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Riot police in France under pressure.

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posted on Dec, 14 2021 @ 03:07 PM

originally posted by: crayzeed
Is this the post for all the hypocrites on ATS? These people were NOT protesters they were rioters, trying to do the same as what you all condemn ATIFA and BLM are doing.
Believe me, I have seen it with my own eyes, if this was a legitimate protest (notice I said protest) the French police have a history, justified, of siding with protestors.
This was a violent riot they were trying to contain. Or do you want to believe the "protestors" saying they were protesting peacefully, like ATIFA and BLM.

A while ago there were protests in Rotterdam, against the covid measures and the banning of fireworks on New Years eve.. riot police was there in very small numbers, didn’t have their van’s window protection down, were amongst the protesters without their riot gear equipped.. just keeping an eye on the situation.
Bad decision.. some of the protesters turned violent without provocation and started launching heavy firework rockets at the police and setting cars and such on fire.
Hundreds of rioters were cornering a small group of police as such that one officer fired warning shots.
In the Netherlands, police drawing their gun is kind of a big deal, and now you have people judging that cop for being overly aggressive..

I’m all for protesting.. and if peaceful protest is met by police brutality, the protesters have all the right to respond equally.
But if you turn violent for no reason during your protests and turn it into a riot, i EXPECT police forces to respond in such a way that they will be able to protect innocents,themselves, and property, from the idiots that just want to cause mayhem.

posted on Dec, 14 2021 @ 09:11 PM
Fake news.
The whole world knows that'd they'd all die if COVID exposure if this were actually happening.... sorry, had to

posted on Dec, 14 2021 @ 10:29 PM

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: bobs_uruncle

A brainwashed elite who haven't a clue on the mood and needs of the people. Do not seem to comprehend the writing on the wall, they have a lukewarm police force with the top officers telling them that their safety is assured. Any act that will require the military to use live ammunition on the people will make 1917 look like a picnic in the park. By now the French don't want concessions they want blood.

I have a feeling they are going to get it. I hope there is video of the people marching out the politicians and ending them. The visuals would hopefully be stimulating (and motivating) for the rest of the world.

Cheers - Dave


What I fear is that they will simply throttle back,
and that Gates and Fauci
their lovers and guard
will live to promote another scheme.
Hell is too good for them.

Now that they own everything, they say we must clap their VR kink
to our mask, own nothing, and be happy.


In America they used this filth to successfully grab an election, destroy an economy and Republic,
while using the world enemy media to roll out a greasy partisan needlepoint assault
to foment slow death and/or civil war; thus emboldened, they shamelessly proceed toward the sole end
of securing a global government!

They need to pay.
In living color.

# 1521
edit on 14-12-2021 by TheWhiteKnight because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 12:17 PM

originally posted by: TheWhiteKnight

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: bobs_uruncle

A brainwashed elite who haven't a clue on the mood and needs of the people. Do not seem to comprehend the writing on the wall, they have a lukewarm police force with the top officers telling them that their safety is assured. Any act that will require the military to use live ammunition on the people will make 1917 look like a picnic in the park. By now the French don't want concessions they want blood.

I have a feeling they are going to get it. I hope there is video of the people marching out the politicians and ending them. The visuals would hopefully be stimulating (and motivating) for the rest of the world.

Cheers - Dave


What I fear is that they will simply throttle back,
and that Gates and Fauci
their lovers and guard
will live to promote another scheme.
Hell is too good for them.

Now that they own everything, they say we must clap their VR kink
to our mask, own nothing, and be happy.


In America they used this filth to successfully grab an election, destroy an economy and Republic,
while using the world enemy media to roll out a greasy partisan needlepoint assault
to foment slow death and/or civil war; thus emboldened, they shamelessly proceed toward the sole end
of securing a global government!

They need to pay.
In living color.

# 1521

After a fair trial of course with a jury of average third generation citizens, whatever the outcome. I've already publicly offered to build the gallows, buy the rope and pull the lever 300+ times for free. I consider it part of giving back and my civic duty to assist ridding the population of terrorists, traitors and criminals ;-) I won't mince words about it, I am already on the lists ;-)

Cheers - Dave

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