict "zero-Covid" strategy, the city of 20 million people has ordered flash lockdowns of areas where positive cases or their close contacts have been detected. Many have been locked down in unusual locations - including hot pot restaurants, gyms and offices.

Compare that to our Western cultures of freedom. Consider how powerful China are becoming in our world. Consider how they are influencing Western politics and starting to shut us down with their financial heavyweight power; their business custom and riches for whoever will deal with this Dragon, their control of raw resources and political leverage in states that hold these raw resources. Consider our political future now this Dragon has become so powerful.

To me it is a snake we should not play with. I believe John's usage of "Dragon" was meant for modern ears to clearly hear. Although I see the roots of all that is Hebrew and Christian it only makes me believe more strongly in my own Christian faith and its Hebrew parent. Science is not a snake to me. It is not a Dragon to be feared, but China is. My next door neighbours are Chinese. I get on well with them. I like them. It is the system and how it has manifested that is a Satan and great Adversary to me and my freedom. What were we taught to do whenever faced with dangerous metaphorical serpents? I will always have to say "Get behind me" whenevr faced with that. We can't allow our freedom to be swallowed up by this Leviathan.

Unfortunately I can't be active on this thread. I am very busy. I wrote this for you guys here at ATS becaue I wanted to share intel with you, that's all. Make of it what you want and will. We are all free.

edit on 16-8-2022 by Tarantula777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2022 @ 09:20 AM
' The apostle Paul said, “Who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man’s spirit within him?” (1 Corinthians 2:11). Upon death the “spirit returns back to God who gave it” (Ecclesiastes 12:7'

If you take out doctrine from organized religion (which all believe only in their righteousness), cultural heritage and belief systems given to us you are left with only the God spirit to guide you. That seems like a better compass than all the contradictory information/misinformation we're being spoon fed to pick from.

Deuteronomy 4:29 proclaims, “But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul.”

I'm thinking it doesn't matter what your religious or cultural background or beliefs are; if you seek to unite with the Creator He'll guide you in the right direction, sans/despite all the background noise man has thrown in.

Eskimo: 'If I did not know about God and sin, would I go to hell?' Priest: 'No, not if you did not know.' Eskimo: 'Then why did you tell me?'

Annie Dillard

edit on 200000099America/Chicago311 by nugget1 because: eta

posted on Aug, 17 2022 @ 06:37 AM
Dragons culturally have very different meanings across the globe. Seems odd to attribute yours to someone else.

a reply to: Tarantula777

posted on Aug, 19 2022 @ 06:50 AM
a reply to: Tarantula777

In visions/dreams and prophecy the number 7 just signifies completion, not to be taken literally. In Revelation chapter 1 there are 7 stars/angels (messengers/elders) and 7 golden lamp stands (churches). It’s only meant to apply practically to all churches and the people in churches individually.

“He who has an ear (singular person) let him (singular to the reader) hear what the Spirit says to the churches” (plural) - Revelation 2:29

edit on 8 19 2022 by NOTurTypical because: Added verse to clarify point

posted on Aug, 19 2022 @ 01:11 PM
Usually the 7 headed beast is depicted as single large Hydra, where it is the Fourth Beast of the Sea an the First, in relation to the later second, that is given authority. Then there is other mentions of it relating to Babylon, which was Sumeria beforehand.

In pretty much most oriental nations, Dragons were considered divine, celestial beings, whose movements would shake the heavens an the earth basically, and there are a many different types of dragons in that part of the world, would be much like generic elemental spirits or even Faeries in Europe. Which goes back to Serpent, an rain worship some what, mixed with other animals to depict it. Usually, the west tends to view dragons as invasive malevolent beasts, hell bent on destruction, where as the actual Merlin used Dragons to represent Kingdoms in his visions.

I also recall, that the Seraphs or Seraphim from the Judeo-Christianity, while depicted as concealed humanoids, being labeled as fiery serpents, brazen hydras, or maybe even the fiery Salamander from Alchemy maybe. There also the Cherubim, which kind of follows suit, which unlike the Seraphim, was a mixed beast like Tetramorph, before being becoming a naked baby angel by DaVinci comes from Mesopotamia.

Also, the giant snakes heads sailors probably used to sea giant whale wangs flopping around like an angry monster…

edit on 19-8-2022 by Proto88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-8-2022 by Proto88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-8-2022 by Proto88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2022 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: Proto88

In the book of Revelation the dragon in the vision is Satan.

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 10:01 AM
anything but believe the scriptures as they are.

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