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Planned Euthanasia Does Not Constitute Healthcare

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posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 09:50 AM

Here is an excellent report detailing all the moving parts of a conspiracy to ensure that a huge number of people died excess to what would be normally expected, to the tune of over 47,000 excess deaths in a six week period. This was a cogent & well-executed plan to literally euthanise tens of thousands of vulnerable & elderly patients using a combination of the COVID-19 disease itself, and engineered failures in basic healthcare, and deliberately dangerous prescribing practices, to give the appearance of a deadly pandemic unfolding before our eyes, in a six week 'first wave' here in the UK. This post (source at footer) is an excellent exposition of just how they were able to pull of such a remarkable deception, and the literal murder (by a variety of tools, including non-consulted 'do not resuscutate' orders, and the prescribing of morphine & midazolam (a benzodiazepene which represses breathing) of tens of thousands of elderly & vulnerable patients, most particularly through the withdrawal of all medical care & the total abandonment of huge numbers of vulnerable, elderly patients whose risk exposure has been cynically & cleverly quadrupled (and more).

Read it & weep. Literally.

During the “first wave” approximately 25,000 vulnerable people were discharged into care homes to face the extremely high risk environment created for them by the UK government. At the same time potentially life ending drugs were being liberally prescribed.

This was the COVID 19 policy response and we were told the intention was to “protect the most vulnerable”. All of it was predicted on the assumption that hospital were struggling to cope with the “surge” in COVID 19 patients. According to the UK government, patients needed to be discharged to free up capacity in the NHS.

At the height of the so called first wave, on the 13th of April 2020, the Health Service Journal reported that hospital bed occupancy was at a record low, with 4 times more beds available that usual for the time of year. There were 37,500 available beds.

The HSJ stated that the reason for this spare capacity was the discharge policy operated by NHS at the behest of the government. What they didn’t mention is that these figures show the high risk discharge of the most vulnerable people in our society was entirely unnecessary.

You may not like it but is not “unthinkable” that this was deliberate, coordinated policy designed to increase the mortality statistics. Many have questioned the claimed severity of the alleged pandemic. If you wish to give the impression of a high mortality disease then you need the deaths to back up your claim.

It is feasible that all of these risk heightening factors happened to perfectly coalesce to increase mortality, but is it plausible? A refusal to contemplate the possibility of a intentional act does not rule it out. Only a thorough, truly independent investigation can.

While this system was in operation, the UK government encouraged widespread adoption of the Clap for Carers, often referred to as “clap for the NHS.” During lockdowns, as the whole nation was told to self isolate indoors and avoid all unnecessary congregation, between the 26th March and the 28th May, we were “allowed” to simultaneously congregate on the streets and show our appreciation by clapping, banging pots and pans and ringing bells.

Meanwhile vulnerable people were being discharged into unsafe care homes where access to medical care was withdrawn and essential social care removed. Clapping for this was obscene. The government clearly used this ploy both as a distraction and as propaganda. This does not suggest that doctors, nurses and carers do not deserve our support. Any medical professional or carer who blows the whistle is almost certainly making a career ending decision.

Given the evidence we have discussed, if we consider ourselves to be responsible citizens who live in a democracy, it is unconscionable for us to simply ignore what appears to have been a deliberate and illegal government policy of large scale euthanasia in the UK. We must seek answers from policy makers and malfeasance in office must be prosecuted wherever it is identified.

In This Together - Planned Euthanasia Does Not Constitute Healthcare – No Matter How Hard You Clap For It

This was a deliberate arrangement of resources, plans & staff, medication (etc) which was intended to inflate the mortality statistics, to provide for the impression that a deadly pandemic was unfolding in the UK. These tactics were universally applied in other Western nations which are at the behest of the powers which constitute the intended New World Order, the so-called 'Illuminati' type entities. The policy decisions were deliberately arrayed such that great numbers of vulnerable people would perish, in order that the perception of a pandemic could be more easily foisted onto the wider public by the scheisters who planned it & rolled out the moving parts of the conspiracy.

We cannot ignore this, we should never forget this, and if in any way we eventually find that it is possible to counter & overcome the damage which has been done to our societies by these people & the planned activities they undertook to execute - deliberately killing our family members to deceive the public into what appears likely to be a wider genocide to take place over the next few years - then we must punish this with extreme prejudice, because they all deserve to experience a death caused by morphine & midazolam. Evil SOBs with no consciences, who have 'seared' their consciences, all of whom literally deserve death, if they can be proven to have taken an active role in planning & executing the conspiracy.

And they made us clap for it. Hideous.

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

We cannot ignore this, we should never forget this, and if in any way we eventually find that it is possible to counter & overcome the damage which has been done to our societies by these people & the planned activities they undertook to execute - deliberately killing our family members to deceive the public into what appears likely to be a wider genocide to take place over the next few years - then we must punish this with extreme prejudice, because they all deserve to experience a death caused by morphine & midazolam. Evil SOBs with no consciences, who have 'seared' their consciences, all of whom literally deserve death, if they can be proven to have taken an active role in planning & executing the conspiracy.

The level of overt criminality that has surrounded everything in regards to the "treatment" of covid becomes known more and more every day.

They are withholding viable therapeutics, waiting for people to get sick, throwing them on ventilators and let them die here in America.

I have not seen any of this information that you have produced here, but it makes all the sense in the world. They are deliberately killing people. It is their ultimate goal and it works great for the fear news cycle.
edit on America/ChicagoSundayAmerica/Chicago10America/Chicago1031amSunday10 by elementalgrove because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 10:43 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Very interesting and disturbing read - also thought this funeral director made some very intriguing remarks about euthanasia pharmaceuticals being mass implemented in British nursing homes.


posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 10:57 AM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment

Here is an excellent report detailing all the moving parts of a conspiracy to ensure that a huge number of people died excess to what would be normally expected, to the tune of over 47,000 excess deaths in a six week period. This was a cogent & well-executed plan to literally euthanise tens of thousands of vulnerable & elderly patients using a combination of the COVID-19 disease itself, and engineered failures in basic healthcare, and deliberately dangerous prescribing practices, to give the appearance of a deadly pandemic unfolding before our eyes, in a six week 'first wave' here in the UK. This post (source at footer) is an excellent exposition of just how they were able to pull of such a remarkable deception, and the literal murder (by a variety of tools, including non-consulted 'do not resuscutate' orders, and the prescribing of morphine & midazolam (a benzodiazepene which represses breathing) of tens of thousands of elderly & vulnerable patients, most particularly through the withdrawal of all medical care & the total abandonment of huge numbers of vulnerable, elderly patients whose risk exposure has been cynically & cleverly quadrupled (and more).

Read it & weep. Literally.

During the “first wave” approximately 25,000 vulnerable people were discharged into care homes to face the extremely high risk environment created for them by the UK government. At the same time potentially life ending drugs were being liberally prescribed.

This was the COVID 19 policy response and we were told the intention was to “protect the most vulnerable”. All of it was predicted on the assumption that hospital were struggling to cope with the “surge” in COVID 19 patients. According to the UK government, patients needed to be discharged to free up capacity in the NHS.

At the height of the so called first wave, on the 13th of April 2020, the Health Service Journal reported that hospital bed occupancy was at a record low, with 4 times more beds available that usual for the time of year. There were 37,500 available beds.

The HSJ stated that the reason for this spare capacity was the discharge policy operated by NHS at the behest of the government. What they didn’t mention is that these figures show the high risk discharge of the most vulnerable people in our society was entirely unnecessary.

You may not like it but is not “unthinkable” that this was deliberate, coordinated policy designed to increase the mortality statistics. Many have questioned the claimed severity of the alleged pandemic. If you wish to give the impression of a high mortality disease then you need the deaths to back up your claim.

It is feasible that all of these risk heightening factors happened to perfectly coalesce to increase mortality, but is it plausible? A refusal to contemplate the possibility of a intentional act does not rule it out. Only a thorough, truly independent investigation can.

While this system was in operation, the UK government encouraged widespread adoption of the Clap for Carers, often referred to as “clap for the NHS.” During lockdowns, as the whole nation was told to self isolate indoors and avoid all unnecessary congregation, between the 26th March and the 28th May, we were “allowed” to simultaneously congregate on the streets and show our appreciation by clapping, banging pots and pans and ringing bells.

Meanwhile vulnerable people were being discharged into unsafe care homes where access to medical care was withdrawn and essential social care removed. Clapping for this was obscene. The government clearly used this ploy both as a distraction and as propaganda. This does not suggest that doctors, nurses and carers do not deserve our support. Any medical professional or carer who blows the whistle is almost certainly making a career ending decision.

Given the evidence we have discussed, if we consider ourselves to be responsible citizens who live in a democracy, it is unconscionable for us to simply ignore what appears to have been a deliberate and illegal government policy of large scale euthanasia in the UK. We must seek answers from policy makers and malfeasance in office must be prosecuted wherever it is identified.

In This Together - Planned Euthanasia Does Not Constitute Healthcare – No Matter How Hard You Clap For It

This was a deliberate arrangement of resources, plans & staff, medication (etc) which was intended to inflate the mortality statistics, to provide for the impression that a deadly pandemic was unfolding in the UK. These tactics were universally applied in other Western nations which are at the behest of the powers which constitute the intended New World Order, the so-called 'Illuminati' type entities. The policy decisions were deliberately arrayed such that great numbers of vulnerable people would perish, in order that the perception of a pandemic could be more easily foisted onto the wider public by the scheisters who planned it & rolled out the moving parts of the conspiracy.

We cannot ignore this, we should never forget this, and if in any way we eventually find that it is possible to counter & overcome the damage which has been done to our societies by these people & the planned activities they undertook to execute - deliberately killing our family members to deceive the public into what appears likely to be a wider genocide to take place over the next few years - then we must punish this with extreme prejudice, because they all deserve to experience a death caused by morphine & midazolam. Evil SOBs with no consciences, who have 'seared' their consciences, all of whom literally deserve death, if they can be proven to have taken an active role in planning & executing the conspiracy.

And they made us clap for it. Hideous.

I highly doubt that Midazolam is being prescribed in such a manner. And that entire site is just click bait fear mongering.

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: Allaroundyou

You may choose to 'highly doubt' that Midazolam is being prescribed in such a manner, but there are numerous whistleblowers on record stating that it is being used in this way. Your doubt is not a reputed source, and I think I will trust the whistleblowers, and the remainder of the highly convincing evidence which suggest that yes, indeed it is the case that this drug is being prescribed in this way, for these nefarious purposes.

Here you go, from the same source, evidencing that the toxic combination of morphine & midazolam had already once been utilised in this exact manner to deliberately shorten the lives of potentially thousands of patients in a hospital several years prior to the COVID outbreak. Yet you 'highly doubt' that such a thing could happen. You're sticking your head in the sand, at best.

Once the vulnerable were trapped in abandoned care homes, which were knowingly understaffed, the remaining, unprotected staff were then left to deal with both their own safety fears and the mounting mortality. The government decided this was an opportune moment to suspend all safety inspections in both hospital and care settings. This was supposed to “limit infections,” although every other decision they made appeared to increase them. Yet again, ending inspections raised the mortality risk for the most vulnerable.

At the same time, Do Not Resuscitate (DNAR) notices were being attached to vulnerable people’s care plans, often without their consent or even their knowledge. This coincided with a massive increase in orders for the potentially life ending medication midazolam.

In March 2020 the NHS purchased the equivalent of two years worth of supply. French suppliers were then given regulatory approval by the MHRA to sell additional stock to the NHS. This was then distributed for out of hospital use in the community.

This benzodiazepine (midazolam) is a sedative/anaesthetic that suppresses respiration and the central nervous system (CNS). The British National Formulary (BNF) recommends its use for sedation of anxious or agitated terminally ill patients using a mechanised syringe pump in doses of 30–200 micrograms/kg/hour. It is not recommended for conscious sedation in higher doses due to the following risks:

“CNS (central nervous system) depression; compromised airway; severe respiratory depression.”

Therefore a frail, eight stone (50 kg) adult could receive an initial dose of up to 2.5mg followed by a total incremental dose of another 2.5mg over a 24hr period. The purpose of this would be to ease their anxiety and agitation if they were experiencing the frightening sensation of intense respiratory difficulty.

Midazolam becomes a conscious anaesthetic for use in intensive and palliative care when given in higher doses. The British Association for Palliative Medicine recommend:

“Start with 2.5-5 milligrams – if necessary, increase progressively to 10 milligrams – maintain with 10-60 milligrams / 24h in a syringe pump”

Ten milligrams is twice the BNF recommended dose to ease anxiety (for an 8 stone vulnerable adult.) Therefore it is extremely concerning that NHS Clinical Guideline for Symptom Control for patients with COVID-19 recommended 10mg of Midazolam for patients with “distressing breathlessness at rest.” This risks a rapid deterioration of the symptoms causing them that distress.

Police are still investigating an estimated 15,000 deaths that occurred at Gosport War Memorial Hospital between 1987 and 2001. An inquiry has already found that at least 456 people’s lives were “shortened” through the unwarranted use of unnecessary medication. Many suspect that the true figure is in the thousands. The independent panel into the malpractice at Gosport War Memorial Hospital found:

“There was a disregard for human life and a culture of shortening the lives of a large number of patients by prescribing and administering “dangerous doses” of a hazardous combination of medication not clinically indicated or justified.. they were, in effect, put on a terminal care pathway.. The risk of using them in combination has been consistently documented in the BNF.

In particular, it has long been known that when given together, opioids and midazolam cause enhanced sedation, respiratory depression and lowered blood pressure.”

This report was published in September 2018. In 2020 the NHS treatment guidelines for COVID 19 patients, who were deemed to be “agitated,” was:

“Start with Morphine 20mg and Midazolam 20mg....

EDITOR'S NOTE (FITO, ATS member) - from the info noted above, it is seen that 20mg Midazolam is a whopping first dose, particularly for a small, frail elderly person, potentially with co-morbidities - in tandem with morphine making the blood pressure & respiratory function drop like a rock, a method which, when added to existing respiratory distress, will almost certainly shorten the life of the patient if this protocol is sustained. Please, continue with your 'doubt' - I double dare you.

...This is precisely the mechanical syringe combination used at Gosport War Memorial to “shorten” thousands of peoples lives. There are numerous reasons to suspect that the huge increase in midazolam ordered by the NHS, with the full knowledge of the government, was intended for this purpose.

In April 2020 the Health and Social Care Committee, chaired by Jeremy Hunt, heard submissions from medical professionals as they considered the government response to the global pandemic. In Q377 Dr Luke Evans (MP fror Hinckley and Bosworth) asked then Health Secretary about NHS provisions for “a good death.” This is medical shorthand for assisted dying or euthanasia. Dr Evans (MP) asked:

“The syringe drivers are used to deliver medications such as midazolam and morphine. Do you have any precautions in place to ensure that we have enough of those medications?”

To which Matt Hancock replied:

“Yes. We have a big project to make sure that the global supply chains for those sorts of medications.. are clear. In fact, those medicines are made in a relatively small number of factories around the world, so it is a delicate supply chain and we are in contact with the whole supply chain.”

Hancock was clearly referring to the huge midazolam order and MHRA approval of the French supply chain. The UK government had already passed the Coronavirus Act, removing the NHS Framework duties, and had ordered them to discharge patients en masse. The NHS had instructed care homes not to send sick patients to hospital and GP support from the care homes had effectively been withdrawn.

Doubtful? I highly doubt it. It is a certainty that this protocol is in use, the evidence is clear. Midazolam plus morphine, is deliberate euthanasia of frail, vulnerable, elderly people who are already suffering respiratory distress or other symptoms making them more susceptible, due to care having been strategically withdrawn, as described at length in the OP.

edit on OctoberSunday21110CDT11America/Chicago-050042 by FlyInTheOintment because: underlining text re: midazolam & morphine used in combination = deadly.

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 11:50 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

May be true, may not be true. All I know is that is not at all recommended for the elderly.
The way I look at it is not with a tinfoil hat. This site is making the assumption that is being done. Fear gets clicks and paranoia keeps those clicks clicking.
I don't buy into that.

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: Allaroundyou

May be true, may not be true. All I know is that is not at all recommended for the elderly.

Wait, did you really just state that it may or may not be true, despite my provision of evidence that it most definitely IS true? How can you justify your position, in light of having been provided with the evidence for the truth of the statement as fact? You seem to be living in a state of self-delusion.

I recognise that such a statement may be offensive, and if you take offence please accept my apology for harming your precious feelings, but when someone presents the evidence of a fact, which you then proceed to disregard - how do you cope with the dissonance of such an irrational position? When evidence is presented, a statement is justified as fact. If I had failed to provide evidence of how the medications are being misused, then I could understand your position - but I just laid out the evidence - so again, how are you struggling with this concept? I find your attitude truly bizarre.

A tree just fell in the forest & you heard & saw it fall. But still you say, maybe it didn't fall? Very strange way to live life, not trusting the evidence of a thing when that evidence is plain to see. It most certainly does not require a tinfoil hat to accept the evidence of a crime being perpetrated in respect of the prescribing habits of doctors providing unwarranted & dangerous combinations of Midazolam & Morphine to vulnerable, elderly patients, many with co-morbidities, causing them to die prematurely, as a fact which is thus evidenced....?

Again, your stance is so illogical that I can't see how you sleep at night, the dissonance would cause almost any other person to twitch uncontrollably as the result of the bizarre attempt to integrate a true, evidenced statement as being potentially false, just because you will it to be the case... This is som MK-Ultra # that your mind is pulling off here. Wow.

(post by FunshineCD removed for a manners violation)

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 03:02 PM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
a reply to: Allaroundyou

May be true, may not be true. All I know is that is not at all recommended for the elderly.

Wait, did you really just state that it may or may not be true, despite my provision of evidence that it most definitely IS true? How can you justify your position, in light of having been provided with the evidence for the truth of the statement as fact? You seem to be living in a state of self-delusion.

I recognise that such a statement may be offensive, and if you take offence please accept my apology for harming your precious feelings, but when someone presents the evidence of a fact, which you then proceed to disregard - how do you cope with the dissonance of such an irrational position? When evidence is presented, a statement is justified as fact. If I had failed to provide evidence of how the medications are being misused, then I could understand your position - but I just laid out the evidence - so again, how are you struggling with this concept? I find your attitude truly bizarre.

A tree just fell in the forest & you heard & saw it fall. But still you say, maybe it didn't fall? Very strange way to live life, not trusting the evidence of a thing when that evidence is plain to see. It most certainly does not require a tinfoil hat to accept the evidence of a crime being perpetrated in respect of the prescribing habits of doctors providing unwarranted & dangerous combinations of Midazolam & Morphine to vulnerable, elderly patients, many with co-morbidities, causing them to die prematurely, as a fact which is thus evidenced....?

Again, your stance is so illogical that I can't see how you sleep at night, the dissonance would cause almost any other person to twitch uncontrollably as the result of the bizarre attempt to integrate a true, evidenced statement as being potentially false, just because you will it to be the case... This is som MK-Ultra # that your mind is pulling off here. Wow.


I had a very similar conversation with them about masking children.

You have eloquently described the impression I had as well!

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 03:09 PM
You're either an asset to society or you take away from society.

Those who take away from society are targeted for euthanasia.

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

You see here is the difference we have. You find this to be proof. I find it to be evidence that could and should be used to find the truth/proof of what happened.
I see evidence not proof.

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 04:27 PM

originally posted by: Allaroundyou
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

You see here is the difference we have. You find this to be proof. I find it to be evidence that could and should be used to find the truth/proof of what happened.
I see evidence not proof.

And that! is exactly how this stuff needs to be viewed, it bears further investigation.

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