posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 12:43 PM
In the last few years we've seen a massive purge of "alternative personalities" from social media as a result of increasingly strict "community
rules". This has forced a portion of the internet to migrate over to social media platforms which support free speech. In principle this seems like a
good thing, people get to speak freely, but I'm starting to notice a growing problem which could result in even more censorship.
The problem is these free speech platforms are becoming an echo chamber for the most fringe aspects of the conspiracy theory community. I've touched
on this issue before when I criticized BitChute. Don't get me wrong there is some good content on these free speech platforms which are not easy to
find anywhere else. But those gems are mostly lost in an ocean of mind numbing nonsense, much of which feels orchestrated.
90% of the comments under a BitChute video seem to be racist or sexist or some other stereotype. Back when free speech existed on the internet, we had
many people making conspiracy videos or political videos, but the content being produced was much higher quality and the community wasn't completely
toxic. That's why I stick around ATS, it's one of the few free speech platforms with sensibility and decorum.
Many people feel like they have been cast out from society for having the wrong political beliefs, and they feel like that because it's exactly what
happened to them. Their only way of expressing themselves is through free speech platforms which are often small fringe communities. If these
communities are totally unmoderated then they become highly toxic, which pushes out more reasonable voices and fosters extremism.
The reason I bring all this up is because they will eventually use free speech platforms as evidence for why they should be shut down and why the
internet needs to be totally controlled by some overlords who determine what websites are allowed to exist. A few years ago I would have laughed at
such a prospect but considering the obscene amount of censorship which has occurred recently I know they're already planning it.
edit on
15/3/2022 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)
edit on 15/3/2022 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)