I just found a creepy video of an 11 year old Russian boy who prophesied the covid situation.
It has been posted on another chat type site.
I am about 15 min in and thoroughly creeped out.
Check it out if your bored.
The hairs on your neck will stand up.
He was a famous prophet from Russia who died in 1993 at the age of 11, as he predicted he would.
He was known for his ability to diagnose people when doctors couldn't and other weird stuff.
He goes into spot on descriptions of what is currently happening. The vaccines, governments pushing them to allow going into public places.
After that, threats of cutting power to houses etc.
Massive food shortages.
Massive geo cataclysm to follow.
Insanely descript.
Tons of info in this video.
Just finished watching.
Do not recommend...way too scary
Not even sure how to prep for this scenario.
There is also some zombie like behavior in vaxed people talked about, except we haven't seen any yet.
Wait...my bad
Just for a little fun though...
Errrr, did you say Zombies? Why are Zombies so interested in staring at their own crotches? It is extremely worrisome. The young Russian boy prophet
predicted that the zombies will leave the cities and come searching for the unvaxed who are hiding out in the country. Perhaps it is not food (or
brains) they will be after but the pure bloods.
edit on 7-9-2021 by HilterDayon because: recoded video
edit on 7-9-2021 by
HilterDayon because: corrected word
Yeah, that video was just kind of a fun addition. Probably/hopefully just a mental health issue, or drunk.
Not untaxed...unvaxxed, or without the mark..which was a vaccine he said.
The whole video has me creeped out honestly.
He's way too accurate so far.
Scary indeed, that this adds confirmation of the times we are in, and entering in to.
This angel like kid caused fear in people that were near him, they felt he could see their sins. Yeah, that would wake a person up wouldn't it. Time
to wake up.
a reply to: Mandroid7
Just skimming through it-At around 30mins his going on about an alien invasion/arrival with sick people queing up on the streets to be cured in "alien
pods"and a UFO base in Lake Baikal.
But he says the people coming out of the alien pods after "treatment" will be zombified..
Cool Im gonna listen to it all after.
I've always thought the covid lockdowns/removal of freedoms is because TPTB know something huge is coming and are trying to get society used to being
locked down/masked/segregated/injected with something for reasons they will not tell us about.
An Alien invasion fits that scenario-maybe something in the vaccines prevent us from being able to communicate telepathically with the aliens when
they arrive with messages of love freedom and free energy.
Maybe they wish to break us out of our collective enslavement to the system,and show us that we are all divine beings of love and light..
You just know the governments of the world would do anything to stop us hearing that message..
Ok,I am joking sort of-but it helps my fragile mind cope with the sci fi borg dystopia that our world seems to be spiraling into.
Yeah, it's a pretty wild story. The aliens were not actual aliens in his prophecies, but a project blue beam type situation.
Using scam fake UFOs that everyone was accustomed to via the classic Hollywood image, he said.
Thanks for reading
I really didn’t believe in prophecy until I I watched a documentary available on YouTube about the Romanovs. A fascinating documentary in itself
about the ruling family of Russia since their founding and until their demise with Tzar Alexander and that Rasputin character. Anyway the documentary
tells of somebody who prophesied events and deaths with the family 100 years previously that were all to come true...
I prefer to think that destiny isn’t written in stone as prophecy would suggest and that there are in fact multiple timelines/possibilities.
Anyway I highly recommend the documentary for anyone who wants a break from the current timeline and some insight into the machinations of power.
a reply to: surfer_soul
Do you have a link for that please? I have searched and can't find anything on the prophecy aand I am very interested in that.
The narrator of the video aid that they were supposed to release detailed breakdowns of his prophecy but they "somehow disappeared when the family
went to his funeral"...................
originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: surfer_soul
Do you have a link for that please? I have searched and can't find anything on the prophecy aand I am very interested in that.
It’s hidden away in this 3.5 hour documentary link
As I said it’s about the history of the Romanovs and not prophecies per say. And it does have brief ads... but it’s a really good documentary
broken down into manageable parts. I made a note of the guy who made the prophecies when I watched it but couldn’t find anything of note, surprising
or not depending on your point of view.
edit on 8-9-2021 by surfer_soul because: (no reason given)