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It's Propaganda

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posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 10:40 PM
Propaganda, what is it. If you ask someone you may get different answers. One answer may call it lies. Well, that is not entirely false because propaganda can involve lies but it is not a requirement for propaganda to be a lie. IMO, the best propaganda is completely true.

If you look up the term propaganda you may find this definition.

- A congregation of the Roman curia having jurisdiction over missionary territories and related institutions.

- The spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person.

- Ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause also a public action having such an effect.

-An organized spreading of often false ideas or the ideas spread in such a way.

If you go on Wikipedia it says

Propaganda is a form of communication that is aimed at influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause or position.

Propaganda is communication that is primarily used to influence or persuade an audience to further an agenda, which may not be objective and may be selectively presenting facts to encourage a particular synthesis or perception, or using loaded language to produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the information that is being presented.
Propaganda can be found in news and journalism, government, advertising, entertainment, education, and activism and is often associated with material which is prepared by governments as part of war efforts, political campaigns, health campaigns, revolutionaries, big businesses, ultra-religious organizations, the media, and certain individuals such as soapboxers.

In the 20th century, the English term propaganda was often associated with a manipulative approach, but historically, propaganda has been a neutral descriptive term of any material that promotes certain opinions or ideologies.

Propaganda abounds from every source of information we consume. Propaganda wars have been fought on every major news network in the political sphere. Here in the US calling them news networks is playing loose with the term. CNN, FOX, MSNBC, etcetera are all legally entertainment networks which spared them from liability suits time and time again.

In times of war which has been most of the time I have been alive, they have pushed war propaganda in one form or another onto the public.

Our government disseminates propaganda to us. I think everyone knows that they have engaged in disseminating propaganda to other nations.

The U.S. State Department and Office of Public Affairs were authorized to disseminate propaganda to foreign publics but were strictly prohibited from releasing that same propaganda in America for public consumption due to the 1948 Smith-Mundt Act. Put simply, our government was permitted to lie to people in other countries, but not to us here at home.

The 1948 Smith-Mundt Act was our protection and that protection is no longer there. The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 was signed into law by President Obama. Now our government is allowed to create propaganda tailored specifically for U.S. public consumption, using any media as it sees fit while remaining anonymous.

That means they can hire the entertainment networks masquerading as "news networks" to push a narrative or information. They can even hire social media influencers. They could even hire a veteran to start up a youtube channel where they feed information to spin their narrative. In 2012 the government was spending 3 billion a year to disseminate its propaganda. Whatever it is now I am sure it has increased.

The White House is partnering with social media influencers and online platforms to sell its message directly to the American people in a fresh facet of its digital strategy, administration officials tell Axios.

Dozens of Twitch streamers, YouTubers and TikTokers are helping the White House as it tries drum up vaccination numbers and combat the scourge of vaccine misinformation being spread on social media.

In May, President Joe Biden and Dr. Anthony Fauci, the federal government’s top infectious disease expert and Biden’s chief medical adviser, hosted a YouTube town hall on vaccinations with make-up artist Manny MUA, wild-animal experts Brave Wilderness and beauty YouTuber Jackie Aina. Together, they have nearly 28 million subscribers on YouTube alone.

White House enlists army of social media influencers to promote COVID-19 vaccines

Top White House and National Security Council staffers held a briefing with about 30 influential social media content creators Thursday about Russia's war on Ukraine, according to a White House official.

The briefing included content creators who have been covering Ukraine on their social media channels including TikTok, YouTube and Twitter. Briefers gave the content creators an overview of the latest information about Ukraine, projected how the U.S. sees the conflict moving forward, and took questions, according to the official. The Washington Post first reported on the meeting.

Don't think I don't miss the irony of using "entertainment network" sources but some will find them more credible.

To me, it shows that they don't even need to hide it. They just spin the story which is propaganda.

The USAGM wrote this about the Smith-Mundt Modernization ACT

The new law will let people across America see and hear the valuable news reported by the Agency’s accomplished journalists. It takes into account modern content platforms that are not restricted by national boundaries, such as the Internet, mobile delivery and satellite broadcasting.

The Biden administration even tried to form its own Ministry of Truth to counter misinformation and propaganda while being completely free to spread their misinformation and propaganda.
The person they wanted to head up that organization was Nina Jankowicz an information warrior who has extensive experience working for the US and Ukrainian governments, including a shady CIA cutout.

I was really afraid that was going to become a new norm. It goes to show where some in government want it to go. Give it another decade and I bet they will revive it and it will be the new norm.

Verifiable fact-based evidence reporting gave way to “newz” after 2013. I dare anyone to claim that the reporting that is done now is better than it was before 2013.

Everyone is being exposed to massive amounts of propaganda every day from every media source. For someone to dismiss information because they think it is propaganda is laughable. Of course, it is propaganda. It is all propaganda. Your sources, my sources are all pushing a narrative and they are all biased. It is up to us to sus out fact from fiction.

Deny Ignorance
Deny Information

SMMA 2012

edit on 2-6-2022 by Grimpachi because: grammar

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 10:56 PM
a reply to: Grimpachi

Propaganda doesnt even have to work initially. In this day in age, you can rewrite history with propaganda.

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 10:57 PM
Propaganda is part of our reality that was created by those who want to control others. It has been going on through most of recorded history, it just changes it's War-drobe a lot.

Both sides use propaganda, and the winners of the resulting war get to control the writing of History from that point on.

What we have been led to believe is what those that control us want us to believe. We may think we have freedoms, but those freedoms have guidelines that have been set that we must follow. Some guidelines are good for society, others are good for those that control the narrative.

Look up the real cause of the Irish was not just bad potatoes. Look up how the English took North America from the Spanish, they had lots of evidence that their allies, the Norwegians, had been here a hundred or more years ago. Then to escape the English rule, the US changed it back to Columbus discovered America as an excuse to get away from the English rule.

Reality and history are not real, if you look at both sides of propaganda, you will find that neither is actually even close to real most times. Most people tend to believe lies these days instead of the whole truth. It is more profitable to believe in Santa, we learned that when we were young.

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 11:03 PM

It doesn't matter what side you root for, they're all under the same umbrella. The culture war happening right now is planned, they want us fighting each other over petty BS.

The more we fight over which one of their sockpuppets is better, the less we stand up to the real enemies.

I don't expect very many on here will ever realize that though. They're dug too deep in their trench to ever realize they're being played, the sunk-cost fallacy is too great a hurdle to get over.

It's hard to admit that you've devoted so much time and energy into a lie, it's much easier to just die on that hill.
edit on 2-6-2022 by RegularJo76 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 11:07 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Nobody here has 'changed' anything about discovery of the 'Americas'.

The 'Vikings' are the first Europeans we know of that created settlements in the bits nearest to Europe that had the ability to return to Europe.

The Spanish (Columbus) were the first to reach deep into the 'Americas' and (almost) understand what they had just 'discovered'

The English (and many of their neighbors) were the first to establish 'settlements that still exist.

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 11:16 PM

originally posted by: PatriotGames4u
a reply to: rickymouse

Nobody here has 'changed' anything about discovery of the 'Americas'.

The 'Vikings' are the first Europeans we know of that created settlements in the bits nearest to Europe that had the ability to return to Europe.

The Spanish (Columbus) were the first to reach deep into the 'Americas' and (almost) understand what they had just 'discovered'

The English (and many of their neighbors) were the first to establish 'settlements that still exist.

I was taught that Columbus discovered America back when I was in school. In fact if any evidence of viking settlements was found it was called fake back in the sixties and early seventies. That lie was taught for centuries. They could no longer deny the evidence anymore so had to slowly intigrate the truth into our society without losing faith. The vikings had already mapped out the whole east coast before Columbus came here. The English went to the international court to get claim to the Americas.....I read about this about twelve years ago somewhere, all of the records still exist of that yet that was never taught in schools when I was young. The victor designs the reality and our government wanted us to believe the British had no right to the area of the USA.

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 11:35 PM

originally posted by: PatriotGames4u
a reply to: rickymouse

Nobody here has 'changed' anything about discovery of the 'Americas'.

The 'Vikings' are the first Europeans we know of that created settlements in the bits nearest to Europe that had the ability to return to Europe.

The Spanish (Columbus) were the first to reach deep into the 'Americas' and (almost) understand what they had just 'discovered'

The English (and many of their neighbors) were the first to establish 'settlements that still exist.

Grog see comment.

Grog not understand hard think.

Grog angry at comment.

Grog hate hard think.

Grog make grogpost.

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 11:53 PM

originally posted by: Ksihkehe

originally posted by: PatriotGames4u
a reply to: rickymouse

Nobody here has 'changed' anything about discovery of the 'Americas'.

The 'Vikings' are the first Europeans we know of that created settlements in the bits nearest to Europe that had the ability to return to Europe.

The Spanish (Columbus) were the first to reach deep into the 'Americas' and (almost) understand what they had just 'discovered'

The English (and many of their neighbors) were the first to establish 'settlements that still exist.

Grog see comment.

Grog not understand hard think.

Grog angry at comment.

Grog hate hard think.

Grog make grogpost.

The Smithsonian has a lot of our history buried in their basement. Whenever a researcher runs across something they want to look into, they hit a roadblock and are told 'we can't seem to find it' or 'we have no record of ever receiving such an item'.

I remember one account of a bear- thought to be long extinct- shot in Alaska. The skull ended up at the Smithsonian for 'study', where it's existence was denied. It had been widely reported on for some time before the Smithsonian 'disappeared' it.
There are other stories of truths being hidden in their archives.

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 12:48 AM
a reply to: nugget1

Does the Smithsonian's borders still matter?

Perhaps people should just stream over it.

Calling them illegal criminals would be racist.

Am I doing it right?

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 01:51 AM
Think for yourself. Don't believe your ears and believe less than half of what you see. Facts trump feelings and those who screech the loudest are almost never right. Just a few things I've learned in my time.

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 04:52 AM

originally posted by: Ksihkehe

originally posted by: PatriotGames4u
a reply to: rickymouse

Nobody here has 'changed' anything about discovery of the 'Americas'.

The 'Vikings' are the first Europeans we know of that created settlements in the bits nearest to Europe that had the ability to return to Europe.

The Spanish (Columbus) were the first to reach deep into the 'Americas' and (almost) understand what they had just 'discovered'

The English (and many of their neighbors) were the first to establish 'settlements that still exist.

Grog see comment.

Grog not understand hard think.

Grog angry at comment.

Grog hate hard think.

Grog make grogpost.

Mongo laugh at Grog too!

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 06:10 AM

originally posted by: 19Bones79
a reply to: nugget1

Does the Smithsonian's borders still matter?

Perhaps people should just stream over it.

Calling them illegal criminals would be racist.

Am I doing it right?

You are! I'm going to steal 'illegal criminals'!

P.S. I'm sorry for laughing at Neanderthals- I hadn't considered how racist my humor was until you pointed it out. I'll do my best to suppress my laughter going forward; promise.

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 06:29 AM
a reply to: nugget1

I'm going to steal

You're doing it right

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 06:44 AM
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

The Norse that settled North America came from Greenland and went back there too. You could say it was all documented in those Icelandic Sagas but they weren't translated till the 18th century and then they weren't taken as historical fact as they contain a lot of Norse mythology.

The Norse didn't have writing in 1000AD, the sagas were written in Iceland 200 years later and even then they don't mention permanent settlement of North America, they were seasonal outposts which the archaeological data reflects. They came from Greenland and returned to Greenland.

Markland and Vinland were mentioned in European courts as early as 1350 if I remember correctly, that said the same courts housed unicorn horns they acquired off the Norse. Greenlanders and to a lesser extent Icelanders were isolated from Europe and their Christian faith.

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 07:24 AM

originally posted by: JinMI
a reply to: Grimpachi

Propaganda doesnt even have to work initially. In this day in age, you can rewrite history with propaganda.

We're beyond revisionist history.

With these "fact checkers" we live in the age of revisionist present.

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 09:29 AM
a reply to: RAY1990

The Norse didn't have writing in 1000AD

True that.

I've heard that they were fascinated by writing when they (Vikings) discovered the writing in England. They had Runes but their actual language wasn't written.

As you said, Christianity hadn't reached Scandinavia at that point in time.

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

i'm thinking that all but this is correct in your post,

The English (and many of their neighbors) were the first to establish 'settlements that still exist.

it should read the Spanish (and many of their neighbors) were the first to establish 'settlements that still exist.

most if not all historians agree that St. Augustine, Florida is the oldest settlement in the continental U.S founded by the Spanish in 1565, and Pensacola is argued to be the first and oldest at 462 if memory serves in 1559 which after a hurricane destroyed if and the saviors bounced around for a few years between Alabama and cuba and return back then the left and went back to Spain. Everybody else were late comers.

that's not even counting the native Americans that were already here.

edit on 3-6-2022 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-6-2022 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 04:04 PM

originally posted by: Grimpachi
Of course, it is propaganda. It is all propaganda. Your sources, my sources are all pushing a narrative and they are all biased. It is up to us to sus out fact from fiction.

Deny Ignorance
Deny Information

Of course.

Btw did you find any actual report/video evidence for your claim of the destruction of those M777 howitzers yet?

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 07:43 PM
a reply to: Grimpachi

Truth : is non-existent. ( Truth with a capital ' T '. )
truth : is what you make it.
" Truth™ " : is fed to the masses, from all directions.

No wonder young people have a hard time finding their place, is this great-big world of BS™, that we have let happen on our watch, along with our parents and children.

Nobody is to be believed, including me.

Everybody is lying, including me.

If that's Propaganda™ : am not interested in finding-out what Impropa-Ganda is !!

posted on Jun, 4 2022 @ 05:12 AM
a reply to: Wide-Eyes

That's why I made a distinction between Vikings and Norse

Iceland and especially Greenland due to isolation became bastions for Asatru (Norse faith) whilst Scandinavia became Christian. The "Viking" age (boat raiders) ended with Harald Hardrada in 1066 although Christian Scandinavian Kings still raided Europe throughout the medieval period.

Genetically Vikings left a large legacy in European leadership... Vikings weren't necessarily farmers, fishermen and traders whereas the Norse were. Sorry for the history lesson, hardly the thread for it I know!
edit on 4-6-2022 by RAY1990 because: Worth noting the mini ice age in 1300's that probably inspired those Greenlanders to search farther afield!

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