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Freedom from Covid-19 Oppression Movement in Canada is Prompting Welcome Changes in the USA.

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posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 10:46 PM
Tuesday, February 8, 2022

We here in the United States owe a debt of gratitude to the brave Truck Drivers and their Supporters in Canada!

A Canadian protest that began with truck drivers protesting cross-border vaccination mandates has turned into an occupation of the capital city of Ottawa, as demonstrators have blocked traffic, disrupted businesses and threatened local residents for 12 days.

The protests have also mushroomed into broader rallies against most public health measures like masks and vaccinations, attracting members of the far-right movement, along with former President Trump and other GOP politicians, who have warned that the Biden administration may face similar unrest.

“The Canadian truckers are heroes, they are patriots. They are marching for your freedom and for my freedom,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said on Fox News.

“Those truck drivers are defending Canada, but they’re defending America as well,” he added. “The government doesn’t have the right to force you to comply to their arbitrary mandates.”

The sight of hundreds of thousands of trucks and commercial equipment of every kind choking major roads and bridges across Canada, combined with memories of how just a few hundred protestors brought the U.S. Capitol to its knees on Jan 6, 2021, has prompted a cascade of Covid-19 restriction rescissions in the USA this week.

The vast majority of American Citizen freedom restrictions are (were) in place across Democrat-run states and cities of America. For some reason, these "blue" states/cities have been the most grievous deliverers of human oppression during the 2 years of this pandemic.

Now, thanks to what's happening in Canada, and the very real threat of a major uprising here in America, those cities and states are quickly removing their draconian Covid-19 restrictions. Some examples...

1. ) Liberal Democrat-run California is removing its requirement that vaccinated people wear a mask indoors.

2.) Liberal Democrat-run New York and New Jersey are ending their mask mandates this week.

3.) A growing list of mandates being removed by officials in various states.

Surprisingly, President Biden said he's not going to even consider lifting the "National Pandemic Emergency".

He got angry at a CNN reporter for even asking about reducing Covid-19 restrictions put in place by the Federal Government. And a few hours later, ordered his staff to begin preparing guidelines on: "How to Live In a Dark Pandemic for Life".
I kid u not:


edit on 2/8/2022 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 10:52 PM
I'm in Los Angeles right now. I didn't know you had to wear a mask everywhere you go. I knew right away I was an outsider because I was the only one not wearing a mask. The brainwashing is thick here.

For example, when I went for breakfast at the hotel this morning, everyone I passed had a mask on but once we were in the room where breakfast was served the masks came off and everyone ate. How does this make sense to even the most dull and ignorant of our society?

I'm not sure you can wake up the ones that want to stay asleep. I can't wait to go back home in the midwest where intelligence thrives.

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 10:58 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 11:03 PM

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posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 11:05 PM
I agree with Sen. Ted Cruz on this. I do not always agree with some of the stuff he says, but most of the time he is telling the truth about things. Yet the media and democrats in Congress want to suppress anything that goes against what they want us to believe.

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 11:06 PM
a reply to: litterbaux

I went to a Wisconsin convenience store, and the cashier asked me if I had driven up from Illinois. I looked around and realized I was the only one with mask on. Dead giveaway!

Our paranoid obese governor is angry that a judge overturned his mask mandate for schools earlier this week, and is filing a counter-suit to keep the masks on the school children.

J.B. Pritzker is a kook:
edit on 2/8/2022 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 11:17 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Not much to say other than AWESOME.

I hope we see this worldwide.

Way to go for the stand-up lawmakers in the US.

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 11:19 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
I agree with Sen. Ted Cruz on this. I do not always agree with some of the stuff he says, but most of the time he is telling the truth about things. Yet the media and democrats in Congress want to suppress anything that goes against what they want us to believe.

The strange on-air personalities at MSNBC are going ballistic over Covid-19 restrictions being relaxed by Democrat leaders across America.

That is so weird. You think MSNBC personalities believe Covid-19 restrictions will once again be used to affect voting, like they were in November 2020?

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 11:25 PM
a reply to: MykeNukem

The crazy thing is how some countries give reasons for keeping draconian measures in place that are not used in most other countries. Those other countries have fared just fine through this global pandemic.

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 11:29 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: MykeNukem

The crazy thing is how some countries give reasons for keeping draconian measures in place that are not used in most other countries. Those other countries have fared just fine through this global pandemic.

The even funnier part is that countries like the USA and others are making changes faster than Canada, while our PM hides.

Shows how messed up progressive leaders are in both countries.

Thank God for the few who will stand for the people.

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 11:29 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: rickymouse
I agree with Sen. Ted Cruz on this. I do not always agree with some of the stuff he says, but most of the time he is telling the truth about things. Yet the media and democrats in Congress want to suppress anything that goes against what they want us to believe.

The strange on-air personalities at MSNBC are going ballistic over Covid-19 restrictions being relaxed by Democrat leaders across America.

That is so weird. You think MSNBC personalities believe Covid-19 restrictions will once again be used to affect voting, like they were in November 2020?

They're afraid of sponsors twisting the knob on the money faucet to a steady trickle. The revenue is going down, that means turning up the volume on advertising.

originally posted by: MykeNukem
a reply to: carewemust

Not much to say other than AWESOME.

I hope we see this worldwide.

Way to go for the stand-up lawmakers in the US.

Inb4 hospitals are offered a bonus for creatively adjusting the numbers in their paperwork to help drive statistics through the roof because industry.

edit on 8-2-2022 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 11:36 PM
a reply to: carewemust

The Global and Mail had written quite a pathetic article over how the alt right is behind this movement and democracy is being undermined.
Its getting ratioed on twitter with more replies then likes.

edit on 8-2-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 11:55 PM

originally posted by: MykeNukem

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: MykeNukem

The crazy thing is how some countries give reasons for keeping draconian measures in place that are not used in most other countries. Those other countries have fared just fine through this global pandemic.

The even funnier part is that countries like the USA and others are making changes faster than Canada, while our PM hides.

Shows how messed up progressive leaders are in both countries.

Thank God for the few who will stand for the people.

Like I said in the opening post, USA officials see what's happening in Canada and are imagining a souped-up January 6th type of event on steroids occurring. It's scaring the poop out of them.

Maybe its getting close to the point where Canadian protestors should occupy that country's Capitol building for a day or two?

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 11:59 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: rickymouse
I agree with Sen. Ted Cruz on this. I do not always agree with some of the stuff he says, but most of the time he is telling the truth about things. Yet the media and democrats in Congress want to suppress anything that goes against what they want us to believe.

The strange on-air personalities at MSNBC are going ballistic over Covid-19 restrictions being relaxed by Democrat leaders across America.

That is so weird. You think MSNBC personalities believe Covid-19 restrictions will once again be used to affect voting, like they were in November 2020?


First of all, scientific research does not change, parameters of the research can change as interpretations of the research can change...those two things that change are not science, they are steering of research to fit beliefs or desired or expected outcome, and opinions...not science.

Real science is not specific, it rarely comes to direct conclusions, there are lots of factors that need to be considered when applying the science. It has been twisted out of reality in politics and media.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 12:05 AM
a reply to: TzarChasm
MSNBC is going through an internal war. Rachel Maddow is leaving for at least a few months. Their idols, Joe Biden and Anthony Fauci are still sinking in popularity. MSNBC and Whoopi Goldberg were brain-linked. Now Whoopie is under suspension at ABC. Huge year shaping up for the RIGHT leaders. Those who respect each of us.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 12:05 AM

originally posted by: litterbaux
I'm in Los Angeles right now. I didn't know you had to wear a mask everywhere you go. I knew right away I was an outsider because I was the only one not wearing a mask. The brainwashing is thick here.

For example, when I went for breakfast at the hotel this morning, everyone I passed had a mask on but once we were in the room where breakfast was served the masks came off and everyone ate. How does this make sense to even the most dull and ignorant of our society?

I'm not sure you can wake up the ones that want to stay asleep. I can't wait to go back home in the midwest where intelligence thrives.

It’s pathetic isn’t it? You’re lucky you’re just a visitor. My oldest may be going to Indoctrinat.. err I mean school next year and I want this crap done. With no damn mandate for the spike protein shake for children …or anyone or mask. I’m going to be very interested to see who is still wearing their mask , if this really happens. Especially at work. Last time when the mask was just “recommended” there was still like 90% of people still masking it up when I went to places. I can see the school district mandating this nonsense though, even if lifted publicly. I also won’t be surprised to see a magical new variant with an I told you so sticker about a week or two later, bringing mandates back.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 12:06 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: MykeNukem

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: MykeNukem

The crazy thing is how some countries give reasons for keeping draconian measures in place that are not used in most other countries. Those other countries have fared just fine through this global pandemic.

The even funnier part is that countries like the USA and others are making changes faster than Canada, while our PM hides.

Shows how messed up progressive leaders are in both countries.

Thank God for the few who will stand for the people.

Like I said in the opening post, USA officials see what's happening in Canada and are imagining a souped-up January 6th type of event on steroids occurring. It's scaring the poop out of them.

Maybe its getting close to the point where Canadian protestors should occupy that country's Capitol building for a day or two?

That's basically what we're doing.

Where I am is the equivalent of The White House.

All these trucks are basically on Parliament Hill's lawn.

If we attempted to take the actual Parliament Buildings then for sure S would HTF. That would be like you guys storming the White House. That won't happen. Unless something drastically changes.

Then again, ten days ago I would have called someone crazy if they said Canada would help kick off a worldwide movement.

edit on 2/9/2022 by MykeNukem because: eh?

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 12:36 AM

originally posted by: rickymouse

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: rickymouse
I agree with Sen. Ted Cruz on this. I do not always agree with some of the stuff he says, but most of the time he is telling the truth about things. Yet the media and democrats in Congress want to suppress anything that goes against what they want us to believe.

The strange on-air personalities at MSNBC are going ballistic over Covid-19 restrictions being relaxed by Democrat leaders across America.

That is so weird. You think MSNBC personalities believe Covid-19 restrictions will once again be used to affect voting, like they were in November 2020?


First of all, scientific research does not change, parameters of the research can change as interpretations of the research can change...those two things that change are not science, they are steering of research to fit beliefs or desired or expected outcome, and opinions...not science.

Real science is not specific, it rarely comes to direct conclusions, there are lots of factors that need to be considered when applying the science. It has been twisted out of reality in politics and media.

So I just read a bit of an article, and NOT to my surprise, because you know Los Angeles is a special kind of ‘special’, seems they have no plans to lift the veils until April or May at the very least. I’m still praying Hell is a real place where these people will be stationed soon.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 12:43 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Surprisingly, President Biden said he's not going to even consider lifting the "National Pandemic Emergency".

It seems to be the higher the level of government, the more they're rooting for the pandemic.....strange.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 01:17 AM
a reply to: rickymouse


Leana Wen―emergency physician, former Baltimore health commissioner, CNN medical analyst, and Washington Post contributing columnist

Typical of the only folks that will accept CNN money to go on the shows .
Well , in favor of CNN no one stated this Dr was an expert , just an analist .

Dr. Leana Wen

edit on 2/9/22 by Gothmog because: (no reason given)

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