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Boogertown SP2022 (Just 4 Fun)

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posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 08:51 AM
Located at 784 feet above ocean level is Boogertown, North Carolina. Not exactly the name of a place to live in if your Righteous and Upstanding. Gaston County's tiny little area where the reference "if you blink, you'll miss it" was probably conceived. It's just a spit on the map that is so small that it's still unincorporated and that's just how the residents like it.

It's just a hop and a skip from the West to a beautiful and heavily forested area. This forest has some of the cleanest spring water that ever touched your lips. That is the main reason why Moonshiners love this area. The name 'BoogerTown' was dreamed up to scare off people wanting to visit and go into the forest. So 'The Boogyman' story was hatched and it worked wonders, so much so that even 'Revenuers' were a bit scared of the 'Boogers' rumors.

And that Shine they made was a pure elixir, even songs were sung of it's purity.

"The sweet nectar collected from God's own tears,

Just a few drop drop drops will cure any fears.

Forget all your problems they soon will be rid,

And you'll kick up your heels and run like a kid!""

To them, nothing would make you feel as good as when you drank their Nectar. Little did they know how close to the truth they were in the song.

Because that pure spring water had a secret that no one knew of until many years had passed. The Community always was healthy and sick free, but there was one other special thing about drinking the water ..... your aging slows down to a crawl. There hadn't been a death by old age in over 50 years.

The oldest resident was a Hillbilly named LeRoy Jenkins and he lived in the deep woods. He used that spring water in his every day life. He was 88 years old back then, here now some 50 years later he strolls for the first time into the grocery store. People started staring because he looks like he's in his late 40's.

It was because of his coming into town that everyone got all shook up. In between all the whispers and rumors, the residents didn't know what to think but it scared them. Was there some real Voodoo going on, had a Witch put a spell on old man Jenkin's?

Once two and two were finally put together, it was discovered that the water from the springs was the positive 'culprit' to their longevity. Well that really changed things and even more panic ensued.

So the Boogertown residents quickly convened for a emergency meeting about this fantastic revelation. Everyone showed up as they all had questions, but in the end it all boiled down to, "what would they do to protect these 'secret springs' of theirs."

They knew that if word got out about this, life as they knew it would be turned upside down. If they thought the 'Revenuers' could cause problems, what would the government do if they could get their hands on water that could reverse aging?

Ideas and theories were tossed around, but really only two thoughts made any sense for the time being.

* ONE: Stop the moonshining business which would keep at least the Revenuer's from snooping around.

* TWO: Start purchasing up as much of the land surrounding the Springs and creeks, The hope was to keep as many folks off any of the land and as far away as possible by making it all Private Property.

The Community agreed by a unanimous vote of hands for both of the suggestions. This was made without any discussion of what they would do to create an income stream now that they wouldn't be making any more 'Shine'.

It was Leroy Jenkin's that first tilted his head up in the air, then several other folks began sniffing about and then somebody asked "does any one else smell smoke"?

Startling everyone was a loud knock on the door by a Sheriff with a bullhorn.

"Attention residents of Boogertown, there is a widespread forest fire heading this way from the West, everyone has about an hour before this entire area will be consumed by fire. Please round up your kids, pets, personal records and valuables. This is not a drill."

The End

edit on 4/15/2022 by JohnnyAnonymous because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 09:01 AM
I need some of that shine if it will help my golf game; getting old sucks regardless of what anyone says.

posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 09:13 AM

originally posted by: 727Sky
......getting old sucks regardless of what anyone says.

I resemble that statement and agree wholeheartedly.

And thanks for giving the story a read.

posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: JohnnyAnonymous

Excellent, Johnny!

You left us with a cliffhanger. Is the fire nefarious?


Btw, isn't staff allowed to enter the writing contest? I vote for a change of policy. Your story should be an official entry. 👍

posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 08:15 PM

originally posted by: Encia22
a reply to: JohnnyAnonymous

.... isn't staff allowed to enter the writing contest? I vote for a change of policy. Your story should be an official entry. 👍

It's one of those conundrums we see in almost every game and contest... Employees, staff, nor their families are eligible to participate.

Though it's not that extreme for us staffers because we can still participate but just for fun. But's it's always been about what we as staff can do to make the membership (semi) happy with their visit.

For me it's just an exercise in creativity anyway as I've never considered myself a Storyteller. I'm usually the guy thats always behind the camera.. the Microphone, the equipment and promoting for everyone else to succeed and have a good time. And if that happens then I (or we as staff) have done a decent job.

But I truly appreciate your comment and value your input, so thanks!

posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 08:43 PM
a reply to: JohnnyAnonymous

I love it! An alternate view to Prohibition. Water like that worth burning out the stills.

posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 10:15 PM
a reply to: JohnnyAnonymous

Geez Johnny talk about a cliff hanger

Excellent story , very out of the box thinking .

posted on Apr, 15 2022 @ 06:28 AM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
a reply to: JohnnyAnonymous

.... very out of the box thinking .

Then I succeeded in my attempt!

Appreciate your reading it,

posted on Apr, 15 2022 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: JohnnyAnonymous

Ok, thanks for the explanation, Johnny. I see your point, but exclusion would make sense if there were some kind of monetary prize, but I guess rules will be rules.

I think you are imaginative and if you have a story to tell, then you're a storyteller. My grandparents were great storytellers and they could hardly read or write. In any case, you can tell a tale with images, and you show us your artistry with every meme that brightens up the story contest threads.

edit on 15/4/2022 by Encia22 because: (no reason given)

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