posted on May, 26 2022 @ 07:58 AM
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What I took away from Glaspie's narrative is that Saddam was set up, sucker-punched.
Why on earth we had a female as ambassador in a male centric society never seemed logical to me, but that's beside the point.
Saddam summoned the US ambassador and asked her to find out what the US would think if he invaded Kuwait regarding the matter of Kuwait slant-drilling
into Iraqi fields. She went to Washington to get the answer, and eventually delivered to Saddam the answer from her superiors: Any such invasion by
Iraq would be seem as a matter of "inter arab affairs". A very neutral response.
Why didn't Washington tell him "An invasion would be illegal and aggressive, and would be punished" ?
They wanted him to invade, was the subliminal message from Glaspie.