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Vladimir Putin Says He Will Launch the First Nuke if Pushed Too Hard - Should He Be Removed ASAP?

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posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 04:27 PM
Here's something that should calm people's nerves , with sanctions starting to bite Russia hard Vladimir Putin has said that the Sanctions are "equivalent to declaring a war".

Speaking to female flight attendants in comments broadcast on state television, the Russian president said Moscow wanted Ukraine to be "demilitarised", "de-nazified" and to have a neutral status.

He said: "These (sanctions) are methods of fighting against Russia.

"These sanctions that you can see are equivalent to declaring a war - but thankfully it has not come to an actual war but we understand what these threats are about."

I've been expecting this , it was the natural move I guess after raising the specter of the Nuclear deterrent , it's a threat and I think it should be taken seriously , I don't think implementing more sanctions is going to change Putin's course so it's a pointless high risk strategy.

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 05:11 AM
a reply to: gortex

That's Visa and Mastercard just suspended there services in Russia, same with cards issued there outside the nation.

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 09:14 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

Nope it don't change those facts at all.

The man is a menace to reality and needs to be removed from such.

But if anyone else other than his own underlings do so.

Something is apt to glow in the dark for the nest 10,000 years, and that something is Earth.

Sorry state of affairs and then some really.

If the entire world cannot remove one man from power, we deserve whatever he rains down on us.


That’s a very powerful statement - and accurate.

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 09:27 PM

originally posted by: gortex
Here's something that should calm people's nerves , with sanctions starting to bite Russia hard Vladimir Putin has said that the Sanctions are "equivalent to declaring a war".

Speaking to female flight attendants in comments broadcast on state television, the Russian president said Moscow wanted Ukraine to be "demilitarised", "de-nazified" and to have a neutral status.

He said: "These (sanctions) are methods of fighting against Russia.

"These sanctions that you can see are equivalent to declaring a war - but thankfully it has not come to an actual war but we understand what these threats are about."

I've been expecting this , it was the natural move I guess after raising the specter of the Nuclear deterrent , it's a threat and I think it should be taken seriously , I don't think implementing more sanctions is going to change Putin's course so it's a pointless high risk strategy.

I agree with you but my mind goes to “so then why are we doing it?”

What’s the big, big things that we can kill two birds with one stone with right now:

Russia and our “renewable energy” agenda - and send a message to China in the process.

The last thing Putin actually wants is a direct hot conflict with the US IMO. The reason? That “40 mile long convoy of death and destruction” that we TOOK PICTURES of would be 40 miles of smoldering rubble and dead Russian soldiers after we drone striked the S out of it. The hell would rain down day or night, rain or shine, 24/7/365 until we decided to stop. Air superiority? Forget about it. And then we + NATO are on Russia’s doorstep. We humiliate him at home, bankrupt the country and send Russia packing to something other than “global superpower” status (though that is in question already). There’s no way he wants a shooting war with the US.

Instead, we’re basically trying to win a war by “cancelling” a country.

No bullets. Just tweets, key strokes and wet ink signatures.

“Cancel” strategy worked pretty well for the left in the US.

Makes me wonder if the bigger question is… are we overconfident that the “cancel” strategy is effective, blinding us to the potential backlash? That’s a point worth exploring, in my mind.

posted on Apr, 4 2022 @ 10:21 AM
Update 3.4.2022

The MEANESSS of our Dementia-saddled President is on full display this week.

Joe Biden wants to put Russia President Vladimir Putin on trial for "War Crimes".

I'm sure Vladimir Putin will turn the tables and point out the many "war crimes" committed by the U.S., like 80,000 Japanese women and children we incinerated, and slow-killed in agonizing pain.

posted on Apr, 24 2022 @ 01:04 AM

JUST MAYBE the billions of dollars we send to our military/intelligence agencies every year is yielding results!

A video of Vladimir Putin was published this weekend. He looks POISONED, doesn't he?

See it here:

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