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Personal Experience from an Experimental Vaccine

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posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 01:59 PM
I have personal experience with an experimental vaccine. And I have been thinking on whether or not to share it. I decided to share it. Hopefully it will be some help for someone. Or at least spark some good thinking and conversation. I realize that my own story is anecdotal, but it is real to me.

I am not claiming that my experience offers definitive proof of anything. And I cannot point to any certain causal relationship. But it's enough to give me pause and caution, today.

As a college student I got mono, as many college students do. My girlfriend had it first, but we were in love, and although we were careful not to kiss then, I would help her with schoolwork, and make her tea, and bring her healthy fresh foods. I ended up getting mono, too, even though we tried to be careful. My case of mono was very bad. It was the most sick I have ever felt in my life. I literally felt like I was about to die. Even major thoracic surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation was nothing compared to how horrible the mono felt. My doctor told me to stay in bed for six weeks, as my spleen was swollen enough that if I slipped and fell on the sidewalk, I might die, he said. I didn't need encouragement to stay in bed. For the first time in my life I couldn't get out of bed. I was a weight lifter, distance runner, and martial artist back then, and used to being energetic and athletic.

I was so sick that my girlfriend (who was now better) took me to a doctor who said he was doing research on mono. He told me he had a vaccine, or something like a vaccine, that would shorten or alleviate or end the mono. I think it contained inert virus. I trusted doctors at that point in my life, and I was so sick that when a doctor looked me in the eye and said he could make me feel better, and shorten the illness... I consented. So, under the skin of my forearm, he made a row of bubbles from a syringe. This would have been about October.

Long and short, it didn't seem to help much; I was still quite ill for a while. I lost that semester of college, but was anxious to get back to school in January. Back in school, classes were going great..... 22 credits with a perfect gpa. I was also happy to get back to exercise, even though I didn't have energy for sports, yet. I still couldn't distance run, but I was lifting weights again, and doing pretty well. At 165 lbs, I could do fairly high reps, strict form, with a 225 lbs free weight bench press. Not great, but pretty good. It might be that weight lifting is what saved my life.

Around March of that year (about 4-5 months after the vaccine), my weightlifting buddy began to notice that I had a faint purple upside down "T" forming on my chest, on the sternum and below the pectoral muscles. He encouraged me to talk to a doctor, so I did. The school doctor said I looked fine, and that it was probably just residual effects from the mono. Weeks passed, and although I was getting stronger and feeling better, the purple T on my chest got darker and darker. Every week, I would go to see the friendly school doctor who kept telling me not to worry about it. His friendly, compassionate smile hinted that I might be a hypochondriac. Eventually, he said just that.

At this point, I was concerned enough that I drove myself to a hospital ER to ask for a chest x-ray. This would have been about late April. At the ER, I had to argue for a long time, and offer to pay cash upfront, because the ER insisted that I should go back and talk with the school doctor, because he said I was fine, and I probably needed a referral to a psychologist more than a medical doctor. Since I refused to leave until they did a chest x-ray, the ER finally consented and did the chest x-ray, just to pacify me.

A few minutes later (without even telling me), the ER doctor told the staff to call all my family from around the country and tell them to hurry to come and see me, as I might not have more than two days to live. The purple T on my chest turned out to be severe and advanced Vena Cava Syndrome, which at any moment could be lethal with no way to treat. Under the right side of my ribcage was a lymphoma tumor the size of a softball that fed on, and grew on the Superior Vena Cava, and had finally compressed it and shut it completely, or nearly completely. All the ER doctors, thoracic surgeons, pulmonologists, and oncologists marveled that I was still alive. They theorized that from the heavy weightlifting I developed collateral circulation that kept me alive. They cut out part of my ribcage for a biopsy, as the swelling and blood clots prevented any other way to obtain tissue for a biopsy. As soon as I was awake from surgery, they rushed me into heavy chemo and then radiation therapy. Was not a fun experience. But, years later I am still here, and healthy and athletic. And my bench press is still quite good, even though my ribs will always hurt a bit.

Okay, so what is the point of all that? One point is to take charge of your own health and fitness, and to be your own medical advocate, and for your children, too. I can't say for sure that there is a definite causal relationship between that experimental mono vaccine and the horrific, fast growing lymphoma that began to present a few short months later. And I realize that there is a correlation (rare, not common) between mono and lymphoma. Mono directly damages the lymph nodes, so it is not surprising that an experimental vaccine for mono could cause lymphoma. As I said, there is also a rare correlation between mono and lymphoma. Ultimately, my experience has taught me to be very careful trusting doctors, and to be very wary with experimental medicine. And for me to see so many governments and industries mandating what is clearly experimental and untested medicine upon people who are not even ill...... it makes me feel very bewildered and sad.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: AndreDoLouro

Thank you for sharing your very fascinating story.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 02:14 PM

originally posted by: AndreDoLouro
Ultimately, my experience has taught me to be very careful trusting doctors, and to be very wary with experimental medicine. And for me to see so many governments and industries mandating what is clearly experimental and untested medicine upon people who are not even ill...... it makes me feel very bewildered and sad.

Whether the drug induced your condition or not, as you said is hard to determine, but it seems you were in some clinical trials for the drug. The reality is there are 3 phases of clinical trials for ALL drugs, no more no less. IF the drug gets past Phase 3 then it is released to the public and after that it is only a monitoring Phase. I'm sure that long list of side effects you see scroll real fast on the TV at the end of a drug commercial pretty much had all come from the monitoring of a drug after it is released to the public.

This is how the whole world treats drugs, so it is what it is, but ya if you are lets say in Phase 1 clinical trials I would think you need a serious reason to do it. Mono on the other hand is a rather nasty disease...

The same thing should be applied to the COVID vaccine in if you are heathy and/or young you most likely do not have a good enough reason to get it unlike someone 75. The one interesting thing about mRNA is it isn't a drug, but a natural process the cells due all the time, so maybe we have that in our favor compared to the side effects drugs can cause.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 02:14 PM
a reply to: AndreDoLouro

Wow, that's a pretty messed up story. Mono? do you mean Glandular Fever (mononucleosis)?

I do agree with you that it's up to the individual to decide about the medical procedures that they're prepared to undertake

to see so many governments and industries mandating what is clearly experimental and untested medicine upon people who are not even ill...... it makes me feel very bewildered and sad.

Yes, it's not good. Healthy people, being convinced through fearmongering, propaganda and coercial, to take an experimental injection, for non medical reasons ....... it's hard to come up with words for that .... insane is a good place to start I suppose.

Glad you recovered.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 02:15 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

Thanks. I hope my experience can help encourage people to have caution and think things through carefully without rushing. And to celebrate health and life. Which seems to be opposite of the prevailing message of the past 18 months.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 02:16 PM

originally posted by: AndreDoLouro
a reply to: IAMTAT

Thanks. I hope my experience can help encourage people to have caution and think things through carefully without rushing. And to celebrate health and life. Which seems to be opposite of the prevailing message of the past 18 months.

You're a living testimony to that.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 02:16 PM
a reply to: AndreDoLouro

“One point is to take charge of your own health and fitness, and to be your own medical advocate, and for your children, too.”

This is great advice. The problem is, this power is quickly being taken away from us.

There are too many people complying. Which is eliminating choices for the rest of us.

If you want to endlessly shame me for not getting a an experimental vaccine — then I’m okay with you dying from it.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 02:18 PM
Anecdotal as it may seem, thank you for saying that. Your last sentence is exactly what a lot of people are thinking and feeling.
You are exactly right about being your own best advocate. There are stark differences in the way different hospitals are administered even in the same city.
Quite the story and I am glad you lived to tell it! Also, I learned something new, so thanks again!

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Thanks for your perspective. I don't know a whole lot about how medical trials are conducted. It was about 25 years ago for me, so some details I don't remember, and so I didn't include those details. Such as whether or not it was an official trial, or if a larger organization was doing the trial.

And yes, you are absolutely right..... there is no way to determine the exact cause of my lymphoma.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: myselfaswell

Yes, it was mononucleosis. My lymph nodes were painfully swollen. I looked like Frankenstein, for a while, the way the lymph nodes jutted off the side of my neck. And I remember it being so difficult even to swallow liquids! I would try to swallow liquids, but my throat was so swollen, that liquid just ran back out my nose as I tried to swallow.

Young, healthy, and even competitively athletic people getting horribly sick is nothing new, unfortunately. It seems to me that people want to deny this reality, and want to imagine that they can completely remove risk from life.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 02:30 PM
I started the anthrax vaccine (it was a series of 6 shots go on once per month) 3 times when I was in the USMC right after 9/11. One of those times I just had the first shot, and One I got to the second shot, the other I got to the third shot. This all stopped before 2008 when I got out. Starting in about 2015, I developed cyclical vomiting syndrome (I was out of work for 2 years and I’m still suffering from it). A few months ago, a buddy from the USMC forwarded me a ton of news articles about a correlation in anthrax vaccines and digestive problems. In fact it was because of the Anthrax vaccine problems, the US president had to order military personnel to take a vaccine that hasn’t been FDA approved. From what I hear, Pres. Biden, just recently ordered military personnel to take the vaccine. Hopefully people won’t have any long term COVID vaccine problems.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 02:34 PM
a reply to: AndreDoLouro

I hope you filed a lawsuit against the school physician for his idiotic negligence.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

You know what? I should have, especially after he reported me to collections for not paying his $90 bill. But I have never been a litigious person, and I really just wanted to get on with life and be happy and healthy.

But yes, it was a classic presentation of Vena Cava Syndrome, and there is no excuse that he missed it.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 02:42 PM

originally posted by: AndreDoLouro

Thanks for your perspective. I don't know a whole lot about how medical trials are conducted. It was about 25 years ago for me, so some details I don't remember, and so I didn't include those details. Such as whether or not it was an official trial, or if a larger organization was doing the trial.

Its a pretty big step to over come from the FDA to get to any human trials, so unless he was doing it under the table it would be under observation from the FDA through the animal trails too. The FDA actually approves each trial phases, so if it was not, boy that would be bad.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 02:49 PM

originally posted by: SgtEsquire
I started the anthrax vaccine (it was a series of 6 shots go on once per month) 3 times when I was in the USMC right after 9/11. One of those times I just had the first shot, and One I got to the second shot, the other I got to the third shot. This all stopped before 2008 when I got out. Starting in about 2015, I developed cyclical vomiting syndrome (I was out of work for 2 years and I’m still suffering from it). A few months ago, a buddy from the USMC forwarded me a ton of news articles about a correlation in anthrax vaccines and digestive problems. In fact it was because of the Anthrax vaccine problems, the US president had to order military personnel to take a vaccine that hasn’t been FDA approved. From what I hear, Pres. Biden, just recently ordered military personnel to take the vaccine. Hopefully people won’t have any long term COVID vaccine problems.

I remember mine from the 90s...lots of shots, but the this vaccine was first created in 1881 by Louis Pasteur being the first ever. Around 1940 was the version we mostly see today, so it is a long way from being some non-approved by the FDA. Maybe since it was in mass use we saw more side effects that were not really manifested much back when it was typically only given to cattle ranchers.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: AndreDoLouro

Thank you for sharing and I am very glad you are better!

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 03:36 PM
So...... maybe I should not be surprised. But one good friend already told me that by sharing this story, I was being an ignorant fanner of flames. Sadly, too many people cannot discuss the covid vaccine and shut down issues without immediately becoming angry.

I have never claimed to be a scientist or a doctor. I read scientific and medical literature as a layman, and have for years. Just for the enjoyment of the learning.

I think it is a sad state when the climate of the times forbids intelligent conversation and observation which makes no claims to authority or expertise.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: SgtEsquire

I worked with a guy that got this vaccine in desert storm (so i am told). He was never the same. When he came back he was very thin and his eyes were sunken in and he looked sickly ever since. This is not to say he couldnt have been exposed to anything else of course but what that is to what we attributed his condition upon his return. He was always in good spirits but you never know for sure whats going on inside another person.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 04:30 PM

originally posted by: AndreDoLouro
.. Okay, so what is the point of all that? One point is to take charge of your own health and fitness, and to be your own medical advocate, and for your children, too. ...


A couple of days ago on this forum, some poor, brainwashed fool mocked me because I was saying precisely this. Their contention was essentially, Doctors have degrees, therefore they know more than you do, therefore just shut up and do whatever they say.

We have always been our own medical advocate, have always asked questions and researched. I kind of feel sorry for a fool who just obeys without making himself the responsible party, but there are many who do exactly that.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 05:28 PM
Shame on some of the doctors who are now nothing more then shills for the Big Pharma who are problary shilling for the two mRNA vaxs in today's era.

Sorry for what has happened to you. I hope you stay strong.
edit on 20-8-2021 by HawkEyi because: (no reason given)

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