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Hypothetical: There is one real 'superhero'. How does he undo the NWO evil COVID takeover?

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posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 10:28 AM
Hi there ATS,

Imagination Time!

Wanted: Your best response describing how a 'friendly neighbourhood superhero' would help us to retake the planet for the benefit of freedom loving people the world over. His enemy is the network of traitors who intend a fascist NWO superstate, with their final PSY-OP 'COVID-19' launched during 2020/2021, to assert total global control.

What powers &/or limitations does he have? Well I'm glad you asked..

1. He is more or less invulnerable in most circumstances (though there are likely some vulnerabilities not shared openly with the world for security reasons) - it is thought that he cannot be killed by any ordinary terrestrial weaponry due to varied measures of control over matter & some of the fundamental forces. Stuff like freaky energy weapons is an unknown, definitely to be avoided if possible.

2. He is able to levitate or even fly (in a limited manner) when his mental control is sufficiently coherent & as a result he can undertake awesome free-running & battlefield maneuvers. Exhaustion diminishes these abilities though, and he is dependent on sleep to regenerate his ordinary mental & bodily strength.

3. He isn't omnipotent, and depends on attuning his thoughts in meditative manner to receive some specific components of general strategic directives covering different aspects of his mission. He does receive realtime tactical orders on occasion, from his direct commander, who can be assumed to be God. This assumption is reasonable, in light of the fact that he's a supernatural avatar-type being, standing up for justice, truth, freedom, love, community, grace, humility & all that.

4. He isn't constantly in the meditative state needed to divine particular instruction, he is reacting to the environmental factors he's up against on the basis of existing standing orders & general directives which govern his choices, as well as regular interactions with angelic messengers, the timing of whose appearance he has no way to gauge in advance except through a direct nod from the Most High, neither can he compel them to give him information of his own preference, these messages are defined by higher-ups.

5. Because this is about the future of Humanity, 'the rules' necessarily require that humans be actively engaged with him in the prosecution of his mission - he depends on HUMINT & SIGINT (etc) as much as (or more than) the 'GODINT' which contributes to his awareness of the mission & its strategic/tactical operations planning. He needs a network he can trust, people who can fill in the gaps in knowledge, render support to him in the operations undertaken, fight conventional battles against enemy forces, render support to those who are being liberated, control enemies who are captured, interrogate/ retrieve INTEL, etc. Furthermore there would be an international refugee crisis which would demand loyalist forces cooperate so as to support those who would not be in a position to support themselves.

6. Forces are deemed to be enemy or friend on the basis of allegiance to the values he is standing for, not the flag or organisation to which they have hitherto held allegiance to, because almost all such organisations are severely compromised. Loyalists would need to either investigate & appropriately deal with the serpents in their midst & then proceed to stand openly for the new order being forged, or individual members of such entities would need to exfil by subterfuge, having laid waste to as much infrastructure & material resources on their way out as possible, before convening with affirmed loyalist forces at the earliest possible opportunities for debrief & redeployment. Human intelligence directors would coordinate across borders to map out the conflict zones with a view to maintaining national sovereign territorial claims for posterity, this will not be a new world order such as the one which is planned by the traitors against humanity. Human intel directors would also take responsibility for operations planning - our resident superhero will be following their instructions more often than not. The fight for the future belongs to Humanity.

Finally, ATS, a note regarding prophecy. It is usually seen for its accuracy AFTER the fact. The meaning of 'dark' prophecy cannot be determined fully in advance, and components of it will forever remain mysterious. This is good news, because its interpretation, indeed the events it foretells, are not fixed in stone - by the simple act of responding to established textual (Biblical) prophecy detailing some sort of threat, we are actively overcoming the negative outcomes specified.

NB - The open reading of Biblical prophecy is filled with overt misdirection & even misinformation to confuse the enemies of the truth..

Generalities are visible in the broad strokes, and will probably be accurate in terms of the trends they indicate - but the exact details embedded in its code (because prophecy precisely is a coded message, intended for the wellbeing of the hearers, made opaque so that the enemy cannot fully understand what is written) may or may not come to pass according to what has been prophesied. Angels have the key, and unlock the details where the rubber meets the road, when the action is unfolding - to some extent humans can determine the details by specific revelation, inspiration or by providence.

Regarding good & evil, as they intersect with prophecy - the one thing which must be understood is that some negative events described in 'dark' prophecies are directed at those who oppose the principles which God represents - love, truth, freedom, goodness, family, community, progress, cooperation, grace & mercy, forgiveness & peace, etc. It took me a long time to realise this, to stop being afraid of the heavy vibe in so many Biblical prophecies. Also, not everything written in a prophecy is there because God 'wills' that it be so. In fact, 'dark' prophecy is a description of what will happen because of transgression by evil people against universal rules established to protect & defend all of those wonderful principles I just outlined, and many more like them. But sometimes, as we all know, the free will of evil people destroys the peace of those with good hearts. Because the universal rules are not rigidly enforced straight away (allowing time for a 'bad guy' to undergo changes of mind, repentance & forgiveness, psychological healing & redeployment as an agent of goodness) - sometimes the bad guys win, in a temporal sense.

Our friendly neighbourhood superhero has been despatched to Earth for just such a time as this, as an ace in the hole to help the good guys win the war against overwhelming darkness & propaganda in our times. So, in the most detailed & imaginative way possible, would you lay out your vision for the way our 'superhero' would go about the mission? What are his immediate objectives? You can assume also that as soon as he exhibits his powers, the enemies of liberty will hunt him down, and at first, for anything up to 24 hours, he may be entirely on his own. What should he do, where should he go? Who should he seek out? How should he make himself known to the public, so they know he's fighting for them? One final thing - he does have allies in high places - but he has no way to identify who they are, or how to get to them.

Help him out - lay down some truth, get him out of that fox hole.

Go be awesome, ATS.


posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Lets say you were superman, you would track down the criminals at the top and FORCE them to divulge whom they answer too, eventually you would get to the top and crush the blighter like the maggot of pure distilled evil that he is.

The problem then is what do you replace the evil system with, as evil as it is without it petty new world leaders would war with one another dragging nations and the world back into anarchy so you would have to assume the mantle yourself and just try your best not to cock it up and keep everyone as well and as well treated as you could.

Best leave it to the only real superhero, the only one that can dig us out of this GOD, but you know perhaps, just perhaps these questions are being posed by his angel's?.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

If he were to truly stand for the "rights" and "freedom" of the majority of the world's population (naturally excluding the whims of those evil NWO goons), wouldn't he have to PROVE that COVID19 was, as you call it, a "Psyop"?

So it would seem that the most effective way for our superhero to restore humanity's future would be to bring back to life the 4 MILLION or so people who have supposedly "died" due to a "disease" that doesn't really exist!, thus proving, not only to their grieving families and friends, but to the entire World the "lie" that this virus was, and is, so deadly that drastic measures were necessary to try to contain it, even if those measures forced the economic upheaval so many see as certain proof of "dark dealings" at the hands of an NWO "cabal"!

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 11:55 AM
By curing Covid, obviously

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

What makes you think the superhero would have to be a man? Racist!


The ultimate goal is about transhumanism and genetically modifying the human race, some will be upgraded but the majority will be downgraded. Thus we will have an age of people while not exactly being superheroes they will have super powers...

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

The super hero wouldn't do anything except post online and be snarky. . . .

. . . crap. I've said too much. . . . .

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 01:47 PM
Spoiler alert! The Unbreakable Trilogy ends with government goons putting these folks down.

Life imitating art again I suspect.

Cool post. Strange world.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 02:03 PM
Superhero tracks down and collects all world leaders, ceos, bill gates - Fauci types.
Places them in isolation.
Give each one a magical truth serum.
Displays live stream of confessions.
Military aligns with superhero.
After the week of confession testimonies have ended - live execution.
Then - using confession info - gather and arrest 100,000 or so accomplishes and partners in the international war crime of covid.
Then - livecast public execution month.

Then - a really, really super great reset?

edit on 13-7-2021 by EmmanuelGoldstein because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 02:27 PM
I think you covered some of the things I would put into the story already!

Perhaps the greatest challenge would be figuring out how to actually establish a system that is resistant to the rise of deleterious oligarchies.

Simply targeting and removing the current batch from power wont actually solve much of anything. In fact, it has the possibility of making general material conditions significantly worse.

They would have to handle the social aspects as well as the technology. Historically, these are viewed as only tangentially connected.. But they can complement, potentiate, and amplify each other for better or worse.

Then, they would have to provide the tools to actually accomplish this decoupling from central authority and control. Vast benefits, but not without its problems either.

I believe a large portion would have to be less direct and more.. inspirational is maybe the word. These structures would have to grow on their own if they are to be solid enough to provide a civilizational foundation.

In a lot of respects, I suppose it could be boiled down to an extension of the teachings of Jesus. Except now, it wouldnt simply teach people how to fish, it would deliver the tools to do so in perpetuity and generationally with ever-increasing capability.

I might be a wee bit biased in most of that

As a more imaginative facet, maybe they would be able to somehow interact with technology "psychically." So, they would be able to affect change in everything from meme propagation to the current algorithmic manipulation of the population. To keep it interesting though, this would have to be limited. Maybe explained as the superhero having more weight to throw around than any other individual, but because it is going up against a massively complex system with constant change.. nothing is a sure thing.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 03:11 PM
These are some great answers guys, I'm loving the suggestions & will respond to each in turn shortly. For the moment, I will add a thought which should have gone into the OP, which kind of frames the discussion somewhat..

The question is - why now? Why would the Almighty despatch a bona fide 'superhero' to augment Humanity's fight to resolve the chaos unleashed by the dark dealings of the mighty in the shadows? After all, there was no overt display of power during the devastation of World War 2 (though I believe there were certainly many 'miraculous' assists at pivotal moments, likely carried out in secret with direct support for particular missions where perhaps otherwise the successful action may not have come to pass.. But there was no open display of power in that wider situation. So why would we now see the arrival of a power intended to support the Human Race in retaking their sovereignty, in an overt manner?

I believe that if this were to be a real scenario, the reason is staring us in the face every day we wake up & switch on the TV. The reason is, they have taken full control over the vast majority of media channels that direct information into our lives, which can be tweaked & amended with scientific perfection, a weapon of pure propaganda which is so interlocked, interwoven, galvanised streams of informational flow which 'informs' [/sarc] & dominates the global conversation, leading us on a merry dance in which their machinations filter out into the now ultra-controlled zone of mainstream social media, a broadstream technological wonder of pure & unadulterated control, the power to beam 'Reality As We See Fit', directly into both the subconscious mind & the pre-frontal cortex at one & the same time, to be tweaked with scalpel-fine lines of circumstantial falsehood & disinformation, almost instantly taking over the narrative of any story, any person, any company or government that doesn't toe the line, crushing them to powder using every tool of the modern technological age as it becomes necessary, if they persist in their rebellious ways. And they've perfected it such that by stealth, by guile, by malicious domination, using bribery, blackmail & the blade, they can overtake any facet of social uprising & cut off the head of the snake before the seeds being sown can take root & flourish.

Because they have such unprecedented control over the flow of information, the fight is already lost if there is no intervention. In truth it was impossible to resist the eventual corruption of almost every institution that was meant to have a hand in the proper governance of Mankind. Power corrupts, and absolute power, combined with bribery, blackmail & the blade, meant that total corruption was inevitable, given enough time. Those in control want to enhance their control until Bill Gates & his hidden masters have oversight of every blade of grass in the inglorious kingdom of the NWO. The real serpents are hidden, and only lesser mortals are paraded as the visage of the alleged rulers of Mankind. The god of this world never went away - we just believed the lie, refused to look steadfastly into the darkness.

It is our responsibility to uproot the wickedness of the black-hearted dominion which persecutes every good & decent person on this planet, driving their evil deeply into the civilisation of Man, encouraging every form of barbarity & perversion imaginable, intent on destroying what is good & pure, systematically dominating & asserting control over the interlinked systems of functional management of the institutions which propel our civilisation on its course, stealing every resource & accumulating fiat capital, squeezing the value out of every human mind until every breath we take will cost us the labour of our lives, slaves in the Devil's control system.

That control system is now so advanced, so tightly interwoven, so overwhelmingly dominant, that unless there is an intervention, we are already locked on a course of no return. If we pray for an intervention, I believe that now is the time that an intervention will be made manifest. We have only a matter of years before all is lost.

Rise up & defend the Hope of all the ages, call for the avenging arm of the LORD, pray for deliverance of the innocent & the good, the turning of the lost, and the solidarity of the many.


posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 07:52 PM
Not the hero we want.
Not the hero we imagined.
Not the hero we deserve (do we)
Just the hero we got.
Now if we could just find him.

Anyone have Bubba's #?
a reply to: surfer_soul

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 07:59 PM
I don't think the ideological differences are resolvable.

if your theoretical hero had huge powers like Doctor Manhattan, he could create an alternate Earth (with its own moon), identical to ours, and transport all the leftists, communists, NWO, muslims, communists, etc. to it. let the innocent working Christians and conservatives and Buddhists etc be allowed to live their lives as they (we) wish.

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