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Alec Baldwin Shooting Victim was wife of Latham-Watkins Lawyer, Clintoncide?

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posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 04:57 PM
It fits: the BS cover story, the no charges investigation, dead person.
At that is missing is some connection small or large. I agree that the tweet is not proofable but I believe I saw it before she died somewhere.

a reply to: network dude
Redneck I do not want to see that either but would like the ability to do so if needed.

a reply to: TheRedneck
edit on 10/24/2021 by CrazyFox because: save space

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 05:29 PM
It fits: the BS cover story, the no charges investigation, dead person.
At that is missing is some connection small or large.
a reply to: CrazyFox

It fits: the BS cover story, the no charges investigation, dead person.
At that is missing is some connection small or large. [color=red]

This is precisely what my mind keeps coming back to.

Motive, guilty parties, and the rest we may never know, but it is laughable to call this an accident.
edit on America/ChicagoSundayAmerica/Chicago10America/Chicago1031pmSunday5 by elementalgrove because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to: vonclod

It's actually a very simplistic gun, single shot, but it is so damn versatile! I used... er, I mean, the person who owns it which I may or may not know used it for deer hunting. One shot is all that is typically needed, and despite that 16" barrel it is very accurate... accurate enough to use a nice scope for longer shots.

There is also a .44/.357 Bain-Davis barrel for it. That can be loaded with a .38 caliber capsule filled with rock salt. It won't kill a stray dog, but it will put it in so much pain it will not come back. Effective range is short, under 100 feet, but it's good enough. One must really keep the barrel clean, though... rock salt can do nasty things to a gun barrel.

The person with it has had more compliments on it than on some of the other, more impressive guns in his/her collection, despite it being one of the least expensive guns he/she owns.


posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck
I'm not sure if my friend had any addition cal barrels for his, but it was a cool concept. He liked oddball pistols, also had a Remington XP 100, which you probably know is a bolt action pistol, I guess it would of been the original .221

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 07:47 PM
a reply to: vonclod

The .221 round, IMO, was the downfall for the XP 100. It's not that it's a bad round, just that it had to compete in an already overcrowded market. The Remington .222 was already established, and was later joined by the .223 Remington (IMO one of the most versatile rounds in the .22 caliber family), the .222 Remington Magnum, the 22-250, and the .220 Swift. There just wasn't a real need for the .221.

It was also a low-powered single-shot "varmit gun." Varmits are fast, so it's nice to have a few shots in reserve when trying to kill one. Deer, on the other hand, usually need a single shot and the Contender can deliver that shot in a round large enough to do the job.

Never owned one, but by all accounts the XP 100 was a solid little gun. If it had fired the .223, it would have had a lot more success, even being a single-shot.


posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 08:32 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck
They did eventually chamber it in .223, a bunch of others too, had to look it up..quite a few actually

.221 Remington Fireball (1963–1985)
7 mm BR Remington (1980–1985)
.223 Remington (1986–1997), (2005–Present in XR-100)
.35 Remington (1986–1997)
350 Rem. Mag (1991-1997)
.250 Savage (1990–1992) Custom Shop only
6 mm BR Remington (1990–1992) Custom Shop only
.22-250 Remington (1992–1994) Custom Shop only, (2005–Present in XR-100)
.308 Winchester (1992–1994) Custom Shop only
7 mm-08 Remington (1993–1994)
.204 Ruger (2005–Present in XR-100)

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 09:17 PM
a reply to: elementalgrove

" It Wasn’t a ‘Prop Gun’: Alec Baldwin Shot a Firearm That Was Being Used for Target Practice Off Set "

President Trump is getting the LAST LAUGH Alec.............................

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 10:08 PM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: vonclod

We have to determine, how they discern live from dummy. If Baldwin was handed a revolver that was supposed to appear appeared loaded. I'm completely guessing they might use a spent casing, and just crimp a slug on, so the primer remains, but struck. Even that might be sketchy, your armourer better know their stuff. I'm not giving him a complete pass, but we need more info.

I already have that information. I have been reloading for a long, long, long time.

The difference between a live round and a dummy round (not a blank) is the primer. The whole point of a dummy round is to look exactly like a live round. So it's not feasible to paint them a bright color or anything like that. The primer, however, is replaced by an inert substance (candle wax, a plastic plug, etc.; some individuals even use spent primers). That substance is usually brightly colored to distinguish a dummy round from a live round.

Now, I took some shots of a revolver belonging to an unnamed individual I may or may not know.It just happens to be a Taurus Judge, which fires .45 Colt (the shells which were apparently used in this case) and/or .410 shotshells. Please forgive my poor photography skills, but here's what the gun looks like fully loaded:

As you can see, the shooter cannot see the primers. Almost every revolver is built this way. That piece of metal blocking the view keeps the shells in their proper place. Now, it is possible on this model (as with most) to see the primers from the side:

But, as you can see, you cannot see ALL the primers! Only the ones on that side, and not the one in the chamber (the one in line with the barrel). But there is an easy way to see the primers:

Just open the cylinder. All the shells are there, and all the primers are in plain view. Since a dummy round can only be identified by the color/appearance of the primer, this is the only way to ensure the gun is actually loaded with what one expects it to be loaded with. the caliber of each round is even embossed on the casing surrounding the priimer, although it is small and can't really be made out in that pic. The operation to open and close the cylinder literally takes less than a second each. Even a newbie could easily open the cylinder, check the shells, and close it again in under ten seconds. It is literally that easy.

Now, some older models of revolver were built so the cylinder didn't open. These had a loading port that forced the user to load one shell at a time. I don't know for certain which type was used, but those single-load revolvers are pretty rare and collector's pieces. Unless someone can show me different, I am assuming that the cylinder opened.

This is why we have been talking about the necessity of checking the weapon personally before using it. If Alec Baldwin had opened the cylinder, verified that the primers looked like blank primers, closed it, and this had happened, he would be guiltless IMO. He did not do that. He refused to take 2 seconds to make sure he would not take a life. That is the very definition of negligence.

Even if the loader had used spent primers, I placed a spent shell at the top position in that last pic. See the dimple in the middle? That is a load which cannot fire. The primer has already fired once, and once is all they do.

Hopefully that will clear things up.


This is EXCELLENT and YES....when handed a gun, every person should inspect it like this and it takes seconds to do!!!! Anyone handling a gun, should be trained in THIS. Gun safety 101 !!! If not trained in THIS, one should not be handling any gun anywhere.

THIS is why he is at fault for what he did.
edit on 2021 by shaemac because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 10:50 PM
a reply to: vonclod

Wow... I learned something today!


posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 03:06 AM
This may or may not be relevant to the OP.

AD who gave Baldwin loaded gun was subject to 2019 safety complaint

Is it a case of a shody AD and lack of safety in general on the set?

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 05:04 AM
Has anyone looked into whether this "Hall" guy had financial issues.

He seems to have some issues not related to finances.

Ya just never know.
edit on 25-10-2021 by crappiekat because: to add

edit on 25-10-2021 by crappiekat because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 07:16 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox

And it just keeps getting weirder...

What was a Clinton white house lawyer doing at Epstein's Arraignment (Latham-Watkins)

But while the press focused on Epstein, one high-profile spectator apparently went unnoticed—at least, unnoticed by most. Two eyewitnesses say former White House lawyer Kathryn Ruemmler was at Epstein’s court appearance that day in his support, The Daily Beast has learned.

Two people who separately attended the hearing said Ruemmler—who served as White House counsel during the Clinton and Obama administrations—had a “professional relationship” with Epstein and was seated behind his defense team.

At the time, Ruemmler was a partner at Latham & Watkins and global co-chair of the law firm’s white-collar defense and investigations practice.

And as for Hunter and Latham-Watkins...

Hunter Biden Hires Criminal Defense Lawyer (Latham-Watkins) - Whose Colleague Just Landed Top Spot In Biden DOJ!?

In December, the younger Biden hired former federal prosecutor Chris Clark, a partner at Latham & Watkins, to defend him against alleged tax and money laundering activities,as well as potential counterintelligence concerns. Clark worked at Latham with Nicholas McQuaid on multiple cases involving white-collar defense.

Ah its probably nothing

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 10:20 AM
Just a simple update.

Souza[ said three people were handling the gun for the scene. Armorer Hanna Gutierrez Reed reportedly handled prop guns left on a cart outside the structure they were shooting in due to coronavirus restrictions. Assistant director Dave Halls handed one of those guns to Baldwin. According to a Santa Fe court, Halls announced that it was a "cold gun" before giving it to the actor, lingo meaning that the firearm was unloaded. As a result, Baldwin and the two people who were wounded believed the firearm was safe to use in the staging of the scene. Both the director and Russell noted that cameras were not rolling at the time as they were still setting up the shots.

edit on 25-10-2021 by Bigburgh because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: gb540

originally posted by: xuenchen
Has any credible official statement been made as to WHY a real hand gun was even where it was ????

And then handed to somebody with obviously no experience or qualification?

It doesn't take 13 weeks at Parris Island to master this, but if everyone who touched the firearm had the basics this would have been 100% preventable.

So either a tragic avoidable accident. Or someone saw cracks and an opportunity...

That is assuming it WAS an accident. Coincidences are adding up to it was on purpose 100% IMO. It is not easy to mess up common sense and point a loaded explosive device at someone and pull the trigger. It takes a real ass hole to do that. Ego or not he was a dumb ass at minimum and a murderer most likely it appears with each peace of data that is available.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: daftpink

Relevant? I'd say so!

From your link:

The gun Baldwin used was one of three that a firearms specialist, or “armorer”, had set on a cart outside the building where a scene was being rehearsed, according to court records.

Halls grabbed a gun off a cart and handed it to Baldwin, indicating that the weapon was safe by yelling “cold gun”, court papers noted. But, unknown to Halls, it was loaded with live rounds, according to the records.

This just keeps getting crazier and crazier! How did everyone on the set not manage to get themselves shot before this? It had to be Providence.

Three guns... pick one! It might not be loaded, probably isn't, so hey! "Cold gun on set!" Go ahead and try it Mr. Baldwin... it might be unloaded! Just point it anywhere you want.

There's live ammo next to the blanks if you want to do some target shooting later.

This is beyond crazy...


posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 12:21 PM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: daftpink

Relevant? I'd say so!

From your link:

The gun Baldwin used was one of three that a firearms specialist, or “armorer”, had set on a cart outside the building where a scene was being rehearsed, according to court records.

Halls grabbed a gun off a cart and handed it to Baldwin, indicating that the weapon was safe by yelling “cold gun”, court papers noted. But, unknown to Halls, it was loaded with live rounds, according to the records.

This just keeps getting crazier and crazier! How did everyone on the set not manage to get themselves shot before this? It had to be Providence.

Three guns... pick one! It might not be loaded, probably isn't, so hey! "Cold gun on set!" Go ahead and try it Mr. Baldwin... it might be unloaded! Just point it anywhere you want.

There's live ammo next to the blanks if you want to do some target shooting later.

This is beyond crazy...


So, how is Baldwin criminally liable? If this is true, it was Hall who was.

Not sure how criminal negligence works in the US but over here he would not be charged with manslaughter.

All I seem to hear on here is he is a leftie PoS so he is guilty and needs prison.

If he'd been a Trump supporter this thread would, I suspect, be a lot shorter.

Not a leftie, or a Dem (being a Brit....), just saying, is all.
edit on 25-10-2021 by Oldcarpy2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 12:36 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: gb540

originally posted by: xuenchen
Has any credible official statement been made as to WHY a real hand gun was even where it was ????

And then handed to somebody with obviously no experience or qualification?

It doesn't take 13 weeks at Parris Island to master this, but if everyone who touched the firearm had the basics this would have been 100% preventable.

So either a tragic avoidable accident. Or someone saw cracks and an opportunity...

That is assuming it WAS an accident. Coincidences are adding up to it was on purpose 100% IMO. It is not easy to mess up common sense and point a loaded explosive device at someone and pull the trigger. It takes a real ass hole to do that. Ego or not he was a dumb ass at minimum and a murderer most likely it appears with each peace of data that is available.

Where is the motive? You think it was 100% on purpose? Based on stuff you read on the web?

I do hope you never get to sit on a jury!

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 12:37 PM
Who funded the movie "Rust"?
Bondit Media Capital.
Who is distributor?
Buffalo 8 company.
And Buffalo 8 also distributing a documentary about Roderick Webber AKA Rod Webber who is the guy who wrote "Epstein Didnt Kill Himself" on the wall of that banana art show called Art Basel. It is called "2020 The Dumpster Fire." This is not a coincidence.

Webber writes on his own blog about going to Epstein's mansion to tell everyone he did not kill himself by writing it in grafitti. Also I think they made him pretend to go against Trump with blackmail.

a reply to: elementalgrove

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 12:39 PM
In the last 5 years, most movie guns have been using plastic 5 in 1 blanks where the only metal part is the primer. The rest of the case is all soft plastic.

Over the years the old 5 in 1 blanks have had a brass casing and heavy cardboard wad and these have caused a number of accidents.
There were a few actors that would only do shooting parts while wearing bulletproof vests, just in case the prop department screwed up.
How live ammo can get into a prop gun is not only unbelievable but criminal.
There is no way a live round can be mistaken for a plastic blank.
The rule on movie sets for years has been three people must check the gun before shooting.
the prop master, the armorer, and set safety man. plus, many of the old actors would check themselves
on the old westerns most of the actors were hunters or gun owners and knew guns and blank ammo they used.
john wayne always checked the guns he used after having a horse shot out from under him by a live round that found its way into prop gun.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 12:43 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

If he'd been a Trump supporter this thread would, I suspect, be a lot shorter.

Due to the lawyer connection, we would still be here calling Clintoncide!

The Epstein/Clinton network is far larger than identity politics and when it comes to Pedowood, a whole lot of them have been to the island.

The thread keeps going because the official story does not make any sense.

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