posted on May, 16 2021 @ 10:06 PM
In 1928, Frank Robinson started a mail order cult in Moscow, ID. Psychiana promised wealth and success to adherents. Short history here:
In the 1970s, about 30 years after Robinson had died, Douglas Wilson rolled into Moscow. A hippy preacher with a guitar, he started his own school and
publishing house. 40 years later, his church is a prosperity gospel cult, luring in the wealthy, unwitting libertarians, and many evangelicals wishing
to hide from and fight secular culture. Some background
Looking at the historical records, Frank Robinson's house is right next door to where Wilson lives now. Robinson Park was donated by Frank Robinson to
the county, and is now surrounded by Wilson's family.
What kind of amusing coincidence is that-- the Wilson family, barring one daughter, all live next to the Psychiana guru's former
edit on 16-5-2021 by Look2theSacredHeart because: Grammar and punctuation