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UFO/UAP Black Triangular/Triangle,chased by a Jet Fighter!? while above skyline?

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posted on Feb, 7 2022 @ 12:57 PM
UFO/UAP Huge Triangular/Triangle,chased by a Jet Fighter!? while above city skyline?
I had a number of strange occurrence's of UFO sighting last month,including a strange sighting of a light that appeared out of the clouds for a few seconds then simply vanished out of the clouds. "strange UAP"

My camera didn't work.

Last night while looking at my window i noticed something strange on two pattern of lights blue light like lights and these were not like the normal ones you would see from a plane.

The two lights were like in a Triangular/Triangle formation. I only saw two lights like a boomerang in a Triangular formation no thrid light. After the object moved slowly into the north area.

What it appears to be a jet fighter went into the same direction as the UFO/UAP did what it appears to be chasing after it.

Has anyone seen something like this before?
edit on 7-2-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2022 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: vNex92

Did this "Huge Triangular" UFO have any structure or color, can you describe it ?
Do your camera normally work, or did the event cause it to malfunction you think?
Where you the only witness to this "HUGE" craft getting chased by jets, I would think a lot of other people have seen it.
Where is your location approximate ?

edit on 7-2-2022 by Spacespider because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2022 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: vNex92

It is rare for someone to see a UFO more than once in there lifetime but this is very dependent upon where you live (And remember we can wrongly identify objects thinking they are planes when in fact they could also be optically camouflaged UFO's in some cases and it is becoming harder to draw the line between known and unknown with a lot of weird shaped drones on the market these days as well).

That said what you describe is actually quite common with reports of UFO's being escorted by aircraft often helicopters but sometimes fighter jets AND many cases of people seeing fighter jets thundering in to chase as if trying to intercept some other mysterious object that would fall into the category of UFO.

Now back to that first line of my response, many people have seen them on more than one occasion but they are in the distinct minority however in many such cases they also have a history of family history of paranormal activity or other sightings of objects, some of them have half remembered childhood memory's of something very strange for example and there are claims by some folks such as the author Whitley Strieber for example (remember he made his money by writing fiction but Claimed his book communion which was eerily too close for chance to many other folks experiences - so possibly was - was a work of fact) that some UFO's or rather non human forces actually take a lifelong interest in Human subjects they have either tagged in some manner or else are studying through there whole life.

But back to your experience, that is actually quite a common one and very few people ever have time to go and get a camera or even to set up there phone camera as the incident is often very quickly over and done with.

My reliable sighting was about 1998 or 99 I think 99, I was walking home from work (I was working in a factory in a town called Skelmersdale in West Lancashire over here in England at the time and lived in the nearby town of Ormskirk), it was late having finished my shift at 2am and back then we had a lot of light pollution, our roads were illuminated at night by Yellow Orange Sodium street lights and the scatter illuminated the underside of the cloud layer maybe about two to four hundred feet I can not be certain but high enough giving the sky a mustard colour from the reflected glow (no illumination other than that and the the light from above reflecting from the clouds above it showing a circular possibly spherical or maybe disc shape).

I felt something (like when someone is staring at you) and had always been a little bit sensitive, it felt dangerous not good making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up so I stared right at it jerking my head up and toward in instinctively with that fight or flight reaction, I saw it just a circular shape against the cloud layer and as it moved I noticed the underside was mirror like in it's reflectivity and watched is it dipped in and out of the cloud layer, now ever here we sometimes used to have RAF Tornado Fighter Jet's doing low level training exercises zooming over us on there way to North Wales and they always made a sonic boom when they did as well as the usual jet engine roar but this thing moved at least as fast so I only saw it for perhaps a few seconds before it was gone and it was completely silent, there was a roar from the wind that was blowing a stiff light gale in the opposite direction to this objects flight however.

Now my less reliable experience from childhood so take this with some scepticism as childhood memories can become distorted.
I was maybe two years of age or maybe closer to three and my mother was holding me in her arms, it was night time and the house was in darkness and we were both utterly terrified and in our back garden was a D shaped object the opening in the back of the object the flat of the D making it look more U shaped, this was about 1972, there were three small beings in silver suits with oversized heads and completely black visors that were about the size of small children but definitely were not children, other than that I can not remember but associate it with terror, being taken somewhere very dark and a female voice that was not my mother and then doing something? to my head like opening it up.
To corroborate my Mother had a memory of holding me in her arms feeling terror and seeing three rockets (or three engines) shooting up leaving a trail of fire behind them standing upstairs in our home looking out over the garden at night.

In an eery similarity to some of Strieber's descriptions I also back around the same time but definitely not on the same occasion saw a blue crystal embedded in a neighbours roof that glowed and I thought as a child was frozen lightning as there was melted snow around it leaving that part of the roof clear of snow, it faded becoming more and more translucent until it was invisible over a period of about two week's, when I pointed it out to an older sister as she walked me to the local shop to buy some sweets and we past right by it I said "Look Kidine (My name for my sister Christine) Frozen Lightning", she looked and I saw the surprise on her face, she was only a young teenager herself at the time and yet her eye's seemed to glaze over as soon as she looked away and seemed to forget it, the day school (kindergarten we call then Nursery's) I was attending backed onto this house with the blue crystal in it and I watched it as did other children but even then seemed to forget it as if it was not meant to be seen by them though the very youngest seemed most able to see it.

But I digress, I have had quite a few experiences in my life though most of those fall into the category of Paranormal other than possibly UFO type experiences.

I think I was also a bit autistic as a child so that maybe affected the way I saw things so perhaps whatever perception blocking technique they used did not work on me the same as it did on other's, I would have tantrums if things were not done in such a manner and they had to be done in that manner that kind of thing.

edit on 7-2-2022 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2022 @ 01:19 PM
1992, on a fishing trip with my father and 2 brothers. About 9pm and pitch dark, with clear skies. The Milky Way was so beautiful that night.
We had eaten and were sitting in a semi-circle with a log fire in front of us, facing the water.

I saw a light in the distance move up and move down. It moved unusually enough that I kept my eye on it. Quickly the light moved closer and become larger. All of a sudden a huge triangle shaped object swept over us. So large it blotted out the skies, yet it was absolutely silent.

We all just looked at each other, our jaws hanging, eyes bulging. What had we just seen?

The show was not over ... about a minute or so later, a jet came screaming over our heads, low level and heading in the same direction as the triangular-shaped craft.

I was 2 years out of the military. My unit was Anti-Aircraft and my speciality was radar. I was highly trained in aircraft recognition and could name any aircraft (South African, Cuban/Russian) when given its silhouette from almost any angle. It was not any aircraft I knew of.

Years later we spoke about it, and my father dismissed as a stealth bomber belonging to the Americans. He could never explain why it was silent and so incredibly large.
edit on 7/2/2022 by deltaalphanovember because: spelling

posted on Feb, 7 2022 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

I did have paranormal activity as a childhood.
Something to do with "portals"

"I would not consider portals something to do with UFOS/UAP"
Witnessed it.

I also have a story of a small meteor that happen to hit my building. No huge damage.
I know one thing it wasn't a rock from the ground no one throw it from the outside.
edit on 7-2-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-2-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-2-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2022 @ 01:42 PM
I'm not sure how to upload a picture from my files here, but hope this works. Seen in 1999 after film was developed- not seen at the time we were photographing the double rainbow.

posted on Feb, 7 2022 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: vNex92

How could you distinguish the triangular or boomerang shape with two lights?
Was there a shape or just two coordinated lights?
@ what angle can you say you've seen the object?
How many fighter jets followed?
Are you near any airport or airbase?

edit on 7-2-2022 by Daalder because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2022 @ 02:20 PM

originally posted by: LABTECH767
It is rare for someone to see a UFO more than once in there lifetime

I've seen 4, plus other paranormal non-UFO stuff

posted on Feb, 7 2022 @ 02:29 PM
a reply to: trollz

Like I say depends where you live and if you look up a lot as well, most of us spend most of our lives looking down or straight ahead so probably miss a lot.

But take folks near area 51, yes most of those are likely ultra top secret test projects but they see hundreds.

posted on Feb, 7 2022 @ 05:22 PM
a reply to: vNex92
How do you make a triangle with two lights?
If the lights had any length to them, then maybe a v formation. But you need 3 to make a trangle.

posted on Feb, 7 2022 @ 09:21 PM
a reply to: gillyp17

They were two coordinated lights i couldn't see the third light as the object moved further north. But it moved like stick/triangle formation.

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 02:40 AM
edit on 2/8/2022 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: vNex92

I've always thought that at least for the triangle shaped ufos that they are military stealth ships.

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 08:17 PM
a reply to: scraedtosleep

Oh most likely a lot of them are but if the US had a fleet of them as big as those that caused the massive black triangle UFO flaps of the late 20th and early 21st century's over country's such as Belgian UFO flap of 1989.

Well lets say no one could bother them, of course there is always the claim of a breakaway civilization which would mean they are NOT American but are human made though they are probably not.

They differ from the older Circular UFO's and that is odd but could be based on the same technological principles.

Sometimes when the energy halos or Lights on there corner grow brighter they seem to change shape before zooming away, this could be gravitational lensing.

IF they are not of terrestrial or human origin then we may have been visited by multiple species or else there technology could have changed over time.

Oddly Bob Lazaar made a claim on a Joe Rogan interview that he had no interest in UFO's but that it was his understanding that the Sport's Model Disc shaped craft he was working on was actually an ARCHEAOLOGICAL find, in other words they dug it up while performing an archaeological dig somewhere and you have to wonder what became of the archaeologists or if they were bought of or otherwise sworn to secrecy.
He described it's seat's as too small for human pilots but there may have been smaller species of humans or else it was alien and just ended up here a very long time ago?.

I am personally of the opinion that MANY UFO are actually not alien or human in the usual sense but in fact may be demonic in nature, some may be angelic as well.

edit on 8-2-2022 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 10:54 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Oddly Bob Lazaar made a claim on a Joe Rogan interview that he had no interest in UFO's but that it was his understanding that the Sport's Model Disc shaped craft he was working on was actually an ARCHEAOLOGICAL find, in other words they dug it up while performing an archaeological dig somewhere and you have to wonder what became of the archaeologists or if they were bought of or otherwise sworn to secrecy.

To me this is very interesting, what EP of JRE was this on? the fact that they might had found an UAP on as a Archaeological find somewhere makes you want to further to know.

Who knows what else is hidden. Even something Egypt there is something off of the pyramids.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: vNex92

posted on Feb, 10 2022 @ 02:55 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Until I can shack the hand of an alien I'm going to assume anything in our skies is man made.

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