a reply to:
Whatever our pre-invasion opinion's may have been it has become amply clear that Putin is intent on an occupation of the Ukraine not just a regime
change, they are now targeting civilian buildings and neighbourhoods with cluster weapons and missiles.
Any sympathy I may have felt for the Russia had they not turned into the aggressor (as they patently have here) before this invasion has since
That column is not fake, it is an army of occupation and I fear for the safety of the Ukrainians after the Russians take over as human right's will
not be a priority for Putin's regime.
Still the dice is not yet fully rolled and plenty of nations are providing munitions support if not troop's, well our leaders won't because they fear
Putin may be a loose cannon and could potentially launch one of those nukes sparking an all out third world war.
However do not rule out international support just yet as that may very well happen, the Baltic states are terrified that Putin is after them as
well, if he DOES go into those states however Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia are all members of NATO and that will indeed trigger a massive response,
at first that response will be troop's, tank's and air but as both sides will then be pointing there nukes at one another someone WILL then push the
Also an outcome of this is that the European powers that have grown lazy since there has been no major war's in Europe since the end of WW2 other
than the Balkan's conflict are now rushing to strengthen there armed forces and it has pushed the agenda of the EU military force up the ladder of
priority's as well.
The Result of this invasion is an inevitable coming war NOT a new cold war, Putin has gone too far.
What the US whom will probably hold back and be reticent to join such a conflict unless they are pulled into it AND Europe now have to watch for is
the use of Tsunami Nuclear torpedo's to wreak havoc on our shorelines and damage our maritime infrastructure which would be an attempt by Russia
should they be thinking of a first strike to hit the weak part first so as to cripple logistical operations in those areas.
Time for us to wake up.
And let's not forget most Russians are victims of this as well, most of those soldiers do not even want to be there.
edit on 1-3-2022 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)