I can't do full justice to this topic, so please expand it in your mind.
Imagine a world, where feminist claims were taken seriously, how different would it be?
"Gender is just a social construct".
Stop building women's prisons, stop letting women into night clubs for free, stop manufacturing make-up and women's clothes, and so on. Women don't
exist anymore, so there will be just 'human prisons'.
Sports are already doing this, but it would be 100% instead of partial, like it's now. Every single event would always be just 'people's 100 m dash'
and so on, instead of 'men's and 'women's.
The toilet situation is already weird enough, so I'll skip that.
The old 'there's never an excuse to hit a woman' would be changed to 'there's never an excuse to hit a human'.
Rapes wouldn't happen anymore, because there are no genders, so they would just be classified as 'assaults' or whatnot.
Everyone could dress any which way they want, instead of this 'women can dress in colorful dresses, men are only allowed colorless pants'-stuff.
"Women can do anything men can do, and better - while wearing high heels"
"Women are stronger than men"
No one would ever protect women, women would be expected to lift heavier objects than men, and do all the heavy and difficult work. Women sewage
workers, all-female fishing boats sent into the storms of the sea, women oil drillers, and so on.
Women would open doors for men, women would protect men, because after all, they're stronger and better than men in everything. Only women would work
on construction yards, drive garbage trucks, handle all the problems of the world, including computer problems.
Only female programmers would be hired, because why hire someone that's not as good?
Since women are BETTER than men and STRONGER than men, government would actually start protecting men from women, and any woman even slapping a man
would get a big sentence and jail time, while a man punching a woman in the face would just get a 'slap on the wrist'.
Men have to be protected from the STRONGER people, after all. That's only common sense and right.
Women would be jailed en masse for even threatening a man - they would be soon classified as jerks and bullies, because after all, when a stronger and
better individual threatens a weaker and worse individual, it's just bullying.
The old sayings would soon be changed to things like 'There's never an excuse to hit a man'.
After all, it would ONLY be a logical end result of taking a sentence like 'Women are stronger and better than men' seriously, right?
Gender equality would start sounding pretty good to women at this point - and I mean, actual equality, not the 'I will pick the good things but leave
bad things'-type falsehood that women LOVE calling 'equality' for some reason these days.
I for one kind of HOPE, wait and expect this world to some day take feminist claims seriously, THEN women will see what world men are forced to live
in, and how realize much equality REALLY means to them in that situation..
I would love to see actual equality, but 'the world taking feminist claims seriously' would be my second favorite thing to happen in this area.
So please, world, take feminists seriously!
As I said, this was just a scratch of the surface, I am sure the beautiful minds of ATS can expand this line of thought a lot further.
edit on 2-10-2021 by Shoujikina because: (no reason given)