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My hypothesis regarding the voynich manuscript.

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posted on Aug, 10 2021 @ 09:12 AM
Many think that the voynich manuscript is a fake or some kind of code. I disagree. I’m not going to claim to have figured out what the language is or what it says, as that would be a lie, but I think I may have figured out what it is.

We now see an unrecognized language and depictions of plants which are similar to current plants but still different from anything in the past or present. What does that leave?

Look at all the examples of time traveler’s who have come through stating that some nuclear war or EMP has wiped out everything at a point in the future.

Looking back to the past, we see that one way or another there were plenty of plant based medications placed here for natural healing.

I suggest that at a point after the coming war, plant based natural medicine makes a comeback. However many plants are destroyed in the war or due to global warming. Maybe this time traveler has a book disguised to look appropriate to the period full of information on what to collect and how to do so.

Maybe this guy died or got a hold of the wrong plant, or maybe decided to stay back for some reason.

edit on 10-8-2021 by adamalluhol because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2021 @ 09:55 AM
a reply to: adamalluhol

Have you entertained the research of Nicholas Gibbs on this manuscript?

It has apparently been decoded as a guide to womens heath.

posted on Aug, 10 2021 @ 09:57 AM
a reply to: adamalluhol

Where are you seeing statements from credible time traveler's?

I'd like to see some.

Anyone can make a story up and say they figured it out.

I think aliens used directed panspermia...but not to seed the planet with life, but untranslatable codex' (codices?) to F with us.

I'm just as right as you are.

posted on Aug, 10 2021 @ 03:11 PM
I have been intrigued by the manuscript for a few years. Make no claim to have any idea as to what it is. Something about my weird brain loves unsolved mysteries but at the same time I hate them because they are unsolved. I want answers.

posted on Aug, 10 2021 @ 05:32 PM
It's a cool thought to think that it is a representation of Martian plant life from when/ if humans actually originated from there.

posted on Aug, 11 2021 @ 03:57 AM
a reply to: adamalluhol

Nice idea, but we can't just assume anything. Legitimate data that can be replicated must be taken. It's very likely a work of imagination. Take Tolkien for instance: He made up several languages and maps, etc. I'm just saying mundane conclusions shouldn't be discounted. People are indeed very creative, as is our nature.

posted on Aug, 11 2021 @ 07:37 AM

originally posted by: adamalluhol
Looking back to the past, we see that one way or another there were plenty of plant based medications placed here for natural healing.

Gaia. Self regulating, perhaps in a planetary sense, self aware. Everything living will find She has provided, intrinsic or extrinsic, for their needs. We even have natural immunity to naturally occurring infections! Some of those plants not only have their own immune responses and defence mechanisms, they also provide everything we need to protect and augment our health. Many factors impact on the development of plants, their adaptation to changing environment, how many can lay down seed, dormant, for another, less inhospitable aeon.

I suggest that at a point after the coming war,

Somewhere at ATS is a Thread about hidden history and the possibility of nuclear war/s in humanities distant past. Major environmental impact from war and the aftermath of war. There is no 'anthropocaen' that will change plants forever - planet is alive and dances to the beat of her own drum. Only the Earth endures and She has her mysteries that are far beyond the ken of mortal Man.

So, time travellers from the future? I'd like to know more! A true history so hidden to speak of it is to be labelled a loony? I'd like to know more! A majestic and wondrous planet capable of providing and sustaining teaming diversity of life? I see and live and know this everyday and still, I'd like to know more!

posted on Aug, 11 2021 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: adamalluhol

Wasn't this debunked as some kind of map years ago?

The parts of certain 0lants were payouts of sewers or streets or something.

posted on Aug, 11 2021 @ 10:07 AM
a reply to: teapot

Nuclear war would then radiate and change the DNA of plants.

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 01:31 AM
I understand the sentiment. Finding a 600 year old book written in an unknown language with pictures of unknown plants feels like a start of a good Sunday morning adventure movie. It's no wonder people want it to be something special. But my question is what makes you think it has to be real and make sense? Where does that confidence come from? Why would you believe that people back then didn't make stuff up for no reason just like they do now? Seems naive.

Something very questionable and from unknown source and your first thought is that it must be real. Why not a fairy tale? A theatrical prop? A medieval hoax?

We now see an unrecognized language and depictions of plants which are similar to current plants but still different from anything in the past or present. What does that leave?

The art is always based on something in real life, because that's how imagination works. You could say that about any fantasy art ever.

600 years ago people still burned witches. It was a time of ignorance, poverty and exploitation. It's not hard to imagine a merchant going around from town to town selling a dream in a fake book to rich aristocrats.

Imagine an alien with the same mindset as you getting a hold of Lord of the Rings and trying to figure out where and when the elves went extinct on earth.

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