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Over 100k “Breakthrough Cases” kept quiet & CDC says Vaxed can spread infection same as unvaxed

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+1 more 
posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 11:05 AM
This video is jam packed full of examples on how the authorities are hiding, distorting and ignoring the facts. In order to achieve their goal of injecting the population with an experimental dangerous drug. Video shows many sources that can be used to look up the actual data.

This is my view on this subject. The authorities are ignoring the science and just making up whatever is needed to dupe the public into taking the shot. Most of them don't even have the education and logic to make sense of any data they have collected.

They need to start following the actual laws and the science.

& CDC Says Vaxed Can Spread Infection Same As Unvaxed
edit on 31-7-2021 by Doctor Smith because: took out caps

+4 more 
posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 11:11 AM
IMO, they're making a list of everyone dumb enough to trust the government- and another list of anyone unwilling to do as they're told.

I thought it was widely known that people who take the vaccination can still get infected, and spread the infection... but several months ago I got around to asking the people in my life- and not a single one who had taken their jabs had a clue they could still get infected.

If obama hadn't allowed the government to take control of media, things would be very different today.
What a prick.

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 11:42 AM

originally posted by: lordcomac
I thought it was widely known that people who take the vaccination can still get infected, and spread the infection... but several months ago I got around to asking the people in my life- and not a single one who had taken their jabs had a clue they could still get infected.

This right here....
There are so many that believe because this is called a vaccine that it works like all others and gives immunity. No wonder those who refuse are labelled antivaxxers all grouped in. It should never have been labeled as a vaccine only a treatment in prevention. Yet here we are. I find many people just believe it easier to follow government directives than think for themselves. Finding out your leaders really don't care about you is too bitter a pill for some to swallow.

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: lordcomac
IMO, they're making a list of everyone dumb enough to trust the government- and another list of anyone unwilling to do as they're told.

I thought it was widely known that people who take the vaccination can still get infected, and spread the infection... but several months ago I got around to asking the people in my life- and not a single one who had taken their jabs had a clue they could still get infected.

If obama hadn't allowed the government to take control of media, things would be very different today.
What a prick.

Informed consent lol 😂

More like misinformed consent

These are the people whom claim to following the science because a guy in a white coat is on the TV box

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: Doctor Smith
Not all media companies are hiding it they just aren't providing full truth. They released the breakthrough to try and push blame and those that didn't take the shot. That is the only reason.

Information is released based on the current agenda. When they admit that studies are showing people are becoming reliant on the booster shots due to anti-body enhancement. It will be when about 80-90% of the population is vaxed.

All of those nih articles are randomly generated in advanced and published with ai "citations" and take years to be peer reviewed. Tony's emails claimed this as he is head of the nih. He was told to use that to his advantage as any errors would take years to fix. The mass amount of autogenerated articles are insane. Now I know you don't believe they are 100% computer written and then assigned people to read months and months later. But I can prove it.

Almost 9 out of 10 stock articles are generated by "smart ai".

This started back in 2011 with these types of articles gaining traction.

Even wiki has journalism done by ai.

this article brags about a computer writing it

But above all else, this one is a favorite where 3 students create a program to submit automatically generated reports to nih. This fooled the entire scientific community making articles look and feel like real science. 3 students

This article is from the NIH itself, posting about risks and benefits to computer generated articles. nih computer generated articles.

The problem is these computers write close to a million articles a month. So it literally takes years to confirm anything posted on NIH despite the "peer reviewed" label.

A lot of people trust NIH, because they don't realize that 80% of the articles are NOT actually reviewed for years. They think if it's published it's automatically been reviewed. But this is not the case, the citations are actually used like an email tag by those with an actual account to sign in. They are then one by one manually reviewed. But at millions of articles a month, it's literally impossible to keep up.

It took them close to 2 years to catch fraudulent articles that are completely wrong. (Again stated in fauchis email, and that he should use that delay to his advantage - which is another good crisis going to waste of he doesn't).

So it even provides deniability because the computers release multiple viewpoints of the same article. This can be edited to be more pro or against a topic when flooding the NIH website with articles they don't have to pay for.

But as it stands there are probably very, very few people who know the truth and they are the "father's of the vaccines", and the creator of the technology.

ALL 3 spoke out against nation wide vaccinations because they did NOT have time to test this in animals. As antibody reliance was a symptom that took time to develope it was not instant. With booster shots this will be guaranteed because they failed to save other trial participants and are hoping to find a way to reverse the dependency.

The problem is, the money is to good to stop production and them coming out and saying do NOT take the vaccine if your healthy should of been good enough, despite what government said/did. The heads that spoke out all later got censored.

Because if you die, they can keep flooding the borders with people to take your place in society. Who will be greatful and do what they want. This is why talks of being forced to take it without breaking the constitution will resort to abductions, and literally food/water poisoning once powder forms are fully developed and tempatures are stable.

They see 1st world countries as spoiled. Africa suffers regularly and would kill to have an American or UK life. Same with mexico, and any other country that exports humans for money.

But truth is, if you can't think for yourself you offer no innovation, no advancement.. your a factory made waste of resources. We can't progress and advance in a world like that. They have been testing the children for generations, the fact they are acting now only goes to prove that society has become dumb. With the average IQ dropping from 114 to 70 with the current generation.
edit on 31-7-2021 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 01:48 PM
Think about this... there are 100's of millions eagerly taking an UNAPPROVED vaccine to treat covid with countless unknown and known dangerous side effects BUT they wont take over the counter or doctor prescribed UNAPPROVED treatments with actual DECADES and 100 of millions of doses given with very FEW and MINOR possible side effects (ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine)- all because of the machine coming out in full force against those treatments as dangerous( you can take these medications and not even be sick with almost no side effects)....WITH NO STUDY- REPEAT NO STUDIES DONE.... to this day they( the ones telling you NOT to take these things) have NOT DONE ONE STUDY on any of these drugs. even though COUNTLESS DOCTORS AND ENTIRE COUNTRIES(INDIA) have cases studies using these treatments very effectively. sounds like a shut down , why do they want you to get this UNNAPPROVED vaccine with no case studies so badly? Why do they immediately shut down any other PROVEN but admittedly unapproved treatments?... if they are soooo concerned about the spread of this virus then why are they letting illegals, UNCHECKED and UNVACCINATED aliens cross the border in droves?? if this doesn't add up... You are thinking clearly!

originally posted by: Doctor Smith
This video is jam packed full of examples on how the authorities are hiding, distorting and ignoring the facts. In order to achieve their goal of injecting the population with an experimental dangerous drug. Video shows many sources that can be used to look up the actual data.

This is my view on this subject. The authorities are ignoring the science and just making up whatever is needed to dupe the public into taking the shot. Most of them don't even have the education and logic to make sense of any data they have collected.

They need to start following the actual laws and the science.

& CDC Says Vaxed Can Spread Infection Same As Unvaxed

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 02:02 PM

originally posted by: Doctor Smith
This video is jam packed full of examples on how the authorities are hiding, distorting and ignoring the facts. In order to achieve their goal of injecting the population with an experimental dangerous drug. Video shows many sources that can be used to look up the actual data.

This is my view on this subject. The authorities are ignoring the science and just making up whatever is needed to dupe the public into taking the shot. Most of them don't even have the education and logic to make sense of any data they have collected.

They need to start following the actual laws and the science.

& CDC Says Vaxed Can Spread Infection Same As Unvaxed

'Most of them don't even have the education and logic to make sense of any data they have collected"

Rather patronising, no?

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 02:03 PM
I thought society was getting to a point based off of historical records of every government lying and committing atrocities to ALWAYS question them. Especially their science and data.

Apparently that could not be farther from the truth. Despite all the films, books and politicians actually going to prison there is still about half the population that will not accept the government does in fact not have your best interests in mind. Only their own. I do not understand it but that is the reality.

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 02:21 PM
All this is because their crap is not working anymore, they need to push for boosters.

Is already been proved that the two shots are not enough to stop the common cold, but we knew this already right guys?

Is not data, just manufactured by the soo call CDC and big pharma ones.

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: Doctor Smith

When our own CDC can not get its story straight you know they are lying, we all know.

Even before the CDC findings were announced, the case for an extra jab was already gaining steam after data from Israel, where delta is also the dominant strain, recently showed that its vaccinated population was increasingly vulnerable to breakthrough infections. The Health Ministry found that the Pfizer shot was only 39 percent effective in preventing symptomatic Covid infection from late June to mid-July, a nosedive from levels seen this winter and early spring. Though the study was small and covered a narrow window of time, the country announced Thursday it was going to start offering a booster to Israelis over 60 who were vaccinated more than five months ago.

And big pharm does not like that other countries are doing investigations and releasing data on Americas china virus shots. How come other countries are releasing DATA but our own CDC can not.

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 02:25 PM

originally posted by: AccessDenied

originally posted by: lordcomac
I thought it was widely known that people who take the vaccination can still get infected, and spread the infection... but several months ago I got around to asking the people in my life- and not a single one who had taken their jabs had a clue they could still get infected.

This right here....
There are so many that believe because this is called a vaccine that it works like all others and gives immunity. No wonder those who refuse are labelled antivaxxers all grouped in. It should never have been labeled as a vaccine only a treatment in prevention. Yet here we are. I find many people just believe it easier to follow government directives than think for themselves. Finding out your leaders really don't care about you is too bitter a pill for some to swallow.

One day (hopefully) you'll hear a certain zombie screaming out with this realisation

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 04:30 PM
I started a thread on this

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 04:38 PM
a reply to: AccessDenied

You're right, we are a nation of sheeple, indoctrinated over many generations.

Judging from the recent vaccine orgy, we are about half sheeple with the other half being more critical thinkers.

Fools rush in where wise men fear to tread.

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 04:42 PM

originally posted by: Salander
a reply to: AccessDenied

You're right, we are a nation of sheeple, indoctrinated over many generations.

Judging from the recent vaccine orgy, we are about half sheeple with the other half being more critical thinkers.

Fools rush in where wise men fear to tread.

Oh Gawd. "Sheeple"? Give it up . Critical thinking? As if you ever tried it......

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 04:43 PM
If true more proof it's not a vaccine it's a treatment more in line with a flu shot.

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 04:45 PM
Good lord ...

With every vaccine, every single one, there will be people who do not respond to them for whatever reason. We'll label it biology because that's what it is - genetic diversity at work among other thing. Some people just don't play well with the vaccine, and others have bad immune systems because they just do or they've been immunocompromised for a variety of reasons, etc.

Whatever, that certain percentage won't show a response.

Vaccine production has been my husband's career for all his professional life. He knows what he's talking about. In every group they test in every animal study, they expect there will be at least one without response. It's just that way. In order to make a vaccine they will response to, they start actively killing the rest through their immune system responses.

But that's what herd immunity is for. You cannot guarantee that the ones the vaccine doesn't work for won't get the illness. Instead, you hope enough of the rest are covered that the illness is hampered enough the ones who don't respond won't get sick themselves because they never get exposed.

So what you're seeing is likely the spillover from the unvaccinated to the ones who don't respond. And remember, when they tell you 100,000, they are talking *nationwide*. We live in a country of roughly 350,000,000. Of that number, a good portion is vaccinated. Let's lowball and say 40%. So you do the math, not quite half of 350,000,000 is a lot of people, and 100,000 of that cohort is barely a blip on the radar statistically.

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 06:32 PM

originally posted by: Doctor Smith
This video is jam packed full of examples on how the authorities are hiding, distorting and ignoring the facts. In order to achieve their goal of injecting the population with an experimental dangerous drug. Video shows many sources that can be used to look up the actual data.

This is my view on this subject. The authorities are ignoring the science and just making up whatever is needed to dupe the public into taking the shot. Most of them don't even have the education and logic to make sense of any data they have collected.

They need to start following the actual laws and the science.

& CDC Says Vaxed Can Spread Infection Same As Unvaxed

As it turns out, the unvaccinated should be more worried about coming into contact with the vaccinated.

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 11:21 PM

originally posted by: lordcomac
IMO, they're making a list of everyone dumb enough to trust the government- and another list of anyone unwilling to do as they're told.

I thought it was widely known that people who take the vaccination can still get infected, and spread the infection... but several months ago I got around to asking the people in my life- and not a single one who had taken their jabs had a clue they could still get infected.

If obama hadn't allowed the government to take control of media, things would be very different today.
What a prick.

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 11:24 PM
Some of us here have been saying that those vaccinated can still get and spread the virus for over six months. It is in the report about the safety and effectiveness that the pharma company gave to apply to get the vaccine approved back in November.

The vaccine did have a reduction of succeptability of getting the virus and transmitting the virus of fifty three percent and fifty eight percent when they tested it, but ninety five percent effective of preventing covid 19 from forming from the virus. With this new delta varriant...which came around early last winter somewhere in a different country, I suspect that the rate dropped down to about thirty nine percent effective now.

They knew all this back in November of last year, but they released false information that made people believe that it was ninety five percent effective at stopping you from getting the virus...It was deceit not an outright lie...but people parroted the untruth and so did the media.

A lot of us here know this already, there were arguments about this going on six months ago, people led to believe that it would stop the spread of the virus believed in a lie.

posted on Jul, 31 2021 @ 11:56 PM
a reply to: Doctor Smith

I had what is now known as wuhan virus in late december 2019. Am aware of exactly how I was exposed at that time.

Pretty bad case that took approx 40 days to recover from, but no hospitalization.

Positive antibody test 6 months after recovery.

Am concerned I may have caught delta from recently moderna double vaxxed elderly parents since I started getting symptoms again a couple days ago and haven't been exposed to anyone else in past week.

Have been self quarantining so I can assist them because of age and preexistings.

Note: they have also not had contact with anyone else during past two weeks, so IF I do have it now, is very likely caused by the vax itself, shedding to others.

So far, VERY mild symptoms, so not getting tested yet.

But these unique symptoms are easily recognized once you've had it once.

Hopefully nothing.

edit on 1-8-2021 by Nunyabizisit because: (no reason given)

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