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What Can We Learn From Harley Rutledge And His UFO Study?

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posted on May, 18 2022 @ 09:04 PM
One of the most interesting people to study the phenom was Harley Rutledge. He had the credentials; a solid state physics professor, came into the field highly skeptical, brought out all the proper equipment, but gets very little acknowledgement.

Reading his book, Project Identification, we see he quickly changed his mind from skeptical to admitting there is something there which is not easy to explain.

I think what intrigues me the most is when he mentions the phenomena has a telepathic aspect to it. Remember, this is a man dedicated to scientific study saying this. He had no other explanation for the synchronicity he experienced.

While the man has passed away quite a few years back, we can see his line of thinking by analyzing his quotes. I found this one and thought it contained some interesting information.

I suspect that UFOs actually dart about in daylight at speeds at which they cannot be seen. I base this on a few cases of reflected sunlight and the circumstances of the disc that hovered within viewing range of my office. Possibly a great deal of UFO activity is subliminal – which, if true, could have serious ramifications.

The actual book "Project Identification" is out of print and rather expensive, I have found it here:

I think we could learn a lot by taking a close look at what this man has documented, or at the very least see what conclusions, if any that was made by probably the most detailed study ever taken by the general public outside government influence.

posted on May, 18 2022 @ 09:23 PM
a reply to: standingwave

Here goes a different link directly to the book, published 1981…285 pgs in pdf…

Back Cover….

edit on 18-5-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2022 @ 09:52 PM
Love books like this, on UFO's my main thing, is there is no way the gubment isn't hiding some information, probably loads of information. But we also have to explore whether perhaps they have no real answers, they have evidence and accounts but don't directly know who or what is behind it. They are likely concerned our defenses can be defeated so easily, but let's face it unless there is some pie in the sky mondo help from aliens, we are probably screwed once we do discover "we aren't alone"

posted on May, 18 2022 @ 10:12 PM
a reply to: standingwave

I started to read "Project Identification: ..." in late 1981 but didn't finish it as I had more UFO knowledge than Mr Rutledge as I began studying UFOs in 1958 and had my first 1981 serious sighting of a "close" craft with binoculars so Mr Rutledge had no info that I could use. But if he helped others by applying his scientific background more power to him. However, I don't accept as final what he is quoted as saying below. UFOs have always been seen and recorded. Subliminal? A personal opinion that cannot be proven because of the definition of the word: "(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone's mind without their being aware of it." IOW, NOT being aware of it.

I suspect that UFOs actually dart about in daylight at speeds at which they cannot be seen. I base this on a few cases of reflected sunlight and the circumstances of the disc that hovered within viewing range of my office. Possibly a great deal of UFO activity is subliminal – which, if true, could have serious ramifications.

Amazon book review:

Rutledge ends by believing that the things he watched were, in turn, not only watching him and the others but that they were capable of reading human thoughts.

Again, a belief and beliefs do not require evidence. It doesn't matter how intelligent you become your public words worst enemy.

All you need to do is watch TV shows such as "Paranormal Caught On Camera" and "Unexplained: Caught On Camera", the UFO segments and you'll learn more than Mr Rutledge. No one knows anything special or secret about UFOs, especially world governments.

edit on 5 18 2022 by idusmartias because: To correct my grammar.

posted on May, 18 2022 @ 11:00 PM
a reply to: idusmartias

Not a belief, but the subjective experience of at this point probably millions of people who had encounters with the phenomenon over time.
That's the main issue with it, a lot of this 'out there' stuff happens in the mind, alas it is still real.

Is it a belief that people have dreams? Or have enough people told us that they dream so we can assume dreams are real?

posted on May, 18 2022 @ 11:51 PM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: idusmartias

Not a belief, but the subjective experience of at this point probably millions of people who had encounters with the phenomenon over time.
That's the main issue with it, a lot of this 'out there' stuff happens in the mind, alas it is still real.

Is it a belief that people have dreams? Or have enough people told us that they dream so we can assume dreams are real?

The bottom line about UFOs/UAPs is that they are real in all of their varieties and "behavior". Aliens? They are another story. What kind of encounters do you mean experienced by millions of people? Sightings are not considered encounters. And claims of encounters are not in the millions and the claims of such have always been questionable. If it happens in the mind it is not real in the physical world.

Dreams are not a belief, dreams happen eve to animals, according to the experts. I rarely remember my dreams but when I used to and when I used dream machines and I became "conscious" in my dreams and controlled the contents, they were real but, again, not in the physicall sense.

posted on May, 19 2022 @ 12:41 AM
a reply to: idusmartias


Rutledge ends by believing that the things he watched were, in turn, not only watching him and the others but that they were capable of reading human thoughts.

is what I meant with encounter, synchronicities, high strangeness, etc.

they were real but, again, not in the physicall sense.


To me it seems ridiculous to imagine anybody would haul a chunk of metal across vast amounts of space-time.
Those encounters are on the other hand well documented for thousands of years. With nothing nuts&bolts about them. But with effects on reality which should be the marker of 'real' if it happens 'in the mind' or not.

edit on 19-5-2022 by Peeple because: add

posted on May, 19 2022 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: standingwave
Interesting for that time, this topic has great deal to learn from .
The topic synchronicity of events could be one of the most important things to observe a sighing IMHO.

Something in the field of psychology to unravel how some people are mostly contacted and drawn-out to certain happenings?

posted on May, 20 2022 @ 01:01 AM

edit on 5 20 2022 by idusmartias because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2022 @ 01:03 AM

Those encounters are on the other hand well documented for thousands of years.

I beg to differ. There are not any well or not documented encounters dating back thousands of years. True, people have always seen strange aerial objects but with no definite details it has never been known what they witnessed, either natural or unnatural. Some people swear that old paintings show UFOs but, again, there is no direct knowledge of what the painter meant. Even older prehistoric cave paintings cannot be proven. We just don't know.

Sticking to historical evidence the first accepted documented report is, of course, Kenneth Arnold's. And the first documented photo of a UFO is from 1870 of a tube-like (cigar) shape. Some people will say that there are older photos but when something is documented it stands unless challenged.

edit on 5 20 2022 by idusmartias because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2022 @ 01:19 AM
a reply to: idusmartias

In every post on the sunlbject in all these threads you run around acting like you know everything and you're the only authority on this stuff....and on top of but quit a bit of a bitter attitude

But your own authored threads ha e been thoroughly debunked.....

I fins that interesting

posted on May, 20 2022 @ 01:22 AM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask
a reply to: idusmartias

In every post on the sunlbject in all these threads you run around acting like you know everything and you're the only authority on this stuff....and on top of but quit a bit of a bitter attitude

But your own authored threads ha e been thoroughly debunked.....

I fins that interesting

I don't find your stupidity interesting but pitiful. Get a life. Stick to the OP.

posted on May, 20 2022 @ 01:31 AM

originally posted by: idusmartias

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask
a reply to: idusmartias

In every post on the sunlbject in all these threads you run around acting like you know everything and you're the only authority on this stuff....and on top of but quit a bit of a bitter attitude

But your own authored threads ha e been thoroughly debunked.....

I fins that interesting

I don't find your stupidity interesting but pitiful. Get a life. Stick to the OP.

My stupidity? There was no stupidity expressed, just a general rundown of your approach

And your response has proven my point

Won't last long on these forums tbh. People will just stop responding snd ignoring the blatant antagonistic approaches you have

Maybe keep a more open mind and look around you might learn something.

If your cups not already full that is

posted on May, 20 2022 @ 01:59 AM
ManBehindTheMask said:

My stupidity? There was stupidity expressed.

edit on 5 20 2022 by idusmartias because: To correct the reply format.

posted on May, 20 2022 @ 03:11 AM
a reply to: idusmartias

The Vedas. One example.
Burning talking bushes another.

posted on May, 20 2022 @ 06:23 PM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: idusmartias

The Vedas. One example.
Burning talking bushes another.

I think I know which of my replies you are replying to but since you didn't quote...

Either way your reply is just about fantasies, nothing to do with the "real" physical world we inhabit.

posted on May, 20 2022 @ 10:33 PM
a reply to: idusmartias

And now we're going in circles back to my first reply to you.
The most part of the 'human experience' is what you call 'phantasy'.
I'd say 'stories' and it's what we humans do. We live in stories, we think in stories, we talk in stories, our whole existence is a story. If you disregard all of that out of hands, what's left of us?

edit on 20-5-2022 by Peeple because: add

Fyi if you click on your lightgreen name after the 'reply to' you can see your post I'm replying to.

edit on 20-5-2022 by Peeple because: And add

posted on May, 21 2022 @ 12:55 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: idusmartias

And now we're going in circles back to my first reply to you.
The most part of the 'human experience' is what you call 'phantasy'.
I'd say 'stories' and it's what we humans do. We live in stories, we think in stories, we talk in stories, our whole existence is a story. If you disregard all of that out of hands, what's left of us?

Fyi if you click on your lightgreen name after the 'reply to' you can see your post I'm replying to.

If you are happy with your life, keep enjoying. Thanks for your suggestion. We're done.

edit on 5 21 2022 by idusmartias because: To add material.

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