+2 more
posted on Jul, 2 2022 @ 04:49 PM
Hi everyone. 30 years ago today, my hubby and I got married at our local county courthouse. It was, bar none, the happiest day of my life. So much has
happened in the last 30 years. My hubby has had quadruple heart bypass surgery in 2014, his first stroke shortly thereafter, and another stroke in
February 2020. He’s been permanently at the nursing home since 2/14/2020.
So today is a little bit bittersweet, but my hubby’s mind is intact, and he remembers everything. I visit him at the nursing home every Friday.
Yesterday we celebrated our anniversary. I got a card, sang him our wedding song, and reminisced about that day and past anniversaries. Today I’m
having a quiet day at home, reflecting on the years we have had together and how grateful I am for everything I have. I’m not saying it’s been
sunshine and rainbows, but I love him more than ever. He is truly my soulmate.
So those of you that have loved ones that are still with you, never take it for granted. Treasure and cherish every moment you have with them, because
things can change at the drop of a dime. I will always have memories of the 27+ years we had together.