posted on May, 2 2022 @ 02:38 AM
a reply to:
i know Turkey is building out a gulfstream for such a thing so for sure a B52 would be enough.
people are seeing odd lights 'darting around' the sky in Ukraine and i THINK last week Putin stepped up the EW and signals processing as well as
They never said if it was a ground platform or something they cannibalized various aircraft and put it together for such a role.
i would assume its ground based seeing as Russia cant keep stuff in the air in Ukraine
other than the large power consumption of such aircraft i would try and hide it in a
'civilian' aircraft.
The last time i spoke to my friend he said sometimes at night there are things in the sky but no response as far as i know to attempt to bring it
i think the US MIGHT reach in to its black bag to watch Russia and their nuclear forces', i would if i was one of the JCOS or the President. I would
want to know exactly where they are and what they are doing.
Russia really let me down i thought we were going to see some of their black bag(if they have anything to pull).
edit on 2-5-2022 by noscopebacon because: (no reason given)