posted on Aug, 12 2022 @ 01:10 PM
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I did really enjoy that episode, in fact, the whole season, for that matter. They always pull from current events in some fashion, just amplified in
some way. Look at DS9, for example; one of the time travel episodes has Sisko and O'Brien stuck in a slum for folks with no papers. Past Tense, I
believe the episode title is; we also have Dax with the "haves" and talking about how horrible it all is and why won't they do something to fix this.
Typical hand wringing.
Even looking at some of the things Q talks about during Encounter at Farpoint in TNG, they were also timely topics. I don't think any of this is
planned or staged to mimic actual events; I think they take current events and extrapolate them out to their eventual conclusions (as the writers
see). The accepted Trek canon at this point is that humanity is going to hose itself fairly soon, they always put the timeline far enough ahead as to
be plausible. Which if you look at previous episodes and how some events played out in real life, they are quite similar. I don't think it takes an
oracle to figure out how they're doing it though.