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Why do people believe Siddhartha Gautama became a "Buddha" / achieved enlightenment?

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posted on Jan, 7 2022 @ 08:22 AM
a reply to: Crowfoot

Animal = Organic

Vegetable = Organic

Mineral = Inorganic

Science claims in all it's cartoons for evolutionist that the two organic s came from the one inorganic. How? Well billions of years ago the sun supposedly spewed out bunch of plasma that resulted eventually into our solar system. One of the hot masses over 6,000degrees took millions of years to cool, one day water appeared. Wait where did the water come from? And then supposedly without proof they claim Lightening struck the pool of water. Evolutionist say the Frankenstein Monster effect (electrical current supplied by lightening strike) caused the water on hot rocks created life like like single celled animals,this has never been scientifically proven to be true it is just accepted by blind faith. The problem is we have not seen any new elements or life being created today in nature but we are told it took millions of years to create the periodical chart we are taught in school. That is right any new combinations or elements is purely manufactured by men and not natural. Any new life is just from life not from rocks. i.e. the unicorn lamb Lucy, was not a new form of life it was just a sheep with a mutantion that produced a single horn. life from life not life from inorganic.

Then hydrogen combined with Oxygen and produced water. We can't even produce water by combining the two together into 1 H and 2 O's to create water (if we could we would have no water shortage in the world). No actually creating a higher form of element than the two singular ones goes against the second law of thermodynamics, things don't produce higher forms of what they were before naturally anywhere in nature. And we cannot recreate it in the laboratory using the inductive scientific methods from the theory of Evolution. WE can synthesize an element from an preexisting element, but we cannot create the element as it would have taken place in nature i.e. lightening striking a pool of water (purely by accident) and created life (purely by accident). The Thermodynamic system just does not allow for it to take place naturally because the second law shows entropy not evolution to a higher form it show devolution to a lower form.

Now before you say what about humans being born with a tail doesn't that prove evolution. The mass found on the Coccyx if not a prehensiled tail but actually upon examination it is a tumor mass not evolution at all. Now because they claim the coccyx has no purpose anymore because we shed our tails (all this to claim humans evolved). They say this and everyone believes it by blind faith. You see science is a religion. Upon Scientific Deductive examination we learn that the coccyx actually has a very important role to play in your bodily functions. The muscles on the coccyx control the prostate and sexual organs, the bladder and urinary tract, birthing and bowel movements. So science proved that there is a reason for the the Coccyx to exist on a man after all. Again they lied to us in elementary.

Now getting to your other statement you said about that all those things returns to "ONE". what is that one? We must know that before we can claim the one must return to something? So far thermodynamics proves none of those things are returning to the one or anything beyond it. While yet we do see them breaking down biologically into lesser and lesser forms until it is dirt inorganic in itself, but among the dirt is bacteria, and if left untreated the bacteria die long before anything can cause it to evolve. So they are not returning to anything except lower forms until it is dead and inorganic.

edit on 1/7/2022 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2022 @ 02:16 PM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

Evolution is an adaptation to adversity and nothing more... tired of busting your face into the steering wheel? seat belt, tired of getting whiplash from a seatbelt, air bags. Life hasn't really evolved to cars yet so we've made adaptations to them.

However what is this thing you call body? Water, air, fire, and a host of minerals... the funny thing is the abrahamic religions are/were against evolution for a long time but Adam means "red earth" many would think that means "mars" but supposedly "god" breathed life into this red earth forming "man" that they had no problem with.

Well, it's sort of the case... but the abrahamic religions don't go that far fearing the "tree of knowledge" and yet paradoxically keep grasping at it.

How you explain it however; is close to the case in scientific expression of theory; However, as you stated it... biology out numbers the inorganic 2 to 1.

An echo across a canyon is no different than that "voice or breath" so what is the poison keeping people out of paradise? I think you already know... perpetuating what shouldn't be perpetuated, the only reason such things are perpetuated however is because people have found such things entertaining and also profitable in various ways. However that is looking outside at an objective world such a thing wouldn't exist without your seeing it your hearing it your smelling it tasting it touching it etc. the same for all beings known and unknown... taking to the task is cutting all of those ties all that occurs then is knowing one is simply an experiencer of what others perpetuate not being the cause of all that grasping craving and desire any longer...

If there is a curse? perhaps it is not understanding all of that sooner rather than later or later rather than sooner... as in such an understanding there is no past and no future as it is one unending ever present moment that some call omnipotence and others purgatory. Depending on one's own personal attachments? Your results may vary, some see the present as positive and great, others see it as the knowledge or fountain of all, and some see it as not quite heaven and not quite hell. Making it all belief dependent instead of really truly seeing the experience in all manners of it's arising and passing coming and going in one's experience as to many ignorant of such things?

Just a concept not real... and well, that is their safe space same thing as liars murderers rapists and thieves have them but under various names even though its form is no different no matter the excuses and names given to such practices... a murderer awww that person died way too easy. a soldier oh that enemy died way too easy... there is no difference in those two statements... believing there is? BLIND

I can't solve it for you however I have solved it for myself several time deepening the understanding of it: "When all things are returnable to one, to what is the one returnable too?" such a thing is best thought of like a black belt in mental martial arts how deep can you answer the unanswerable? No amount of thought will solve it for you, mentally kung fu ing everything while you mentally keep repeating it? Eventually POW! It unravels immediately go back to it however it will be difficult to go back to it how long have I been sitting here, standing here laying there stupid? is a better question but going back to it even better.

edit on 7-1-2022 by Crowfoot because: editing

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 10:38 AM

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