a reply to:
I think it's more likely that covid and injections could be the means TPTB keep people subjugated.
This is like looking at the tip of your nose and thinking you're admiring the scenery.
Look up, look further, see the BIG PICTURE.
This whole 'covid', 'vaccine', etc. stuff is just a TINY PORTION of what they not only ARE doing and planning, but HAVE been doing and planning for
centuries. They haven't always been as direct and obvious about it, a _LOT_ has been happening and bubbling 'below the surface', where most masses
don't BOTHER to look (everyone can, if they're so inclined, but they won't).
I have been following their evil agenda for decades, so none of this surprises me. The only thing that really surprises me, is the stupidity of the
people, and how easily they're duped into doing any stupid thing. It's like someone tells them to jump on one leg and bark like a dog.. and almost ALL
of them do! No questions asked, and then they talk about media as something that doesn't lie, and spew the 'TRUST THE SCIENCE', like they're just damn
parrots instead of actual thinking people.
Of course TPTB are using these things - never let a good crisis go to waste, problem-reaction-solution, and all that jazz.
But it goes much deeper than that. It's just _ONE_STEP_ in their overall plan, and you think THIS is their overall plan?
It's like only seeing a door handle and thinking that's the whole car. Come on, man (to borrow a common saying by a 'trustworthy leader')!
I guess they're seeing (or somehow measuring) just how stupid people have become, how gullible, weak, malleable frogs in a kettle, how their legs are
now so soft the frogs can't jump out anymore, no matter how they turn up the heat.
We're dying in here, and all you can say is 'I wonder if they're using this kettle to control us'.. yeah, but that's not the half of it. They're also
planning to boil us alive and RIP OFF our legs so they can EAT OUR BODIES! (figuratively speaking, using the kettle+frog-metaphor here, I hope you can
I can no longer take for granted that people understand my metaphors.. no matter how clear and direct I am, there are always confused people not
understanding at all what I am even talking about.
Look, this is only one step in their BIG AGENDA, they're not going to stop with controlling us with these things, but instead, that's just one door
they're opening to get to the NEXT phase. The end goal is not what we're seeing, it's still far away in the future.
The end goal is 100% enslavement and control of births, deaths, but more importantly, lives and thoughts of every single individual on the planet. Of
course, at that point, they cease to BE individuals, because independent thought is not only forbidden, it's literally not allowed. By literally, I
mean you won't be allowed or even able to form a thought they don't want you to form. You can't form independent thoughts with a powerful
mind-controlling chip in your body.
It's at that point they can make _anyone_ in the world do _anything_ they want them to do (of course being within the capabilities of said entity).
I wonder how they're going to proceed once they reach this goal.. after you have everything in the world, own most of the planet, and then control
everyone 100%, including their thoughts, values, behaviour, etc., what then?
I guess.. other planets? I can only hope someone will put a stop to all this at some point.
That people have ALLOWED these bstrds to grow their evil agenda throughout all recent history is just APPALLING. This would never have happened in
Atlantis, where priests were actually trained (with energies, true spirituality, abilities and so on).
Now that there are no longer any 'cultivated entities guarding the rest', TPTB are free to do whatever they want, and most people are just too blind
and self-obsessed (and interested in portable rectangles) to know, understand or care what's going on until the water becomes boiling hot.
Then they'll try to jump out, but their leg muscles won't obey, and they will perish.
Of course there are all kinds of predictions as to what's supposed to happen during the ending times, so it's going to be interesting in seeing how it
all unfolds..