I hope it's ok to start a new thread, although there are existing threads about this topic, just maybe not from this exact perspective.
Those topics are relatively old, however, so I figured, maybe the rant-section would be good for this, as there are things that seriously piss me off
and mystify me about this topic.
We all know the 'feared symbol' of the dreaded, evil, most horrible lines on paper, AAGH, I am shaking, scared just to think about it, and if I saw
it, I would probably have to make my eyes commit suicide!
How can anyone, EVER, in the whole human history, past, present, future, any dimension, any entity, be bold, daring, and downright EVIL enough to draw
lines on paper! I mean, in a certain way, of course, but still! LINES ON PAPER is the most horrible thing someone can see, it would traumatize a
child, it would make your aunt start talking in tongues, it would make your grandpa have a mushroom flashback and it would make even the most
hardened, though, tattooed, bald-headed, screaming, hate-make-up-warpainted feminist jump out the window!
Ok, I am dramatizing a bit for effect, but holy macril does this piss me off - it's remarkable that the same thing I am criticizing people for
overreacting to, can piss me off for so many separate reasons. Am I a hypocrite, too? Maybe.
In any case, we all know what we're talking about here, the dreaded MANJI symbol, of course!
Most people probably understand what I mean, but there might be someone who thinks at this point, "Huh? Manji? What's that? Sounds like the name of
a fruit, and here I thought this poster is talking about something actually EVIL and horrible, like the nazi swastika or something"
Manji is 卍. It's not a nazi symbol, it's what nazis took and reversed.
Japanese teenagers at least used to have a trend, where they'd use this symbol a LOT. They'd end their sentences with it casually, as it sounds like
the word 'maji', which is usually said as 'maji de?', meaning, 'really?' or 'seriously?'.
So the trend became 'maji manji'. I think it's pretty funny, but this whole situation reeks of ignorance, hypocrisy, childishness, weak minds and
'uneducation' for the lack of a better term. It also brushes on 'official story vs. facts' (where people always believe the official story, even
if the facts say it's impossible, because they're emotionally programmed to turn off their rational mind at certain topics or even words - and yes,
even symbols!)
Symbols only have the power we give them. You put symbols on a table, they won't do anything. They have no power. There can't be a 'universal
symbol of evil', if we don't give it that power. If we start treating a symbol casually and normally, as an everyday thing, it loses its power.
Everything suffers inflation if you use it a lot. Think about the english "C-word". It used to be super powerful, people would get shocked from
hearing it, it would almost stop your heart. Now it's an everyday term that no one cares much about or reacts to. Why do we still keep some symbols
in this weird, powerful, elevated status, where they can strike us hard and erase our thinking mind?
It all starts with the temples and shrines, that have used the Manji for a really long time, way before nazis even existed. I don't know the origin
of it, some claim the hindus created it, but it has been found in artifacts that are over 12 000 years old, so maybe they even used it in Atlantis.
As this thread accurately shows, it really depicts the Big Dipper and North Star that you can use to determine the season and all:
A useful symbol, not the least bit hateful (it has been also said that this constellation 'spins in place' in the north pole area, so it hints to
'hollow Earth' and stuff, but I am not quite on board with that explanation yet, but I don't deny it, either).
Now, if this was all there is, things would be fine. Historically, it's a good symbol of life, prosperity, strength, and all that good stuff. Then
some a-holes come and rip it off and they should've been sued for copyright, but there you go.
You'd think once that ridiculous hate group died, things would've returned to normal, and this symbol returned to its rightful place, like in some
saturday morning cartoon, where everything resets at the end and next episode is like last episode never happened. People would see it again for what
it is - a peaceful, harmonious, spiritual symbol that can even be useful.
But no, people had to start being idiots again, and raise all kinds of hell for innocent symbol, because they're weak, hysteric, fear-manipulated
children instead of strong adults that make up their own mind as to what to think and how to react. Knee-jerk reaction is all too common.
I mean, it's just a few lines on a paper, why do people give it such power and become so hysterical about it? Think if another planet where there'd
be a completely different symbol you've never seen before, and then another version of it that's reversed. Then people would get in hysterics over
one of them, and demand removal of the other as well because they mistake it for something it doesn't even depict.
How silly and childish would you think the inhabitants of that planet are? Yes, very. It's the same thing, but because it's emotionally charged with
the biggest lie in this planet's history (and anyone that calmly researches the FACTS will realize this - no need for agendas or interviews, no need
for lectures or emotional charging up - just check the details of the story, then look at those details against physical laws and other facts and
anyone can see how the lie crumbles to pieces. But people rather emote and go to hysterics than research, so never mind)..
So these hysterical and culturally ignorant people (same people rave about 'cultural appropriation', though, but they just GIVE this symbol to nazis
without question?) see 'the dreaded swastika' on a Japanese map and vomit inside their brains while screaming at the taxi driver about how horrible,
evil racists japanese people are, and I can walk from here.
The worst part is not that these people are childish, hysterical, ignorant of the history of thousands upon thousands of years, but that someone in
power actually listens to them, and not only that, cowtows to them.
So now we have Buddhists, Hindus and other monks and such that remove all signs of Manji, anything that even slightly resembles swastika, from every
decoration and every ornament, just because someone says 'you can't do that in our country'. Do what? Use a thousands-of-years old, deeply
culturally and spiritually entwined symbol in your temple or shrine that's dedicated to preserving that culture and spirituality? Do what? Use a
drawing of a few lines, because someone might MISTAKE it for a nazi symbol?
Where's the freedom of speech and expression when you need it. Even the nazi symbol shouldn't be 'banned completely', because that is just an
arbitrary, emotional knee-jerk reaction to a few lines, it's not a rational thing to do. Sure, those a-holes did horrible things (though not in as
big a scale as people seem to think when it comes to things like 'work camps'), but that's no reason to still let them have so much power they can
CONTROL people so much they're not even allowed to draw a few lines!
Can't we ever take anything back? I am reminded of the silly comedy, 'Clerks 2', where someone wants to take the term 'porch monkey' back.