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At what point have we conquered Covid?

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posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: midicon

Just watch out for the fever if you develop fever get yourself to the emergency room, when covid gets in the lungs, that is the danger.

I know because my daughter is a ER nurses.

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: Edumakated

Is not over until the fat lady of CDC and the mobsters in big pharma say soo

When it's over the CDC will fall back into obscurity. They are never going to let that happen.

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: marg6043

Thanks for that advice Marg

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 02:20 PM
Good question.

I tend to look at it now as:

“when will Covid have conquered us?”

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: midicon

If they tested positive, they have a better chance at treatment of whatever ails them. However, many places still have the current approach of "wait until it gets bad" before they are willing to do anything whatsoever. Hopefully, your doctors have advised some things to do.

If not, talk with them about approaches that halt, or greatly limit viral replication. This pretty much solves things before they become an issue.

Things that are pretty easy would be doing stuff like getting good sunlight each day. Another is to really focus a diet on foods that are rich in Vit C & zinc ionophores (everything from brocolli to green tea). Sounds meaningless, and most will laugh at it, but there ya go.


As for where this ends.. Well..

We are going to see people being coerced into two social groups; those that buy into everything the corporations are selling (including information) while rejecting all non-corporate approved "products," and those that spend all of their time & effort merely rejecting said "products."

The behavior of the former group is relatively predictable. Unreasonable standards will be set as conditions for it ending, and all failures will be blamed on anyone who doesnt buy into it. If those unreasonable standards are somehow met, the goalposts will simply be moved by using anything from variants to really focusing on something like animal reservoirs. This is predicated on them never taking their eyes off of information channels, and accepting what is presented in totality.

The latter group will be pushed into thinking they have been backed into a corner with no other options other than to lash out. Typically with talks of "war," etc. The key here is to ensure the groups that question what is going on absolutely do not participate in anything constructive or outside of prescribed paths, with pretty extensive provocation. And as long as they never take their eyes off of information channels, but reject everything, they will be just as easily manipulated.

How this actually ends beneficially, or as beneficially as possible, is to build the systems that directly remove the points of leverage and coercion. This can be done in a myriad of ways.. and is actually rather straight-forward and simple. However, it requires movement in a direction that isnt directly derived from corrupt systems. Decentralized self-sufficiency, mesh networks, raw data aggregates, manufacturing, etc.

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 02:45 PM
Covid won't be conquered the same way HIV and herpes haven't been conquered. It's a permanent fixture in our biome. Even polio hasn't been fully eradicated even after several decades of successful treatment.

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: 1947boomer

originally posted by: Edumakated
One of the things that has frustrated me about the plandemic is the constant moving of the goal post and lack of context in regards to risk when concerning deaths / cases / hospitalizations.

More specifically, the question I am asking the forum is at what point do we accept Covid is here permanently and move on with our lives back to normal without face diapers and lockdowns? What level of risk is acceptable?

We take calculated risks in our lives daily. Tens of thousands of people die annually from car accidents. No one ever stops driving because they might die in a car accident because people have just learned to live with the risk.

I think it is unrealistic that we will ever get to zero deaths with Covid and just like the flu, case counts will always be high. So at what point, does the public say screw it and accept the risk? Businesses and society can't function with constant unpredictable lockdowns and quarantines.

I live in a very liberal community and the vast majority support masking kids in schools. However, when I point out that more kids aged 0-17 died of regular flu in the 2018-2019 flu season than did of Covid last year per the CDC, yet we didn't mask kids then so why now.... you get crickets. These same parents had no fear of their snowflake dying of flu in 2019 when nearly 500 died... but schools must be shut down for 350 covid deaths.

Make it make sense...

It looks to me like neither the infection itself nor any of the vaccines are currently good enough to effectively eradicate the virus the way polio was. That means we’re probably looking at the coronavirus becoming endemic the way seasonal flu is. That will happen when maybe 90% of the population has either been vaccinated or had the infection. With a little over 50% of the population vaccinated and maybe 25% recovered from the infection, we’re probably pretty close. Once we get past the peak that’s likely to come in December, we will probably be there. Then it will be like the seasonal flu—enough immunity floating around in the population to keep annual deaths in the few tens of thousands range.

WTF does recovering from the virus have to do with any of this. Everyone needs the shot, just get the shot. Everyone take the #ing shot. Why hasn't everyone taken the shot. We have to get shots in arms in a hurry before everyone finds out they don't work really well. Oh sh!t, that was out loud.......

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm
Covid won't be conquered the same way HIV and herpes haven't been conquered. It's a permanent fixture in our biome. Even polio hasn't been fully eradicated even after several decades of successful treatment.

we have shots. everyone needs some.

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: network dude

My shots come from a bottle. Haven't had a needle in my arm since my tetanus update a while back.

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 05:46 PM

originally posted by: American-philosopher
a reply to: Chalcedony

Otherwise the narrative will continue and I feel if the blame continues to be placed on the unvaccinated it may lead to issues of hate and discrimination against the unvaccinated similar to what we have seen throughout history with other marginalized groups

Yeah I was going to mention this as I heard a couple of podcast talkers talking about the Ten stages of genocide and how we could be very close to that. Its kind of errie to look at and contrast and compare.

Good stuff that link. Looks like we are at number six and getting real close. It's hard to tell with that ten stage system though. Some of those steps have happened at the same time and would condense it down a bit.

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 12:30 AM
Conquering covid is pretty cheep and easy if you get onto it early and use the right treatments. Conquering all the fear, ignorance and corruption going on around these issues is a lot tougher.

If we can hang on for another 2 or 3 years, then those pushing and supporting all this experimental treatment will be more focused on the long term implications of what they have done, if they are still around.

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 01:20 AM
a reply to: Edumakated

We've conquered Covid-19 when government and media stop pretending like Covid-19 is a major danger to society.

I just looked at my state graphs at: (Find your state. Scroll max right. Click on "projections".)

Illinois is NOT enduring a significant outbreak. Yet our corrupt "hungry for federal funds" governor (J.B. Pritzker) re-implemented a full mask-mandate this week, and is threatening to begin shutting down the state again, based on NOTHING. Governors who scream "FIRE IN THE HOUSE!" the loudest get the most Covid-19 Federal dollars, along with Federal approval to keep any unspent Covid money sent their way over the past 18 months.

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