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Technology to see through TV and every single screen. THE MEDIA CAN SEE THROUGH YOUR SCREENS!!!!

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posted on May, 17 2022 @ 07:22 PM
I just want to get the information out to the public that people in media can see and hear through a TV and your computer screens. I know this because it is happening to me. No one ever told me this was happening. I had to discover it for myself. They are actually "monitoring" me inside of my apartment and everywhere that I go. Every single screen everywhere uses facial recognition to recognize me and watch and listen to me. They follow me by satellite when I'm outside. This experience has been shockingly horrifying! I am now trying to get this information out to the public in any way possible. There are thousands of people that work in media that are aware of the fact that this technology exists and that they are doing this to people without ANY disclosure whatsoever! The media has the capability to access all of your screens without any consent or disclosure. I'm hoping that local news people and people that have decided to quit media will start speaking out about the FACT that this is going on. I will do as much as I can to prove to anyone with questions that this IS actually happening. These people are beyond fu##ing depraved and I am royally effing pissed that they are doing this to me! I want this information to get out to the public ASAP! This is an extreme invasion of privacy and these people feel entitled to do this to people while covering it up and never telling anyone what's going on. The surveillance on me while they conduct this little experiment against my will includes exposing me in the bathroom and watching me sleep at night. I have no idea when or how this happened, but it seemed to be tied to the pandemic. They are suppressing the truth and trying to prevent me from telling anyone about this. They are preventing me from getting any more information about what they are doing or why they are doing this to people. They are trying to make it seem like it is a conspiracy theory by creating false stories about this conspiracy. F@#$ this bullsh@t! I'm going to tell the truth about this and spread this everywhere I can. I'm hanging on to hope that people that are actually involved in media will start to talk about this. What people have done to me and everyone around me is truly depraved. No one should have access to see and hear through any of our screens, especially while keeping it a secret. This is an extreme invasion of privacy and abuse of power. No one should feel entitled to exploit people in this way. This is a major human rights concern that will likely have a catastrophically disastrous impact on society. People in the media have been given full access to my phone and computer and I was never notified that any of this was going on. This experiement was done to me without any process of explanation whatsoever. THIS IS A FACT. THE MEDIA CAN SEE AND HEAR THROUGH ANY SCREEN. Please ask questions and respond to this with ANY and ALL information that you may have regarding this technology. Sorry, I'm new to ATS and I've actually been extremely isolated from the internet and normal life since this has all happened to me. I'm just really fu@$ing sick and tired of having to live in this effing bullsh@t that these depraved pieces of effing garbage have done to me. I need to break out of this "reality" that they have put me in and spread the truth about what they are doing. Please believe me. THIS IS REAL. I want out of this nightmare and I need people to help. Please.

posted on May, 17 2022 @ 07:29 PM
My computer camera is taped over, and I fashioned a dummy plug for the mic jack. Tv is old, so I think I'm safe.

posted on May, 17 2022 @ 07:29 PM
a reply to: GoodYes

Can they Still do that if you Watch a 1980 Sony Trinitron with a Free TV Antenna ?


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