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Looking for info on the Alien 'Eba' mentioned in the 2021 Showtime Documentary

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posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 09:30 AM

So I watched the documentary this clip came from and this clip shows all that was mentioned about this in the documentary.
I might be spelling the aliens name wrong but I can't find anything on the internet about this. Can anyone help me out?

posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: anitawee

I believe Richard Doty is talking about EBE , here's some aditional information from Mike Bara's book Hidden Agenda: NASA and the Secret Space Program. s4j4kBcKF6Q&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjCsZuh2sX1AhWGXsAKHXRaA7sQ6AF6BAgSEAM#v=onepage&q=EBE%20Corona%20New%20Mexico&f=false

posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 10:56 AM
Here's a bit more info for you.

posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 11:14 AM
From Gortex’s link….

Just a nice to know……

Here’s additional info Not from the book linked….

….. “Project Gleem
A project, which compiled the history of alien presence and their interaction with humans on this planet for the last 25,000 years and finishing with the Basque people who live in the mountainous country on the border of France and Spain and the Syrians. Contains 16 volumes of documented information collected from the beginning of the United States Investigation of Unidentified Flying Objects and Identified Alien Crafts . The Project was originally established in 1953, by order of President Eisenhower, under control of NSC and MJ12. In 1966, the Project’s name was changed from Project Gleem to Project Aquarius. The Project was funded by CIA confidential funds . The Project was originally classified SECRET but was upgraded to its present classification in Dec. 1969 after Project Blue Book closed.”….

edit on 22-1-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 11:26 AM
Makes me think of the Matilda o´donell macelroy letters again.

Except they call the alien airl.

posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: Spacespider
One of my favorites

posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 01:41 PM
a reply to: Spacespider

I thought something was up after about 20 mins.

That video is 4 HOURS 26 mins, not 4 mins 26 secs lol.

Its a long one, just so people on limited data know


posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 01:44 PM
a reply to: anitawee

I honestly don’t know how anyone can believe anything Doty says.
He’s in the same league as Greer imo.

posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: Macenroe82

Given his relation to Serpo I found it amusing that it's he who is promoting it ... again.

posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 03:34 PM
EBE is supposedly an alien that survived a UFO crash and came from Zeta Reticuli. A star system 39.5 light years away with no known exo-planets. But it often cropped up in the UFO lore before we could detect such things. From the Hills abduction in the 60s, to the Bob Lazar and SERPO mythology.

Entertaining? Hell yes. But has probably no truth at all. Especially when it comes from Doty. A man trained to tell lies.

If anyone's interested, I created a thread about the dirty deeds of Doty a couple of years ago.

The Doty Files – What is the Real Truth?

posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 06:55 PM
a reply to: Spacespider

I actually enjoyed your posted vid 👍🏼🍻…….

UPDATE: Found the Book in PDF 310 pgs. Based On Personal Notes and Interview Transcriptions Provided by: Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy

Funny, their using a picture of Skinny Bob on the cover…… Perhaps Skinny Bob has the real name of Airl

I can think of two books that reminds me of the video assertions of a some kind of grand “Amnesia” going on….

1) I Remember Lumeria by Richard S. Shaver

"Detrimental Robot"—a term coined by writer Richard Shaver to indicate malevolent dwarfs living in underground caverns. In his story "I Remember Lemuria," first published as a series in Amazing Stories beginning in March 1945 (and reprinted in The Hidden World in the 1960s), the deros used advanced machinery to harass human beings. This series of stories, which hypothesized a hollow earth and underground civilization, was presented as fact rather than fiction and stimulated paranoid fantasies on the part of many readers.”……..

2) The Game of God: Recovering Your True Identity by Kathleen Brugger

……” A God for the Twenty-first Century. Does life have any meaning or purpose? Does God exist? How can you reconcile a loving God with cruelty and suffering? This book makes the radical claim that the universe is literally a game of God. One purpose of the universe is for God to enjoy the vast array of experiences that God, as an unlimited being, cannot experience: life and death, joy and pain, beginning and end, fear and hate, happiness and sorrow. In order to have a realistic experience of limitation, God must forget that She-He-It is God. The universe is a game in which God forgets His-Her-Its identity and in the process of playing remembers who She-He-It is. We are not separate creatures who are victims of existence. We are expressions of God experiencing limitation and overcoming it. We are God in disguise. Human suffering comes from the erroneous belief that who we really are is our personality, or ego-identity. Our lives are a constant battle for the survival of a mistaken identity; we spend most of our time either flighting from reality or fighting it. Love and transcendence lie in the cessation of survival behavior, in the acceptance of reality (what is). Love is the experience of unconditional acceptance of what is.”…..

edit on 22-1-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 07:32 PM
a reply to: Moohide

The preface is only about 15 minutes long.
Apparently Matilda o´donell Macelroy was inspired by the Wizard of Oz world from the 1930's.
Might be some interesting allusions that never made the official story in the history books.
Not sure that is still required reading for ATS members though.
Now if Judy Garland had been hired by Ghislane Maxwell to entertain the retired Masons we might have a thread.

posted on Jan, 23 2022 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: gortex

I have a confession….
I purchased the Project Serpo unabridged version from audible awhile back Lol.
You got to admit, it’s a fantastic story haha.

posted on Jan, 23 2022 @ 12:32 PM
Watched the video 1/2 way, will go back for rest.

But never one to not jump in 1/2 cocked have to say, have never given a lot of creedence to any story that ties up all of histories loose ends especially ones using one unknown to explain other unknowns.

One ET civilization using an older evil civilization whose bases & tech remain hidden/unfindable to explain all of Human History?? REALLY????

The "good" ET's despite having been around for trillions of years can find their way across vast space & time, but can't nail down their competitions locations? Or chat with Humans due to our alleged "amnesia"?

For more grins & giggles how about the little Roswell Alien can't talk to humans who are fearful with telepathy, but yet humans have been getting abducted in abject fear an those suckers have no problem with communicating telepathically with their chosen "lab rats" concerning everything from introducing them to their hybrid kids, to lying to them about what even happened.

So I'm calling it " The Emperor Has No Clothes".
Stories like this are just a rehash of "Lord Of The Rings" WW2 or whatever other applicable literary narrative I'm missing here.

At some point we're going to have to acknowledge that all versions & tentacles of "The Phenom" lie and are presented to toy with us.

posted on Jan, 23 2022 @ 10:09 PM
a reply to: Caver78

So according to 'Aril' when we die we just get placed in to a new body with amnesia ad infinitum, and the only way to escape this 'prison planet' is to remember who and what we are (IS-BEs) and transcend, but there's no advice on how to achieve this.
What if we just destroy the prison (the earth) so there's nothing to come back to?

posted on Jan, 24 2022 @ 12:20 AM

originally posted by: Skush
a reply to: Caver78

So according to 'Aril' when we die we just get placed in to a new body with amnesia ad infinitum, and the only way to escape this 'prison planet' is to remember who and what we are (IS-BEs) and transcend, but there's no advice on how to achieve this.
What if we just destroy the prison (the earth) so there's nothing to come back to?

Wellllll…. At least it’s nice to know Airl the Automaton, confirms that our Spirits are Immortal, which most of us already knew.

However our punishment for our sins, according to the Old Empire, is to live our multiple lives in the prison of Skin Suits, on a Penal Planet in the remote edge of our Galaxy. Ooooops…did I say our Galaxy? I meant The Domain’s Galaxy.

Apparently we are a Planetary Pariah. Who knewwww?

Now…..If I could only remember my names…..

edit on 24-1-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2022 @ 07:54 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

CIA got you with their amnesia weapon?
Prison planet, ant farm, Automatons.
If you feel like a prisoner where is the court that produces such a sentence?
Could try going back to Mark Twain and the railroad accident he spoke about over in London about 1899.
"Mark Twain jury everyday men"
Twain didn't have much luck explaining this either.

posted on Jan, 24 2022 @ 08:32 AM
Free read

posted on Jan, 24 2022 @ 12:46 PM
I wonder if people like Gene Roddenberry, George Lucas, etc….got a glimpse of the purported Alien Interview transcripts…..and got inspired, “created” the TV shows and Movies we have today (and may have in the future)

Below…..I put pictures to selected verbatim text paragraphs from the purported transcripts of the Alien Interview….

…..”Once an area of space is acquired by The Domain and becomes a part of the territory under its control, it is treated as the "property" of The Domain. The space station near the planet Earth is important only because it lay along a path of The Domain expansion route toward the center of the Milky Way galaxy and beyond. Of course, everyone in The Domain is aware of this -- except for the people of Earth."…..

Credit Firefly

…..”Earth is very distant from the center of the galaxy and from any other significant galactic civilization. This isolation makes it unsuitable for use, except as a “pit stop" or jumping off point along the way between galaxies. The moon and asteroids are far more suitable for this purpose because they do not have any significant gravity.”…..

Credit Star Wars

…..”For the most part The Domain ignores Earth and its inhabitants, except to ensure that the resources of the planet itself are not permanently spoiled. This sector of the galaxy was annexed by The Domain and is the possession of The Domain, to do with or dispose of as it deems best. The moon of Earth and the asteroid belt have become a permanent base of operations for The Domain Forces.”….

Credit Unknown

….”Needless to say, any attempt by humans or others to interfere in the activities of The Domain in this solar system -- even if it were possible, which it definitely is not -- will be terminated swiftly. This is not a serious concern, as I mentioned earlier, since homo sapiens cannot operate in open space.”….

Credit Skyline

….”Of course we will continue with the next steps of The Domain Expansion Plan which has remained on schedule for billions of years. Over the next 5,000 years there will be increasing traffic and activity of The Domain Forces as we progress toward the center of this galaxy and beyond to spread our civilization through the universe.”…..

Credit Jason Art

Actually…..with some inspired development using the purported Alien Interview transcripts……a new Movie or TV series can be “created”. One would have to start by buying or licensing the Rights, how ever that might happen.

Personally, I’m in a comfortable retirement mode.

edit on 24-1-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 06:33 PM
Only listened to about 20 mins of the video or so, before I quit.

The same here with any alien story out there, just way too many variables among them, which makes it impossible to believe any story with ET's? If we truly had a captive alien, one alone would be hard enough to believe, but with all the variable traits among all the ET stories out there, everyone is different in one way or another.

This alien had 3 fingers, and 3 toes, the alien in the autopsy had human like hands and feet. This alien had no nose, ears, or mouth, where other alien's described in other stories had small ears, and a little mouth. This alien did not eat, although other stories claim they did, and even read one story awhile back, where they stated the alien like Strawberry Ice Cream they would give him.

This alien wasn't biological, and stated they lived 350 to 450 years, why would they even die then? Don't have sex organs, how did they come about? This alien had no organs, where some have lungs, but no digestive systems.

My point, if any stories were true, then the descriptive nature of the being would repeat itself with other stories, but they all vary from story to story, where we'd be talking many different alien types, let alone one that is hard enough to believe, pure garbage!
edit on 25-1-2022 by Allan28 because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-1-2022 by Allan28 because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-1-2022 by Allan28 because: (no reason given)

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