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China: Ancient Pyramids + Explosions: "Underground Forests in Mystery Holes of Guangxi"

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posted on Jul, 23 2022 @ 07:52 PM
a reply to: sapien82

And there's the famous (some years ago) case of the Bosnian pyramids.

I haven't seen how things are about that case in recent years.

posted on Jul, 23 2022 @ 08:03 PM
If My memory serves correctly wasn’t there a complex discovered recently (like within the last decade) by a boy on google earth?

He recognised a celestial map theme in the locations of known sites and found a star position that hadn’t been explored. Lo and behold a temple complex was unearthed in South America at the indicated location.

Could the same method be used, possibly using the AE pyramids and the Nile as Milky Way, to offer some locations of interest?

Cool thread btw

a reply to: JamesChessman

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 01:22 AM
a reply to: ArMaP

PS: why the aggressive tone in your response?

I haven't read your whole posts; I just glanced and this sentence jumped out at me.

I apologize if my tone sounded wrong, and I didn't mean it.

We've mentioned before, how the written-format is really a language-gap, all by itself, and it's really easy for misunderstandings... plus the actual different languages being auto-translated, between people... and plus, I was somewhat rushing through my last posts, and I didn't realize if my tone sounded wrong. (I was maybe over-explaining things, and maybe it looked wrong that I was capitalizing certain words, but I didn't mean that.)

I checked my last posts and I was really just explaining that ancient structures can remain buried, without any parts being exposed... and then I explained the strangeness of the copyright claim, there's basically a different documentary that claimed a few seconds of very unimpressive footage, yet I never saw that show, I've only seen the doc video that I embedded...

...You know what, maybe what seemed rude was that I was basically assuming that you didn't know about the buried-pyramid in Puebla, MX?

If that's what seemed rude, I really didn't mean that. Actually I assumed that MOST people don't know about the buried temple in Puebla, MX. I only learned about it a few yrs ago, myself...

Anyways, apologies if my posts came across wrong, I really do prefer to keep up the positive vibration.

edit on 24-7-2022 by JamesChessman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 02:34 AM
I never got the upload to work with the handful of screenshots that I was originally going to embed in the OP.

Well so I deliberately took a small, low-res screenshot, and then it uploaded fine.

So here's that small, low-res image... of the seemingly exploded-pyramid:

The caves that are visible within the crater, they would be the remnants of the hallways and passages, originally built into that ancient pyramid.

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 02:50 AM

originally posted by: ArMaP

originally posted by: JamesChessman
It's absurd though, because there was nothing particularly interesting about the specific banned footage of that shrimp. It was basically stock-footage of the creature, and completely separate from the specific banned bits, there is still plenty of fair-use footage that I could still use, no problem. In fact, my vid still has the best video clips of the thing.

Being stock-footage is probably the reason it is not allowed, as it was sold for use in the original video and you do not have a licence to use it.

Well I should have taken a screenshot of the copyright claim but I believe that... it was from something called "The Land That Time Forgot." I assumed that it was just another documentary about these caves in China.

...But I just looked it up and it's a damn action-adventure movie, with a lame T-Rex made of lame CGI, apparently, lol.

So if this is really the same thing, then it really must have been a wrong copyright claim, auto-generated:

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 03:09 AM
a reply to: ArMaP

Do we know how the site looked when the Spanish built the church?

^No, I don't think so.

The previous link explains the original pyramid construction as concluding sometime in the 800's A.D.

The pyramid was constructed in four phases, expected to start from the 3rd century BC to the 9th century AD, and dedicated to the god Quetzalcoatl.

Then the Spanish church was built in 1594.

This church called Iglesia de Nuestra Senora de los Remedios (Church of Our Lady of Remedies), also known as the Santuario de la Virgen de los Remedios (Sanctuary of the Virgin of Remedies), which was built in 1594 on top of a temple pre-Hispanic

So I don't think we know whether the Spanish knowingly built their church on top the giant pyramid. Or maybe they just thought it was a hill.

I don't think we can really know for sure, either way?

Because the dates basically mean the pyramid was finished 600 yrs before the Spanish church, and I could imagine that it might have already been covered in greenery, in 600 yrs time?

Or the entire timeline could also be wrong, of course. It might have had a lot MORE time than 600 yrs, before the Spanish church... A few THOUSAND years was basically how I was thinking of it...

...I've heard of the "Youn ger Dryas" event event being a cataclysm that apparently took place something like 11,000 yrs ago, so that was mostly how I usually think about such ancient cataclysm or ancient warfare destruction.

I think that's also the general timeframe that supposed to match up with the Sphinx in Egypt, matching the Leo constellation...

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 03:21 AM
a reply to: sapien82

that first crater in the video at 0;30 seconds looks to me like an overgrown caldera of an extinct volcano with collapsed lava tubes making the caves, really cool .

^Thanks, that's actually a great natural explanation for the crater and those several caves.

People think anything remotely pyramid shaped is a buried pyramid

schiehallion mountain in scotland has pyramid like features but its a natural mountain formation

^I've never looked into that mountain but I tend to think that the planet is probably full of at least a couple dozen, or a few dozen, giant pyramids which have become covered in soil and overgrown with trees.

So I think it's probably a pretty common thing, and I bet that your mountain just might be an ancient pyramid, too...

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 03:34 AM
a reply to: ArMaP

It only works like that if you are pouring soil over the pyramids, soil accumulated through natural processes will not cover the buildings like it was some kind of icing sugar frosting on a cake.

Look at the image below and you will see that the "pyramids" are superimposed over each other. The one I marked in red would have to be almost half inside the one behind it, while the one in yellow would need to have a big part of it inside the one on the left.

^I'm really surprised to see you making such statements about what is possible from natural processes over thousands of years.

Maybe this is a problem of the timeline we're imagining. Above I linked the wiki for the "Youn ger Dryas" event.

I thought I had always mostly heard that it happened about 10,500 yrs ago. Some kind of global devastation event, whether natural or artificial, i.e. the unimaginable destruction of an ancient alien warfare, which has left its marks across the different bodies in our solar system. The moon seemed blasted by it, and Mars especially looks like it took a blast hit, with electrical marks on the sides of its huge scars.

So anyways, that's usually my timeframe in mind. The ancient aliens destroyed everything around 11,000 yrs ago.

That was ample time for the nuclear waste to die down... and for a new wave of humans to go through another primitive stone age, and slowly develop civilization again, in the last few thousand years.

So considering that 11,000 yrs destruction event, predating our last few thousand years of puny human civilization: Does that timeframe fit better, that the pyramid was exploded 11,000 yrs ago? And so it had 11,000 yrs to accumulate soil and grow greenery.

Does this larger timeline make the idea more possible, than how you were previously thinking of its timeline?

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 03:46 AM
a reply to: ArMaP

It is how it works, as there's a big difference between the "pyramids" in the video and the Mexico temple, and that's the angle of their sides.
In the same way roofs of the houses in places where it snows have more vertical sides to avoid the snow to accumulate on them, more vertical slopes like the ones on the video do not accumulate dust that easily, and have a stronger tendency of having it removed by wind and rain.

^Well you DO have a good point about vertical shapes accumulating less than more horizontal shapes. That seems that it must be true.

But anyway, I can imagine almost anything getting buried in 11,000 years of natural processes, going by the time since the Young Dryas Event, linked above.

So I'm guessing that it's the timeline in mind, which is probably the biggest factor of whether ancient structures can be really buried by nature, or not.

And if that Event was really so catastrophic: It probably caused a HUGE amount of dirt and dust to fly around for a few hundred years, maybe a couple thousand years? We're potentially talking ancient nuclear war, so we can figure that the doomsday dust cloud, helped bury everything faster...

But I think what it boils down to, is that I could easily imagine nature burying stuff in 11,000 yrs' wind and dirt being blown around in a wet climate.

So I'm guessing it's mostly that you're not considering it such a long timeline, which could probably bury anything, with enough thousands of years!

(And especially with that Young Dryas event / nuclear warfare, the nuclear dust cloud would spread dirt around the planet, and accumulate everywhere, faster than normal.)

edit on 24-7-2022 by JamesChessman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 04:00 AM
For what it's worth, the wiki page for the Younger Dryas event is really quite dry, and rather unclear.

I think what IS safe to say, is that there was a specific period of HUGE cataclysmic changes on Earth, around 11,000 yrs ago.

Here's one small quote from the wiki, saying that Earth's climates CHANGED SUDDENLY AND DRAMATICALLY:

The change to glacial conditions at the onset of the Younger Dryas in the higher latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, between 12,900 and 11,500 calibrated years BP, has been argued to have been quite abrupt.[16] It is in sharp contrast to the warming of the preceding Older Dryas interstadial. Its end has been inferred to have occurred over a period of a decade or so,[17] but the onset may have even been faster.

^Within a decade! That's practically INSTANT climate change, for whatever reason, 11000 yrs ago.

So that's my typical timeframe for thinking about ancient structures and their destruction. I usually think that there was unimaginable warfare that destroyed everything across the solar system. The moon and Mars became "dead" celestial bodies with ugly scars. Other planets might also show damage from the cataclysm.

Earth managed to "survive" as a "living" planet, after that cataclysm (whereas I imagine that the moon and Mars were also "alive" before that Event killed them). Earth was essentially "wiped clean" of its life, but there was enough time, in eleven thousand years, for the radioactive clouds to settle down, and for new life to propagate again.

...Anyways, that's how / why I figure that the pyramid in China was probably blown-up around that time, 11,000 years ago.

More than enough time for the dust to settle, to accumulate, and grow some grass and trees, imo.

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 04:20 AM
a reply to: ArMaP

So no, we can't just imagine that we know about how erosion would keep the top of a pyramid clear. We don't know that, and there are plenty examples of actual buried stuff that remains buried.

But you can imagine an extra-terrestrial intervention in building supposed pyramids, with some being partially destroyed by some unknown method...

^Well these are really 2 very different judgments though.

My 1st statement is that we can't assume that we know the limits of natural processes over thousands of years, specifically whether nature CAN bury something, or not.

So my statement there is: We can't assume we know the limits of such natural processes.

Then the 2nd thing is whether aliens can build stuff on Earth. It's obviously something that's physically POSSIBLE, and that's proven by mankind visiting the moon, and planting the flag. That's humans building stuff on the moon, so there's really no question whether it's POSSIBLE for physical creatures to visit other celestial bodies and build stuff.

And then also, my inclination to interpret things that way, does have realistic reasons behind it. The existence of Egypt's pyramids and Sphinx etc. is more than enough reason to wonder if such structures exist elsewhere, and they're just buried from nature over thousands of years.

Everything is realistically POSSIBLE.

Like I said previously, I think Egypt's desert dryness is the simple reason why we see the crazy ancient structures preserved there, better than anywhere else.

Which means that modern humanity is living in new layers of soil and vegetation growth... over the ruins of ancient advanced civilizations.

What an absurd world, haha.

And then another reason to suspect aliens is because most humans are just primitive creatures, even today.

The average person is probably similar intelligence to a chimpanzee if we're honest about it. Present company excluded, haha, but if we acknowledge that most of humanity is basically living like animals: Well I can barely imagine most MODERN people accomplishing anything at all, let alone ANCIENT humans building giant pyramids.

It was a completely different wave of human civilization, to say the very least...!!

Anyways, if we believe in an ancient civilization, MORE ADVANCED than modern humanity:

Then it basically boils down to either aliens, and / or humans of a completely different civilization from our own.

Either way, there's no connection between modern-day mankind... and the long-past ADVANCED civilizations, which built pyramids. imo.
edit on 24-7-2022 by JamesChessman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 04:40 AM
a reply to: ArMaP

No, I didn't know about that specific case, and it doesn't contradict my assumptions, as the shape is different, we would need the same shape, preferably on an area with the same climate.

I see you didn't comment on the part about the composition of the "pyramids"...

The "composition" of the "pyramids" is referring to different shapes of ancient structures, accumulating differently, correct?

If so, then I acknowledged that you have a point about that. And that I must be thinking of a much bigger timeline, to imagine nature burying such things.

I think it just takes a bigger timeline to imagine nature burying those "pyramids" in China, for example. The ancient war destroyed everything, eleven thousand yrs ago, it's plenty of time for some soil layers to accumulate over the ruins and grow greenery.

And there's also that EXTRA accumulation from the Young Dryas doomsday dust clouds, if we really need an extra reason why nature could bury something like that...

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 04:56 AM

originally posted by: ArMaP
a reply to: sapien82

And there's the famous (some years ago) case of the Bosnian pyramids.

I haven't seen how things are about that case in recent years.

^I'm glad you mentioned that because it prompted me to look it up.

It looks VERY convincingly artificial imo.

And now I'm reading the listing on For what it's worth, THEY seem clear that it's an ancient pyramid, completely covered in soil and vegetation.

They're calling it the "Ancient Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun:"

With its height of over 220 meters is the tallest pyramid in the World. It has regular pyramid geometry with three preserved sides: north, east and west. It is coated by rectangular blocks. According to the Institutes for materials from Bosnia-Herzegovina (2006-2008) and Politecnico di Torino from Italy (2009.) blocks are made from the best quality concrete material superior to modern concretes. According to the State Institute for Geodesy (2006) northern side perfectly matches the Cosmic North with the error of less than one degree. Slope of the pyramid sides to the base is at the 45 degrees. German geophysicists confirmed in 2007 existence of the inner passageways using geo-radar instruments. ni.html

So what's up with that, you mentioned a full tree-covered pyramid, and you also mentioned to me that... such an ancient pyramid... wouldn't be fully covered with foliage?

Does that mean that you mentioned the Bosnian pyramids as NATURAL? Because if so, then tripadvisor disagrees with you on that...

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 05:10 AM

originally posted by: Dalamax
If My memory serves correctly wasn’t there a complex discovered recently (like within the last decade) by a boy on google earth?

He recognised a celestial map theme in the locations of known sites and found a star position that hadn’t been explored. Lo and behold a temple complex was unearthed in South America at the indicated location.

Could the same method be used, possibly using the AE pyramids and the Nile as Milky Way, to offer some locations of interest?

Cool thread btw

a reply to: JamesChessman

^Thanks, and yes, that was definitely a true series of events that happened recently. A boy who figured out buried temples' ruins, because of studying star maps, and comparing to known ruins, he was able to predict the real existence of OTHER ruins that had been undiscovered.

So I know that was true, inasmuch as I remember that happening in the news recently. But I'd have to look it up, exactly what happened. What country it was in, etc.

It was an awesome story that I had not given much attention to, unfortunately.
edit on 24-7-2022 by JamesChessman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 06:07 AM
a reply to: Dalamax

Could the same method be used, possibly using the AE pyramids and the Nile as Milky Way, to offer some locations of interest?

I've also heard of a mysterious small pyramid, which was destroyed, in the famous Egypt cluster of pyramids.

Supposedly it was drawn in explorers' pictures... a few hundred years ago, IIRC.

I've never gotten around to pouring some time and energy into that mystery... but if there really WAS a missing pyramid, then it MIGHT suggest DIFFERENT STARS being represented, rather than the normal interpretation?

The Nile River seems pretty clear that it corresponded with the Milky Way galaxy (which can be seen by the naked eye, on a clear night).

And the normal interpretation of the three biggest pyramids (in Egypt) is that they correspond with the stars in Orion's Belt.

^And it seems a pretty natural interpretation, because it's such a bright, prominent constellation, in the night sky.

So I mostly think that it's probably true, that the pyramids are Orion's Belt... but who knows, it might be a different star cluster, if we figure in a missing pyramid, maybe.

I just mostly doubt it, that one more small pyramid, would have made a HUGE difference, in the interpretation...

Would it?

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 06:39 AM

originally posted by: JamesChessman
a reply to: ArMaP

PS: why the aggressive tone in your response?

I haven't read your whole posts; I just glanced and this sentence jumped out at me.

I apologize if my tone sounded wrong, and I didn't mean it.

so you admit to not reading replies in their entirety and just spewing out your own fantasy instead while ignoring everything that others have to say, effectively disrespecting them. why should anyone discuss anything with you, if all you can accept is a damn echo chamber and you don't care about actual discussion at all?

here's my theory: you've lied, and you did read the entire message, because every single bit of attention is the whole reason you're on ATS in the first place. you just elected to ignored the bits that may contradict your BS, as usual, then went yadda-yadda about how written form is oh-so-ineffective instead of staying on topic.

there's no discussion with someone like you. none at all. personally i'm just wondering how your "lets post BS/hoax threads to direct attention to my BS youtube channel" scheme didn't get you banned yet. for me it's pretty clear that this isn't just "ignorance" on your part - to avoid using more precise descriptions of your reasoning that you could get all butthurt about - because you're ignoring everything that doesn't fit your narrative, on purpose, pretending it wasn't even said. took you less than 2 pages this time. what's next, anger and throwing sh.t at people for pointing it out, like the last time? then sh.tstorm for next 2-3 months, then you'll claim to take a break for mental health, only to come back month or two later with yet another BS of a thread? no, this isn't ignorance, stupidity or anything of such sort. it's pure malice. go to hell already.

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 07:21 AM

originally posted by: JamesChessman
^I'm really surprised to see you making such statements about what is possible from natural processes over thousands of years.

In geology people do study how the geological process can create that kind of features and how other geological and atmospheric processes can change them.

For example, a period of lower temperatures would create an ice cover that, even thousands of years after its disappearance would leave traces, the better known being the typical rocks broken by the weight of the ice above them that mark all ancient glaciers.

So anyways, that's usually my timeframe in mind. The ancient aliens destroyed everything around 11,000 yrs ago.

No evidences of any large scale destruction across the Earth on that timeframe, only evidences of a climate change.

So considering that 11,000 yrs destruction event, predating our last few thousand years of puny human civilization: Does that timeframe fit better, that the pyramid was exploded 11,000 yrs ago? And so it had 11,000 yrs to accumulate soil and grow greenery.

No, because the "pyramid" doesn't look exploded, an explosion would leave ejecta around it.

Does this larger timeline make the idea more possible, than how you were previously thinking of its timeline?

No, the timeline has no influence on what I was thinking about.

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 07:51 AM

originally posted by: JamesChessman
And if that Event was really so catastrophic: It probably caused a HUGE amount of dirt and dust to fly around for a few hundred years, maybe a couple thousand years? We're potentially talking ancient nuclear war, so we can figure that the doomsday dust cloud, helped bury everything faster...

I don't know if you are aware of it, but in geology they can data with some accuracy the different time periods because new layers cover the older ones, even in a fold that folds over itself.

If that really happened we would have found a thin layer of dust from that event across the world, but none was found for that data, which, in fact, is too recent for geological processes.

But I think what it boils down to, is that I could easily imagine nature burying stuff in 11,000 yrs' wind and dirt being blown around in a wet climate.

So I'm guessing it's mostly that you're not considering it such a long timeline, which could probably bury anything, with enough thousands of years!

I am considering it and its possible consequences, but, as I said, I have never seen any reference to evidences of an world wide event like that being found.

(And especially with that Young Dryas event / nuclear warfare, the nuclear dust cloud would spread dirt around the planet, and accumulate everywhere, faster than normal.)

What nuclear warfare? It was a climate change, of which there are evidences. There are no evidences for a dust cloud covering the whole world.
A climate change doesn't change the fact that the north is colder than the south (on the northern hemisphere), while a global dust cloud would slow the development of all life forms for several years across the whole world, and there aren't any evidences of that.

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 07:55 AM

originally posted by: JamesChessman
Earth managed to "survive" as a "living" planet, after that cataclysm (whereas I imagine that the moon and Mars were also "alive" before that Event killed them). Earth was essentially "wiped clean" of its life, but there was enough time, in eleven thousand years, for the radioactive clouds to settle down, and for new life to propagate again.

No evidence of anything like that in any living forms or in fossils.
Something like that would have meant the end of several species and a sudden change in evolution of the ones that remained.

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: ArMaP

No evidences of any large scale destruction across the Earth on that timeframe, only evidences of a climate change.

^Well that's a HUGE topic, itself: The various evidence of ancient catacylsm.

Yes there is evidence of it, but you're apparently not considering it as actual evidence.

But first of all, The Younger Dryas Event ALREADY suggests cataclysm. The previous quote said basically that all of Earth's climates CHANGED INSTANTLY, i.e. "within a decade." This absolutely suggests all kinds of natural disasters happening everywhere, just the cold- and warm- air masses, suddenly getting scrambled up, that alone was probably causing hurricanes everywhere.

^So I hope you are aware that it's already normal mainstream science that that Event was already a global doomsday event, just in terms of natural explanations.

Then from there, we could look at various smaller pieces of evidence. And I won't even start getting into this right now. But for the briefest mention of a couple examples:

There are plenty of ACTUAL EXPLODED PYRAMIDS and statues, IN EGYPT, all which strongly suggest ancient cataclysm. It can be blamed on nature but I think these topics are usually OBVIOUS TRUTH sitting and hiding, in plain sight.

Because if you look at Egypt's pretty obvious damage from ancient cataclysm... it really looks like intentional weapons' damage.

I know there are at least a LARGE HANDFUL of such relics in Egypt, ancient and seemingly blown apart, weather it was natural causes (like meteors), or whether it's what it mostly looks like, ancient warfare.

Another great example suggesting ancient cataclysm / ancient warfare, is: Africa's Sahara Desert contains certain areas that are covered in sand, but underneath, there is flat expanses of glass. From melted sand. This can again be blamed on meteors etc. but it also resembles ancient bomb blasts.

Haven't you heard of such examples, and didn't you know that the Young Dryas Event was a doomsday Event, even if you keep to natural explanations?

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