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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - The Truth Won't Be For Everyone - -PART- -7H1R7Y s3v3n-

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posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 02:54 PM
A bit of old timey craQy esoteriQa, Pass on this if you are not drawn to it, or bookmark for a later date. Part OnePart One

I mentioned, in passing a bit ago, that the Choice Point related to the jab has passed. At the time I wasn't exactly sure what that meant. As of now I have a much better idea, but admittedly I don't have enough to lay it all out yet. So we'll stick to what seems clear to me as September progresses.

The jabs were introduced under Joe. This matters, from a political standpoint yes, but more so from a much more important complex metaphysical one. The jab reflects a sort of final defining moment in one's life and was not meant to arrive before the Controllers had their say. That choice point has more personal choice convergences per person then any other. Meaning, the sum total of all lifetime(s) choice(s) leads to the, to jab or not to jab, moment for many (not all). I know, seems strange, as many figured the defining moment would look more like meeting at the pearly gates, or a soul based discussion after death. No, the choice point for this reality arrived at the end of a needle pushed by a guy named Fauci.

What it defines is the choice between a commitment to Fear and Compliance or a commitment to Love, Compassion, Understanding, Liberation etc. If one goes back into the arQhives they can see the theme written all over the drops. So when confronted with a boogieman, a fake virus, folks had the inner choice of the lifetimes to make. Do I choose Life, Love and Liberty, or do I choose a path of permanent fear based manipulation and compliance? Do I take control over my own life, NO MATTER THE COST, or do I simply find ways to excuse away the actions I take by using the pre-printed CDC explanations for why my health cum SOUL are not my own but theirs?

This is a case, a very odd case, where the very thing the Controllers are using to control, is in fact creating something unintended by them. They have in fact forced the Human Earther Personality & Soul to choose the path of enlightenment, which the Controllers did not want. It is a choice in which many at the Soul level did want. Many of you probably felt this "should I get the jab..." energy, and then pondered it. I myself never bothered even thinking about it, so the choice point was not as defined for me, which could be why I didn't really notice it at first.

The choice point, still open as I see it now, has opened up two distinct realities. The realities are within each other, but the are not going in the same direction. They are diverging and they will not meet up again. It has created a moment unlike any other in my lifetime, maybe in our 26k year cycle even, and we are going to feel the personal and collective reverberation for some time as we sort out what's what. The jabbed have created a reality rooted solely in fear and compliance. An entire state of being rooted in a cycle of fear based compliance through violent coercion as a means for safety. This is totally incompatible with a world of Sovereignty, Love, Compassion and so on. The two realities are side by side now and cannot merge.

Why can't they merge? Because one is fully incompatible with the other and folks have had eons+lifetimes+choices+experiences to come to this choice point. Those who chose the fear path did so because liberation was a bridge too far. Those who rejected the fear path did so because that is simply not acceptable anymore as a way of life. The fear choice will lead to MORE fear for those who chose it, because that is what they chose. We see it now with, "well I chose my path to be free again, but look, now I am not free, and I have to keep getting more jabs rooted in fear..." See, that choice point, in many ways, is the defining moment for both sides and was created by all the information, experiences, lifetimes etc. Many into one. Fear Vs. Love.

When we began Q we assumed all Q would flow along a format, but this jab choice point completion shows me all of that is fully out the window now - gone. The why is too complicated to try and explain even if I was sure I understood it all, which I do not. But I do know enough that this last week has put all the previous events squarely in the past and I suspect many felt it too but couldn't put their finger on it - it all just matters less for many. The petty political elements of The Usual Suspects have given way to the higher concepts of true "Liberation" "Sovereignty" "Acceptance" and so on, which was all mapped in the drops. THOSE are the topics now, not McCabe, Page, or even the Queen.

Team Joe brought us the galactic, Soul-Based, choice point even though they are beyond incompetent. Chew on that.

As I look at Team Joe, and the political aspect of this, it looks as though these nutjobs are in fact just a bad teeeveee sitcom using rejected writers from canceled shows. The West Wing with a laugh track. The tension of 2020 has given way to "" That is the Liberation POV, not the Fear POV, with each POV seeing team Joe differently.

So, what is in store for Anons? Well, Anons will be forging ahead with the work, removing the darkest of the dark, exposing the hidden underbelly to the light as before, but with an eye well beyond the early targets and more toward the light itself: Liberty, Sovereignty, Love, Acceptance etc. within the sea of fear based compliance. But... and it is a serious qualifier, they will often feel like they are alone, even among friends and family, even among other Anons. There are two distinct realities going on right now, side by side, the jabbed and the unjabbed to oversimplify, and they are going on divergent paths, not parallel ones and we will see folks moving between all the layers each represents, making connections difficult at times.

The jabbed will demand more and more jabs, triple masks, safe rooms, tests etc. for their safety, the Controllers will comply. Those seeking Liberation will reject any attempt to rule by fear. When one group is talking the other cannot hear what is being said. I'll say this again, Liberation and Sovereignty are words the fear based cannot hear and concepts the fear based view as too much to aspire to in this lifetime. No amount of talking now will bridge that gap with most, and I suspect a lot of folks see that right now. The notion of forced red pilling now is gone, it cannot and should not be done.

From each personal POV everyone will be where they need to be, where they chose and choose to be. But, again the qualifier, not all POV's will align, and some may be so far apart that both POV's seem insane to one another. All POV's will be valid from the individual's POV, but beyond that all will be in flux and matching POV's will be a challenge was we all figure out what's what.

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 02:54 PM
Thoughts on the following?


CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins]
Dawn of the final day.
115.8K viewsedited

CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins]
You dont know whats coming.
They dont know whats coming.

The final day.


CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins]

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 02:54 PM
CONTINUED from above ^^^

Two people can be in the same general reality and have two fully incompatible POV's, with one being very limited and one being too expansive to distill down, let alone convey to another.

From now on, folks who seek to maintain their path to Soul Level Liberation must do what it takes to stay on that path, no matter how many challenges Controller Grand Theft Auto throws into their path! Those seeking Liberation will struggle for a while to find matching energy, while those seeking fear motivation will find it everywhere they look.

I myself have never seen this before, nor do I have any sense of how one reconciles this day to day. We do our best for now, cliche' but true, This is uncharted territory and requires thinking as far ahead as possible to stay comfortable and to stay on [target]. It requires to be willing to quit, move, leave, scrap a path, quit a hobby, avoid a favorite anything and so on when needed.

Seek the highest POV not the consensus POV which tends to be the lowest. One world, two realities, side by side, no connection. What defines each? Fear or Love. How do you know where you are if the realities are still on top of each other? Fear or Love. That's it.

On the upside, the path the Anons and those of the light are on is open, we are building it as we go. We just have to shed the mindset we built our process on prior to September and be open to the openness. We cannot salvage the past, just look at Team Joe, and we will struggle to build a new version because our brains are rooted in the Matrix reality that champions Team Joe as the Quintessential Governmental Example. Chew on that, 10000 years and Team Joe is what they wanted all along and got.

Expect shaky legs, insecurity, trepidation, coupled with excitement and even a bit of wonder tossed in as we progress. Expect answers/solutions to come from every direction but the expected direction, so remove expectations, especially those rooted in the Fear Matrix. In the Fear Matrix Joe is the leader, just remember that. In the Liberation, Unity, Love reality Source Of All is the leader.

That said, this is from my POV.

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 03:09 PM
I think this is why we are here. When everything comes out, and people's minds melt, we will be the only ones able to comprehend what happened. And then we get to help pick up the pieces.

originally posted by: olivy

Long time lurker for 2+ years, first time commenting. With the state of our nation and world, I feel compelled to get more involved. I have a prime example of what you speak of. My Mother in law is open minded and believes most of the news I bring her from this thread and other alternative sources. My Father in law laughs off that citizens would be detained in FEMA camps or worse. When I presented the possibility of the vaccine killing most recipients due to organ failure, as outlined with the canadian doctor (I forget his name) with blood test results. He cannot believe it. He calls it conspiracy theories and "that would never happen". The truth, in my opinion, is that he has cable news channels on the TV all day long. He listens to these corrupt news outlets spewing propaganda. He has for his entire life. He is also not a big student of history, which proves repeatedly that evil people will terrorize the world at every opportunity. He wants to live in his retirement bubble, visit the grandkids, and believe everything is just wonderful. At this point, when he dismisses the potential evil intentions of this worldwide plandemic, I just tell him to wake up. To stop listening to the propaganda box in his family room. To realize that practically all major newscaster fronts are CIA or Zionist mafia. That it was told world war three would start as a misinformation war. He just cannot open his eyes. I believe the only way he will be woken up is if the emergency broadcast video actually happens. He would have to be shocked out of his dream world.

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 03:23 PM
If you haven't read this yet, cranky deserves all of the stars!

Cranky...did you make that convergence picture, or did you find it somewhere?

originally posted by: crankyoldman
A bit of old timey craQy esoteriQa, Pass on this if you are not drawn to it, or bookmark for a later date. Part OnePart One

I mentioned, in passing a bit ago, that the Choice Point related to the jab has passed. At the time I wasn't exactly sure what that meant. As of now I have a much better idea, but admittedly I don't have enough to lay it all out yet. So we'll stick to what seems clear to me as September progresses.

The jabs were introduced under Joe. This matters, from a political standpoint yes, but more so from a much more important complex metaphysical one. The jab reflects a sort of final defining moment in one's life and was not meant to arrive before the Controllers had their say. That choice point has more personal choice convergences per person then any other. Meaning, the sum total of all lifetime(s) choice(s) leads to the, to jab or not to jab, moment for many (not all). I know, seems strange, as many figured the defining moment would look more like meeting at the pearly gates, or a soul based discussion after death. No, the choice point for this reality arrived at the end of a needle pushed by a guy named Fauci.

What it defines is the choice between a commitment to Fear and Compliance or a commitment to Love, Compassion, Understanding, Liberation etc. If one goes back into the arQhives they can see the theme written all over the drops. So when confronted with a boogieman, a fake virus, folks had the inner choice of the lifetimes to make. Do I choose Life, Love and Liberty, or do I choose a path of permanent fear based manipulation and compliance? Do I take control over my own life, NO MATTER THE COST, or do I simply find ways to excuse away the actions I take by using the pre-printed CDC explanations for why my health cum SOUL are not my own but theirs?

This is a case, a very odd case, where the very thing the Controllers are using to control, is in fact creating something unintended by them. They have in fact forced the Human Earther Personality & Soul to choose the path of enlightenment, which the Controllers did not want. It is a choice in which many at the Soul level did want. Many of you probably felt this "should I get the jab..." energy, and then pondered it. I myself never bothered even thinking about it, so the choice point was not as defined for me, which could be why I didn't really notice it at first.

The choice point, still open as I see it now, has opened up two distinct realities. The realities are within each other, but the are not going in the same direction. They are diverging and they will not meet up again. It has created a moment unlike any other in my lifetime, maybe in our 26k year cycle even, and we are going to feel the personal and collective reverberation for some time as we sort out what's what. The jabbed have created a reality rooted solely in fear and compliance. An entire state of being rooted in a cycle of fear based compliance through violent coercion as a means for safety. This is totally incompatible with a world of Sovereignty, Love, Compassion and so on. The two realities are side by side now and cannot merge.

Why can't they merge? Because one is fully incompatible with the other and folks have had eons+lifetimes+choices+experiences to come to this choice point. Those who chose the fear path did so because liberation was a bridge too far. Those who rejected the fear path did so because that is simply not acceptable anymore as a way of life. The fear choice will lead to MORE fear for those who chose it, because that is what they chose. We see it now with, "well I chose my path to be free again, but look, now I am not free, and I have to keep getting more jabs rooted in fear..." See, that choice point, in many ways, is the defining moment for both sides and was created by all the information, experiences, lifetimes etc. Many into one. Fear Vs. Love.

When we began Q we assumed all Q would flow along a format, but this jab choice point completion shows me all of that is fully out the window now - gone. The why is too complicated to try and explain even if I was sure I understood it all, which I do not. But I do know enough that this last week has put all the previous events squarely in the past and I suspect many felt it too but couldn't put their finger on it - it all just matters less for many. The petty political elements of The Usual Suspects have given way to the higher concepts of true "Liberation" "Sovereignty" "Acceptance" and so on, which was all mapped in the drops. THOSE are the topics now, not McCabe, Page, or even the Queen.

Team Joe brought us the galactic, Soul-Based, choice point even though they are beyond incompetent. Chew on that.

As I look at Team Joe, and the political aspect of this, it looks as though these nutjobs are in fact just a bad teeeveee sitcom using rejected writers from canceled shows. The West Wing with a laugh track. The tension of 2020 has given way to "" That is the Liberation POV, not the Fear POV, with each POV seeing team Joe differently.

So, what is in store for Anons? Well, Anons will be forging ahead with the work, removing the darkest of the dark, exposing the hidden underbelly to the light as before, but with an eye well beyond the early targets and more toward the light itself: Liberty, Sovereignty, Love, Acceptance etc. within the sea of fear based compliance. But... and it is a serious qualifier, they will often feel like they are alone, even among friends and family, even among other Anons. There are two distinct realities going on right now, side by side, the jabbed and the unjabbed to oversimplify, and they are going on divergent paths, not parallel ones and we will see folks moving between all the layers each represents, making connections difficult at times.

The jabbed will demand more and more jabs, triple masks, safe rooms, tests etc. for their safety, the Controllers will comply. Those seeking Liberation will reject any attempt to rule by fear. When one group is talking the other cannot hear what is being said. I'll say this again, Liberation and Sovereignty are words the fear based cannot hear and concepts the fear based view as too much to aspire to in this lifetime. No amount of talking now will bridge that gap with most, and I suspect a lot of folks see that right now. The notion of forced red pilling now is gone, it cannot and should not be done.

From each personal POV everyone will be where they need to be, where they chose and choose to be. But, again the qualifier, not all POV's will align, and some may be so far apart that both POV's seem insane to one another. All POV's will be valid from the individual's POV, but beyond that all will be in flux and matching POV's will be a challenge was we all figure out what's what.

edit on 9/7/2021 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 04:05 PM
a reply to: olivy
I was dealing with the same situation. Complete denial so I decided to do what kue has said "They need to be shown". I broke out the card game Cards Against Humanity. Wow that looks fun and how do we play. I threw out the rule book since they do not follow rules anyway. We played the game my way taking all of the white cards and placing them into different groups. It started as a lark but three hours into it there was a shock and awe moment. They could not believe what they were seeing and thought that this game was current. I then showed them the date 2019 and the events had not happened until now.
New term amongst friends now is plandemic.

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 04:07 PM

originally posted by: Caled

If you haven't read this yet, cranky deserves all of the stars!

Cranky...did you make that convergence picture, or did you find it somewhere?

High praise indeed. TY.

Mashup of me and another.

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 05:33 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Finally! Ive been waiting for this part two. So happy it made it to the top of the page too! Excellent to say the very least. Another fine "Hat tip" post COM!
Cant wait for more or at least hopefully there is more added thought...

See ya on the split side!

edit on 9/7/21 by onehuman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 05:40 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

That said, this is from my POV.

Sorry to hop in the middle

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 05:52 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Cranky, that undoubtedly is the most powerful, thought provoking story I have ever read.

Kudos to you as well as stars!

What do you do as your loved ones lay on their deathbed wondering out loud why they are dying and not yourself? They had the jabs and you didn't. You have the original antibodies for Covid A and have just got over four weeks of Covid D. What can you say?

What can you say...

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 05:56 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

Thank you. It's about time Joe Biden does something about this horrendous coronavirus.. Bodies are all in the streets everywhere you go these days.

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 06:08 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Great post. We're part of the 'Divergent' class now. Sorry, another movie reference.

Chris discusses the parasitic divergence in a 4 min excerpt from a teleconference on the topic of Revelations.

The Advent of the Hive

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 06:10 PM
FFS, I sooooo hate this topic.

What is infuriating, is last week the gates were closed, theses ashos didn't preemptively release water. Likely because the damn is built from old kleenex boxes cow pies and the shaking is destroying it. "The Chinese are known for their engineering marvels and attention to detail..." said no one ever.

3G Live Stream Stats

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 06:11 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Another great post.
Thank you.

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 06:33 PM

I heard 3 of his planes are still on the ground at Kabul, not yet cleared by the State Dept.?

Meanwhile, over at the Fed Bureau of Incompetence...

FBI: Hunting down the J6 Trump'ers have higher priority.🤡
Where are all those free-lance ex-Navy SEAL bounty hunters?! That's a nice payday just awaiting.

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 07:01 PM
With all the whisperings about an upcoming Emergency Alert my first thought great, because we should have had one back in August. I was really razzed about it because I had told family that it was a routine testing of the emergency alert system. Yea right. Well things are strange these days so I thought well I made a mistake.
Just looked into it and it was held on August 11th so how could I miss it. I assumed it had been postponed. Other people didn't receive it either but then some people did. How can this be?
Then I started to wonder about all of those people killed in the flooding in New York City last week where people were trapped in subways and basements. Why didn't they know, I mean some people seemed to know and others didn't. They wouldn't wander down to low levels where they would surely drown.

This meant I had to go check out things. I saw that there had been some serious worries about an app update on the Apple iPhone and Lin Wood warning people not to let it upload. Still there was no EA expected so what has happened?
Seems that Apple has developed their iPhones with a plan in mind because it differs from other iphones.
Hey Siri...I wonder if there is any possibility that the Siri AI can be activated remotely to silence the alerts and block any text alerts. Just a thought but it makes me wonder. However that doesn't explain what happened last week.

They have the Assistive Touch feature in the ios which makes it possible to switch the iPhone to silent without using the button and the one difference with the iPhone compared to the others is that there is no silent vibrate mode. So if an EA is incoming and it is on silent mode there would be no vibration. Also the only way to know if it is in silent mode is that one has to really check it out. The ios does not show a silent or mute icon anywhere in the status bar, control center or the lock screen.
Even with gaming there is a not intuitive human device interaction. When playing the game one can turn on the Do Not Disturb mode but when finished it does not automatically return to activate the alert status.

I looked at different complaints from people are many were reporting the issue of not receiving EA and having sound issues.

Humans, being just that, human make mistakes, get busy and forget so it is odd that this EA feature has to be activated. Other countries make the EA mandatory and it is active right from the get go however with the iPhone the user has to activate this feature.
As we have seen when a device requires action that is not intuitive this leads to failures.
I wonder if this is what happened in New York. Some people simply did not know that the feature that they were relying was switched off.

Do you think that maybe they built the iPhones deliberately so that people would not hear Trump's message? Would they really go that far?>iphones

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 07:13 PM
Evening folks.

I am pretty firmly convinced at this point that Xi is a white hat playing the role of a wrestling heel. The Chinese are now "considering occupying" that air base we just abandoned in Afghanistan.

These world leaders aren't stupid. Xi understands what's going on behind the scenes. All this action is going to do is further piss Americans off towards their President who is an alleged ally of Xi's. This is a completely foolish move on their part if they want to continue to have Biden in their pocket.

Instead I believe it is much more likely that Xi is playing his part in turning the American people against Joe Biden. It doesn't make any sense to help someone rig an election and then turn around and do stuff like this. At some point the military is going to grow tired of being embarrassed by countries they could destroy in a single week.

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 07:14 PM
a reply to: olivy
I have an aunt and uncle in El Paso, Tx. who cannot handle what you try to tell them. I try my hardest to not be "over bearing" with the online stuff because like you said they get their info from T.V. and and have for too long. Even though they could see how MSM did Trump and all of us with their lies still cannot grasp some of the stuff we've been following online. I finally realized that to an extent, they are scared so I backed off. I don't believe in scaring people of their age into believing and if they are alive when everything comes out they won't be surprised. It just felt wrong to be constantly trying to bring up what I was reading. As far as people younger than them, I honesty think some have been so intensely brainwashed that they aren't going to wake up. I'm not sure how we handle them except make decisions and hope they can someday see how indoctrinated they were. I've been griping for over 20 years about the lack of common sense in the world and it gets worse and worse over time........ I'm glad you decided to comment instead of just lurking and hope you will get more involved. We've got a lot to talk about IMO.

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
I'm sure your right about that and I should probably take a look. I have to admit I have another issue. I have boycotted so many people over the years that some movies are difficult for me to watch but I probably need to get past it. I used to watch any new movie that came out but they p*ssed me off during the O years and movies haven't been the same for me. I'm even that way about grocery stores.....Wal-Mart does not get my money even if it costs me more and I quit them almost 20 years ago over the way they have treated their employees and their sorry a*ssed business practices with their suppliers. They have had a huge responsibility in killing small businesses. Anyway, I'll look at the list....

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 07:49 PM
May be something, may be nothing.

Donald Trump is hosting a boxing match this Saturday, September 11th. Evander Holyfield makes his return to boxing to take on former UFC Champion Vitor Belfort.

“I love great fighters and great fights,” Trump said in the release. “I look forward to seeing both this Saturday night and sharing my thoughts ringside. You won’t want to miss this special event ."

Just saying, if there were anything to happen right around the time that fight kicks off, there will be a lot of eyes and ears on Trump at that time...

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