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A Veteran's Warning | Smedley Butler a little history to include the Bonus Army

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posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 08:17 AM
Many have heard the name of Marine General Smedley Butler. The following video is a fairly complete history of General Butler with his Marine enlistment at 16 years of age. The bankers an TPTB behind the scenes instigating wars for profit. Looking at history since Butler's death I would wager not much has changed.

I read or someone once said, " Power, wealth, and control.. When you increase your knowledge you will find you also increase your sorrow."

I at times think of all those people who went to war and gave up there lives for someone else's profit gain..and no I am not a "peace nik" for there are times when a war is justified and proper if you want your society and country to survive. Key words being justified and proper.

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

Smedley Butler has been one of my personal heroes since childhood. He was part of the reason I joined the Corps. I remember reading his perspective as a young man and was enlightened for lack of a better word.
OP Thanks for posting this as it is valuable insight and food for thought.

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 09:16 AM

originally posted by: americanbuffalo1
a reply to: 727Sky

Smedley Butler has been one of my personal heroes since childhood. He was part of the reason I joined the Corps. I remember reading his perspective as a young man and was enlightened for lack of a better word.
OP Thanks for posting this as it is valuable insight and food for thought.

A crazy setup for our day and time. The people running the world had a plan and we aren't in their club. They had to get us out of the way. Smedley exposed the Fascist aspect of the gov working with business to fight for them everywhere we went. The demand by the Veterans was fair. The encampment around DC over the reparations to the soldiers would seem dangerous to anyone. Made the FDR election stronger as he delivered the New Deal when people couldn't find work to feed their families. The birth of Socialized government in the USA. The seed of death for free people to go collective like the Borg or an Ant hill.

posted on Jul, 8 2021 @ 03:24 PM
Let's not forget those trying to get Butler to come along for the ride, you know the millionaire fat cat men that planned and conceived this farce, just did a quick fade when it went south with nary a word or condemnation.

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