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CBS publishing fake Stories again!

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posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 10:16 AM
CBS news prematurely published that Terri Shiavo died last night at the following web site:

The news story was removed shortly thereafter but can be read here

I understand like most others here do that Terri is going to die and it is just a matter of time so pre-writing this story is justifiable. It is likely that every news network has prewritten this story but what I don't understand is this line.

Michael Schiavo, who was at the bedside of his wife Terri when she died,

Hmmmm. Is CBS taking sides or what?

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 10:19 AM
Everyone who's suprised, raise your hand.

Wierd, no hands. Now we just have to figure out how CBS is serving George Bush, since there is no liberal bias in the media, only a blatant conservative one where their only goal is to serve the Bush administration.

Black, from a memo I recieved, Michael Schaivo is going to be the only one allowed in the room when she dies, at his demand. Here's the memo:


Michael Schiavo will be the only one allowed in the hospital room

See? It must be true, I showed you the memo!

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 10:22 AM
Damn, I guess I wasn't CC'ed on that memo. I must not be in the loop.

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 10:29 AM
It only went to CBS and myself. From what I understand, Carl Rove actually wrote it right before negotiating a peace between Israel and the Palestinians and after he snuck into North Korea and disarmed all their nukes himself. After all, it sounds like, reading through many of these threads, that Carl Rove is the most capable, brilliant, evil person on the planet.

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 10:37 AM
Hey Look what I found ... Another memo ... and this one is even more authentic than the last one ... no matter how much you talk about it you are not going to change it unless you discuss legitimately how to change it. Which noone on here ever does ... teh difference between a scientist and someone who just does experiments is a scientist makes a Hypothesis then does his study and learns something from the study something that he knew he was going to learn before he started the study. As well as all of the stuff he learns as he is going through the expirment. But there are people that come through this web site, that just say stuff just to see the response that they get ... well if you are going to do this guys ... take notes learn from other peoples mistakes if not your own.

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by bet555
Hey Look what I found ... Another memo ... and this one is even more authentic than the last one ... no matter how much you talk about it you are not going to change it unless you discuss legitimately how to change it. Which noone on here ever does ... teh difference between a scientist and someone who just does experiments is a scientist makes a Hypothesis then does his study and learns something from the study something that he knew he was going to learn before he started the study. As well as all of the stuff he learns as he is going through the expirment. But there are people that come through this web site, that just say stuff just to see the response that they get ... well if you are going to do this guys ... take notes learn from other peoples mistakes if not your own.

I don't think I follow what you're trying to say...

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 10:44 AM
I just think it's horrible, why can't they just kill her with a shot(of posion in a sryighen(sp)) and let her die in like 2 mintues. If I had a living will, I would request that. I wouldn't want my mom to see my "body" toutured like that, after my brain went "bye, bye, bye".

Plus, CBS has always been prentending to have a "Republican bias". Actually it's pro-globalization and world communism, just like any other major outlet may play "Dem, lib., etc.", b/c most of the owners are controlled by the same ppl at the top. And if the sheep are fighting how are they going to see the "dogs" guarding them are really wolves.

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 10:47 AM
Most (if not all) major news outlets write obituaries and stories on famous deaths well in advance.

I thought this was well known?

The only issue here is that someone or something(automated news posting system gone bad?) at CBS accidentally Ok'ed the article to run.

I'd be willing to bet that when Shiavo dies, CBS will have a completely different story since this one has already been "leaked".

[edit on 29-3-2005 by negativenihil]

[edit on 29-3-2005 by negativenihil]

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 10:51 AM
I'm impressed that it took all of one post to link this to Bush. Even more impressive is that the network accused of being a bush loving team is the very network that aired a phony story about Bush's military record (negative story).

well done indeed.

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 03:48 PM
Crakeur, know who Karl Rove is? He was the one who sent Rather the documents to make Rather, someone who knew how much of a dumbass puppet Bush was, look bad. Kinda like when Karl was younger and planted a bug in his office and then blamed the democrat his employer was running against. or when he was caught teaching Nixon tactics to college students, or when he joined the dem. team of a guy running for office, stole the letterhead from the office, and sent out invitations to a party with "free women, free beer, free drugs"

Also, it isn't illegal to lie and call it news. Fox News sued to make this legal when they fired two reporters for not lieing. Also, they STILL!!!!! Say "the Iraqi nuclear threat" WHEN THE WHITEHOUSE ADMITTED THERE WAS NONE!!!!!!!!!! Gee, thats lieing and calling it news. ALso, again, they SUED AND WON TO MAKE IT LEGAL TO LIE AND CALL IT NEWS! This means I can go on the news and say Jewish Pigs from Mars are invading Africa and there is nothing illegal, nothing wrong with it.

[edit on 29-3-2005 by James the Lesser]

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
Crakeur, know who Karl Rove is? He was the one who sent Rather the documents to make Rather, someone who knew how much of a dumbass puppet Bush was, look bad. Kinda like when Karl was younger and planted a bug in his office and then blamed the democrat his employer was running against. or when he was caught teaching Nixon tactics to college students, or when he joined the dem. team of a guy running for office, stole the letterhead from the office, and sent out invitations to a party with "free women, free beer, free drugs"

And the most incredible thing is he did all this without leaving enough evidence to convict him! As we heard from our dear friend in the legislative, Karl Rove definately gave Rather the documents, but there's no evidence to support it. It's a good thing we're all so smart and psychic and can know these things without having to worry about that inaccurate, useless thing called evidence.

He also must have hit Dan Rather several times in the head with a baseball bat to make him not check out the validity of the memos. Rather doesn't have any lumps on his head, but we know Karl did it; after all, he's an evil Reptiod.

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 05:34 PM
What exactly is the point of this thread other then pointless CBS bashing?
Your complaining about bias because CBS said that Michael Schiavo was at her side when she died? I think its a pretty safe asumption that he'll be there when she dies and besides this is just an advance draft of a news item that will be edited to closer fit the details when the time comes.

In my opinion a little pro-Michael bias couldnt hurt when you consider the character assassination campaign being run against him by the media. You ever notice that the picture they always show of Mrs. Schiavo is the one where it looks like she's smiling at her mother or how they never mention how Mr. Schiavo is suffering only how distraught her parents are?

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 06:48 PM
CNN also has prewriten news story's for about each and every political and media figure around. They accidentaly published both Reagan and Bush Sr.'s articles a few years ago.

The exact same story (with small updates) was eventualy published on their website when Ronald actualy died.

I guess its just smart to do some work in advance, most of those stories have some history about the person attached to it and its hard to dig up all that history at short notice.

Its pritty stuppid to "accidentaly" publish it while the person is still alive though :p

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 09:44 PM
Like I said to begin with I understand the prewriting of the story, what I do not understand is how they know the Michael will be with her when she dies?

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 09:48 PM
For those who aren't on the inside.

This is a dry-run internal obit NFP (Not for publication)

It's stock that is reworked at the events time to give them a prefabricated story. They edit "TK" with the date and replace key sentences.

It's just a screw up, this is supposed to be internal only.

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by boogyman
You ever notice that the picture they always show of Mrs. Schiavo is the one where it looks like she's smiling at her mother or how they never mention how Mr. Schiavo is suffering only how distraught her parents are?

Poor Michael Schiavo

He has to put up with a women he vowed to keep in sickness and in health. That new women and those bastard kids must be getting to him too. Jeese give me a break, Michael is a loser.

Michael has refused to let Terri have any kind of rehab for 15 years so if she could have gotten better no one would ever know it. Michael received over a million dollars in several malpractice suits and he claimed that money was so he could become a nurse and take care of his wife and to pay for her rehab. Not one penny of that went to her rehab or him becoming a nurse. So why should I feel sorry for him?

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by BlackJackal
Michael Schiavo, who was at the bedside of his wife Terri when she died,

Hmmmm. Is CBS taking sides or what?

God, I hope so. The media siding with the majority of mainstream American for a change would be frailing nice instead of bending over backwards to be "fair & balanced" to every fringe nut job whacko freak with an axe to grind.

posted on Mar, 30 2005 @ 06:23 AM

Originally posted by BlackJackalMichael received over a million dollars in several malpractice suits and he claimed that money was so he could become a nurse and take care of his wife and to pay for her rehab. Not one penny of that went to her rehab or him becoming a nurse. So why should I feel sorry for him?

I thought the malpractice amount was one million, $750,000 (give or take a little) of which is sitting in a trust for Terri. The family will be fighting over the money when she dies.

posted on Mar, 30 2005 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by Crakeur
I thought the malpractice amount was one million, $750,000 (give or take a little) of which is sitting in a trust for Terri. The family will be fighting over the money when she dies.

n August, Terri Schiavo is awarded $250,000 in an out-of-court medical malpractice settlement with one of her physicians. Then, in November the medical malpractice trial against one of Terri's other physicians results in a $1 million malpractice judgment; $750,000 of that amount is put in a trust fund to pay for Terri's medical care.

posted on Mar, 30 2005 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by RANT
God, I hope so. The media siding with the majority of mainstream American for a change would be frailing nice instead of bending over backwards to be "fair & balanced" to every fringe nut job whacko freak with an axe to grind.

The majority of Americans? Oh you must be going off the 996 adults who responded to the flawed poll question stating Terri was unconscious and on life support. Sure that's the majority of America a poll of 1000 people.

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