originally posted by: olaru12
a reply to: The2Billies
I'm saying morality has drastically changed. What is moral has changed. What is immoral has changed.
I'm all for going back to the Old Testament style of morality, where....
also, I have a neighbor that continues to work on the Sabbath, Exodus 35:2 clearly states that he should be put to death.
Am I morally obligated to do it or should I call in the professionals?
Thanks for reminding us that God's word is eternal and unchanging!!
Those are not commandments. I was talking specifically about the 10 commandments.
What I am talking about is the new morality.
The new morality that the politically correct demand we accept and support at the cost of being fired/ being doxed/being social media shamed/being
personally destroyed/having our business destroyed if we don't agree 100% with them:
Below are the "new morals" that are being forced on everyone in the USA by the liberal progressives:
1.These days stealing less than $999.00 is not a crime in many areas of the nation which is part of the new morality.
Stacey Abrams and others are demanding an end to police and closing of all jails as the new morality (let dangerous criminals free to commit more
crime]. We have seen an enormous rise in crime, in every liberal city in the nation that has reduced or treated their police force with great
2.These days children in public schools are encouraged to lie to their parents if the teachers feel the parents won't like what they are being taught
in school.
3. These days people are encouraged to engage in sex with any and everyone, ignoring the fact that some STD's are becoming drug resistant, ignoring
the fact that some STD's are incurable, ignoring the fact that one type of sex can make one incontinent with their bowels, not to mention the
heartbreak and anxiety that come from multiple upon multiples of sexual partners.
4. These days people are expected to deny biological science and say defining what is a woman and what is a man is impossible, Yet, people are openly
made examples of, and punished for accidentally misgendering someone, when gender is considered undefinable.
5. These days murder is considered acceptable, if the murdered is an infant, even a healthy infant capable of surviving outside the womb or a newly
born infant if the XX doesn't want it to live. Not acknowledging that after viability a C-section which can take as little as 5 minutes is far more
likely to save the life of XX than an abortion that takes hours to days to complete.
6. These days one must confess if one has low levels of melanin in their skin that they are born inherent evil oppressors and must be discriminated
against in order to end discrimination.
7. These days if one has high levels of melanin in their skin they must acknowledge they are born oppressed and will always be an oppressed class and
should be angry about it and despise those low in melanin for their privileged low melanin levels.
8. These days it is considered necessary and highly moral to give pre-pubertal children puberty blockers that are known to cause sterility and even
surgery to remove breast tissue or a penis/scrotum, before the children are old enough to understand the consequences of permanent sterility and that
type of cosmetic surgery.
9. These days it is considered evil and punishable to accidentally commit a microagression (looking at someone funny, or saying something an
innocuous as I like your hair) which may offend someone, even if the "microaggression" was unintentional.
10. These days if one voted "incorrectly" (not for HIllary or Biden) they are automatically labeled a racist, sexist, homophobe, transphobe,
deplorable person who clings to their guns and bible - even if that doesn't define the person at all. Simply "voting" wrong means being labeled an
evil person to the core.
11. Parents who question schools teaching the ABC's of LGBT to 4-8 year olds are called domestic terrorists and put on lists by school boards,
teachers and principals.
12. Parents who question white children being taught they are born evil and teaching black children they are born oppressed are also deemed domestic
terrorists by the FBI.
Lastly: Children belong to the schools when they are in public school and the parents have no rights if their children are in a public school.
This is the new morality I am talking about. This is what liberal progressives say is the new morality everyone must agree with and follow and
believe in their hearts - OR ELSE!
The things you mentioned were done long long ago an ancient times. The things I mentioned are being forced upon every US citizen by the liberal
progressives today.
The worst thing of all in my mind is the destruction of friendship. Teaching people not just to hate, but to fire/dox/destroy anyone and everyone who
doesn't agree with the littlest bit of ones political ideology. That you can't be friends with someone not in your political party. Teaching people
that everyone is now to be looked upon as a potential sexual partner in order to be fair to LGBT persons, ending the comfort of traditional same sex
friendships as old fashioned and out of date. Teaching people that those who are religious are dangerous and should one should fear them and not be
friends with them or talk to them or interact with them.
This part of the new morality I think is what is tearing our nation in half which will end in the collapse of the USA as we know it, and then
totalitarianism (forcing everyone to think and speak what the single political party in charge tells you to, just like China.) Just as Obama wished
for when he wished the political system in China would be the same as the political system in the USA.
If these are your moral stances.
Why is is moral to force them on others using doxing/firing/etc.?
Why is it immoral and a punishable offense for conservatives to say let us be and don't force your morals on us and our children?
I don't object to you having these morals
I object to you forcing them on everyone
forcing everyone to believe as you do
and demanding actual concrete punishment
(doxing/firing/social media bully/personal destruction/destruction of livelihood)
on those who don't agree with them.
A retort of "well Christians and Jews ....." and mentioning something that happened centuries ago is not relevant.
edit on 6/2/22 by The2Billies because: addition