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A COVID Reversal

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posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 04:47 PM
Firstly, let me begin quickly by saying unequivocally that this is not a thread about "in your face!" or any such non-sense. The person whom I'll speak about in this thread is a friend, and I'm by no means celebrating through this telling. I'm simply sharing since this is something close to all of our consideration, and an outcome that we might begin to see more and more in the future.

So before telling the story (which I've been known to be a tad verbose), let me just say that the overall premise is that I was forced to cancel plans with a friend because he got vaxxed. When I say a COVID reversal, I'm alluding to the fact that I think stories like this will become increasingly common where the 3rd class citizens (the unvaxxed...I can't believe I just honestly wrote that) will begin to isolate increasingly from those who are vaxxed, as opposed to the present narrative that has it the other way around.

To begin. I am just about to jump into the van-life. I think most on here have probably heard about it. It was actually the label the MSM attached to this young couple who has served as such a tremendous distraction for TPTB (because no one EVER goes missing or is killed...just one). For those perhaps unfamiliar, I'll attach a quick def from the intree-net:

To put it simply, van life is an alternative lifestyle adopted by many nomads looking to live a basic lifestyle, while being able to travel the world with freedom and ease.

I've mentioned before that I live at the VA hospital right now, but my huge, beautiful decked out camper van is ready and waiting to go, so I'll begin this adventure in a couple weeks. I have a good veteran friend here, and we had decided to take a few weeks and begin the trip together. We are fairly like minded, like me he has no wife or kids, like me he has a full Veteran's pension (so money wouldn't be a problem) and like me, we were both radically anti-vax (as it relates to us personally, there's a huge thread on this very thing right now, I'm anti-vax for me). None-the-less, we had both stated emphatically that we believed this to be a dangerous lie and that we would not be partaking in that vax.

Anyway, with the departure quickly approaching, we were preparing to go, thinking about some places we might like to check out, and generally just excited about getting out of here (I've been 'locked down' at this hospital for 3 months because of COVID...sheesh!). So this Wednesday I see him in the courtyard and he says, you're never going to believe what I did yesterday. What? I got vaxxed. Man, I was so disappointed in him. I mean, I'm pro-choice, so you do what you need to do. I don't lambast someone for getting vaxxed, I don't try to talk anyone out of it if that's their decision, I just know it's not for me nor shall it ever be. What he failed to realize, however, was that he just cancelled his ticket on our trip. We were going to be sharing a van for 3 weeks! A van! That's pretty close living. He just didn't realize, there is no way that I'm riding around in such close proximity to a vaccinated person. I don't know all the science on viral shedding, of unvaxxed acquiring spike proteins through close contact with the vaxxed, I don't pretend to. What I do know is that it exists as a possibility and that that is enough for me to rightfully and cautiously avoid it. I waited a day and then told him. He was obviously upset, and I didn't feel great about having to tell a friend that he was out. If you just would have talked to me, I told him, at least I would have told you where I stood and you would have been able to go into it with an informed choice (ie. you're not going with me if you do take it). That was my mandate.

So, I post this thread today because my story is the first time I've heard of this reversal (not to say there aren't many many more, I just haven't read about or heard of them). Up until now the unvaxxed were pariah. In what clearly defies any sense of logic, the vaxxed are afraid of the unvaxxed, which (assuming the vax works) makes no sense whatsoever. Now, however, a more legitimate discussion arises, that the unvaxxed should be wary of the vaxxed. This, prima faci, has a much greater sense of reality. Assuming viral shedding is a real phenomenon (and I just saw the last post on a thread I've been contributing to today where member visitedbythem spoke of his unvaxxed daughter becoming ill through such contact), then this sudden turn of the table could loom upon the immediate horizon. It makes me think of this from Scripture...

Matthew 19:30
But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first.

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 04:51 PM
You can't catch the vaccine.

Go on your trip, it will be just fine.

a reply to: TheMirrorSelf

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 04:57 PM
Having lived a temp life in the past as a hobo, please take this advice.

1. Safety is in numbers
2. Don't associate or becomes to close with people that are mentally unstable
3. If possible keep a clear mind
4. Use your wits to stay healhty

and 5. Make sure you find temp employment, this keeps you mind intact with the civilized population. And as a disabled Vet you are allowed to work even 100% disable

Good luck and always keep a smile on your face.

Make sure you have an axe and an natural way of starting a fire.

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 05:01 PM
I've become leary around those who got the Hokey Pokey. Especially recently. I completely understand your position. Loving the idea of van life. Have been researching that for a year now. Likely my future as well. Hopefully you keep us updated on your journey.
I will say, the vaxxed really don't seem to appreciate being shunned the way they do us. That tells me all I need to know.

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 05:02 PM
Quite right,why take the risk-what's good for the goose and all that.
You reminded me of a story I read the other day about an eco-retreat in Wales.
The owner has refused to let the vaccinated stay there to protect her customers.
She said that her liability insurance doesn't cover people who have been involved in medical experimentation.

vaccinated not welcome!

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 05:04 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific
You can't catch the vaccine.

Go on your trip, it will be just fine.

a reply to: TheMirrorSelf

Oh, I'm going on my trip. It will be just fine...

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 05:05 PM

originally posted by: musicismagic
Having lived a temp life in the past as a hobo, please take this advice.

1. Safety is in numbers
2. Don't associate or becomes to close with people that are mentally unstable
3. If possible keep a clear mind
4. Use your wits to stay healhty

and 5. Make sure you find temp employment, this keeps you mind intact with the civilized population. And as a disabled Vet you are allowed to work even 100% disable

Good luck and always keep a smile on your face.

Make sure you have an axe and an natural way of starting a fire.

Understood and covered. Thanks for you advice...

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 05:06 PM

originally posted by: glen200376
Quite right,why take the risk-what's good for the goose and all that.
You reminded me of a story I read the other day about an eco-retreat in Wales.
The owner has refused to let the vaccinated stay there to protect her customers.
She said that her liability insurance doesn't cover people who have been involved in medical experimentation.

vaccinated not welcome!

You point out something that is very important.
I always wondered if the Americans insurance companies paid out death insurance with regarding dying from a medical experimentation. Remember Congress let the Pharms off the hook, maybe also the insurance companies.

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 05:07 PM

originally posted by: AccessDenied
I've become leary around those who got the Hokey Pokey. Especially recently. I completely understand your position. Loving the idea of van life. Have been researching that for a year now. Likely my future as well. Hopefully you keep us updated on your journey.
I will say, the vaxxed really don't seem to appreciate being shunned the way they do us. That tells me all I need to know.

Exactly! Well, I think that for the unvaxxed there is an intrinsic sense of righteousness (which simply implies the confidence born of being right). You know, in the Book of Acts when the Apostles were walking around preaching, they would get their asses kicked. Beat and thrown into the streets, and they'd celebrate. They took a whoopin' for their beliefs and the belief in their Lord, and that was the power of righteousness on display. I don't think the vaxxed share in that freedom. They are, often, mired in fear.

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 05:09 PM

originally posted by: TheMirrorSelf

originally posted by: musicismagic
Having lived a temp life in the past as a hobo, please take this advice.

1. Safety is in numbers
2. Don't associate or becomes to close with people that are mentally unstable
3. If possible keep a clear mind
4. Use your wits to stay healhty

and 5. Make sure you find temp employment, this keeps you mind intact with the civilized population. And as a disabled Vet you are allowed to work even 100% disable

Good luck and always keep a smile on your face.

Make sure you have an axe and an natural way of starting a fire.

Understood and covered. Thanks for you advice...

You are most welcome.
Actually, being a hobo back in the 70's was quite enjoyable. Gas was only about 27 cents a gallon back then.

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 05:10 PM

originally posted by: glen200376
Quite right,why take the risk-what's good for the goose and all that.
You reminded me of a story I read the other day about an eco-retreat in Wales.
The owner has refused to let the vaccinated stay there to protect her customers.
She said that her liability insurance doesn't cover people who have been involved in medical experimentation.

vaccinated not welcome!

Ha! I like her stated reason. Yeah, thanks for replying (always appreciate what you have to say by the way). I was actually hoping to hear some similar stories. Like I said in my OP, I started this thread because this happened to me, I wasn't planning it, just there it was in my face and I had a decision to make. Other than this incident in my life, I hadn't heard of this reversal happening (although I knew that it must be happening, even increasing). Still, it's actually good to hear that others are beginning to feel this way...

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: TheMirrorSelf

Sorry to hear you lost your traveling partner. I'm sure it sucked for you to have to do that.

I completely agree with your decision and understand why you made it.

There simply isn't enough known.

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 05:13 PM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
a reply to: TheMirrorSelf

Sorry to hear you lost your traveling partner. I'm sure it sucked for you to have to do that.

I completely agree with your decision and understand why you made it.

There simply isn't enough known.

Well, I appreciate you saying that, sincerely. Of course you're going to feel like a bit of d### telling your buddy that y'alls great adventure is nixed (at least on his end), but like you just said and I tried to make clear in my OP, there simply isn't enough known.

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: TheMirrorSelf

As long as they don't try to force the vax on me i don't discriminate against anyone.

I have however stopped discussing the pandemic with vaccinated people, increasingly it appears to be striking a nerve, i think there's a lot of folks starting to question the narrative.

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 06:03 PM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: TheMirrorSelf

As long as they don't try to force the vax on me i don't discriminate against anyone.

I have however stopped discussing the pandemic with vaccinated people, increasingly it appears to be striking a nerve, i think there's a lot of folks starting to question the narrative.

Good advice.

For me, I just say my medical record is VERY CONFIDENTIAL and its none of your business.

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 06:23 PM
a reply to: TheMirrorSelf

What I find odd is the fact that someone can be so adamantly opposed to getting these experimental injections, even quoting the stats to back up their firm position.

Then, suddenly, out of the blue, they get the jab! I have seen this within my own circle of friends and overnight!

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 06:35 PM

originally posted by: queenofswords
a reply to: TheMirrorSelf

What I find odd is the fact that someone can be so adamantly opposed to getting these experimental injections, even quoting the stats to back up their firm position.

Then, suddenly, out of the blue, they get the jab! I have seen this within my own circle of friends and overnight!

Well, I guess that they lacked the courage of their convictions. In my friend's case, I know he wanted to get back home to Florida to his family. He said they talked him into it, that it really wasn't a big deal. I would be willing to bet that it was a big deal, the 'if you want to come here and be one with this family again you'll get the jab' kind of deal. I'm not certain, but pretty sure.

I just think people need to consider the Mark of the Beast as we move forward, seriously. Even if you don't believe, that doesn't matter. I believe, but even absent that belief I also think that those wicked people who are the tools of orchestration of this calamity will use belief as a rouse to achieve certain goals, so pure faith is not prerequisite. Having said that, these are Mark of the Beast times we're in...ability to buy or sell being directly tied to obedience to a system of control. That is Biblical!

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 06:52 PM
Oh, good lord.

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 07:33 PM
I lived in a van, off and on, for a couple years. Loved it. I had a moment one time, parked at the side of the highway after letting my dogs out to pee, where I got hit with bliss over the fact no one knew where I was. The memory stayed strong with me my whole life, that feeling, when I think back on it.

As to the vaccine shedding... this is purely anecdotal but I experienced heart issues when people around me were getting vaccinated. A few weeks of feeling faint at times, staggering a bit and complete loss of appetite while my heart was doing some fancy dance steps at random times. Woke one night with wicked pain in my back and tried to sit up but lost consciousness. I managed to crawl a few feet and collapsed on my dog. It felt like I was stuck in a tunnel with all sound echoing and far away. All in all, it lasted about a month and then lifted over the course of a few days.

I think you made the right call as you don't want something weird happening health wise while travelling.

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 07:40 PM
a reply to: TheMirrorSelf
I do not understand viral shedding. I will add my little story. My lady and I are for all tense and purpose hermits. We have a few friends(all 3 vaxxed) well wouldnt you know shortly after having 2 of them visit, I have all the covid symptoms. Turns out after said pokey you have to isolate for 2 weeks. But the ones giving the jab arent giving that info out.

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