posted on Aug, 5 2022 @ 12:01 PM
Deana Hinshaw, the charismatic Chief Medical Officer for Alberta, received a 230K bonus in 2021 for all of her hard work destroying livelihoods and
lives during the Covid Pandemic.
“Alberta’s sunshine list shows additional cash benefits totaling nearly $230,000. All added up, that is more than $590,000 in compensation.“
“In 2021, the same time that registered nurses were looking at having to take job action because the employer, the government, was saying: ‘We
have to roll back wages,’ they were giving the senior medical officer of health an increase of 60 per cent.”
I need to find a job where I can just coast through my career. One where if I am actually expected to do the job that I was hired for I would get paid
a boatload more moe.
In addition to accepting this bonus she thumbed her nose at Albertan’s concerns about her advice that led to gross government overreach.
“CALGARY: Dr. Deena Hinshaw is too busy to testify in defence of her Health Orders, but not too busy to take a vacation during the days she was
scheduled to testify in court.“
“The Justice Centre has now learned that, upon the Alberta government obtaining the adjournment, Dr. Hinshaw booked a three-day vacation, including
the very days she was scheduled to testify in court.“
It should be noted that many of the charges and fines handed out due to her professional advice are not holding up in court.
I ask myself how this civil servant deserved this compensation.
Is this happening in other areas of North America as well?