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Elizabeth Berger - The Brazilian Alien Woman

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posted on Mar, 9 2021 @ 02:47 PM
I've found a not well know case from Brazil that maybe worth sharing. What makes this case different is that Interpool and Brazilian Police were invovled due to the ammount of reports made by citzents of the Islland of Middle, in Brazil ( iLha do Meio), which is located in the Amazon Region of the State of Para.

The Island of Meio is located 200km from the city of Augusto Correia, due to terrain and other factors, travel by boat usually took around 5 hours to the island and it was usually done by a man named João Olaya and other fishermen, who was one of the witness of this case, as he would have been hgired to take her to the island.

Island on the map

This case starts in 1975, when a woman arrived at the closest proximity city of the island, which was Augusto Correia, and began talking to locals about buying plot of lands on the island. The woman introduced herself as Elisabeth Queminet Berger and told came from Switerzland. Beth was white, blonde, with almond-shaped blue eyes. Unlike Scandinavian women, she was very short (4'4). She claimed she was divorced and worked as a fashion designer. Usually, when walking in the city she would wear long dresses, with long sleeves, with closed cuffs up to the hands.

She would have eventually be led by locals to the local prefecture in order to purchase the plots of land.

Upon revision, in her English passport (nº 872152-A) and other identity documents it was cconfirmed said that Elisabeth Queminet Berger. The passport said she was been born in Munsingen on August 18, 1947, was naturalized English and domiciled in Paris.

Eventually, she would manage to hire João Olaya to take her by boat to the Island of Meio, and would ask locals to purchase their lands. Most locals were indigenous, and lived from fishing and had no intentions of selling their lands to the foreign woman. She would later come back, with an irrefuseable offer in cash (quantity not specified), which the locals then accepted.

Already in possession of her property on the island, Elisabeth gathered together the few residents and said she was interested in buying other properties immediately. There was reluctance on the part of some, as one of the requirements was that, when the deal was closed, they leaft the locations of their former homes as soon as possible.

The documents related to purchases, were registered withing the Notary of the 1st Office of the city of Bragança and included hereditary rights. Even after making the acquisition of vast lands on Ilha do Meio, Elisabeth did not reside or visit the island for quite some time, she would only visit the place, usually staying months out of town/island.

Regardless of what she was doing there, her actions and the start of strange lights over the island would soon spark rumors she was an extraterrestrial. For starters: Fishermen would report she would have been seen taking large groups of white, blonded hair people in the island (usually ranging from 40-50 people) and she would every month purchase 400kg (881 pounds) worth of fish from local fisherman, and nothing else.

Reportedly taken pics from the objects, couldnt verify

Reports said that the lights were like "small moons" that descended over the island. By the time of the UFo sightings, Beth would also reportedly use to go out in the middle of the night to roaming the fields. She would have been warned several times to avoid those walks, as snakes and other wild animals were common in the these parts, but she always ignored the warnings.

Some boatman with access to the island who had the courage to follow her in her "nightly walks" would report terrified that she would always walk around naked and walk on water(like jesus). João Olaya would say that the money she paid him to take her to the island was too good despite the rumors surrounding her.

The rumors surrounding her would eventually maker locals to begin reporting her to the police. The local police would have then call her to testify, but since she didn't had any charges upon her, she would be cleared. Whomever, this did not stop the increase in sightings of UFOs inIsland's sky, which would always happen when Beth was in the island (and would cease when Beth was overseas).

She would then be arrested a second time due to the ammount of reports surrounding her, she would have been taken for three days to the city of Bragança to awnser police questions, but she was cleared of charges and released.

On a third time, she would be again be arrested, but this time, by Federal Police( Brazil FBI equivalent) and taken to Brasilia to clear up questions regarding her activicties on the Island. After 4 days police determined Beth was doing nothing illegal and released her, it seems that Beth just "living in the island".

Eventually, the unusual high purchase of fish, and reports by locals raised suspicions in the army that the woman was actually covering up a band of guerrillas. The information reached military captain Uyrangê Hollanda, who at the same time served in the FAB (Brazil Airforce) and would led another military UFO investigation in the region (the so-called Operation Prato). Upon learning of the fact, Hollanda initially suspected that Elisabeth might have been involved in guerrilla movement or arms smuggling, which were common in brazil at this time due the country's military dictatorship.

Then, with the support of local volunteers, he would have moved some soldiers to Ilha do Meio to carry out investigations and seek more information about the real activities of that woman.

The group managed to find Beth's hut on the island, abandoned, rather large in size for a single woman, and in a precarious state, covered in dust: Beth house on the island only had two chairs and a bed, whomever, since sher wasnt in town, or in the island (she said prior to this event that she had to go back to Europe to atend a relative's funeral and receive an heritage), they had to abandon pursuit.

When Beth came back to town to access the island again in 1976, she would then be stoped by local Police for a forth time and taken by the Police for questioning, this time, to the city of Belêm, Pará. Whomever, in a certain moment during the roadtrip, Beth asked the cops to use the bathrom, they stoped at a gasoline stop and she would use a bathroom. The bathroom only had 1 small head sized window, two toilets and only door to exit, so she couldn't run away. Whomever, Beth would then take too long and the two policemen decided to break in to see what was happening, upon entering the bathroom, Beth had unexplicably vanished. This would have been the last time was ever seen on the island and city and the case would have been taken to Interpool.

According to the Ufologist Moacyr de Mendonça de Uchôa, Beth would have been spotted in Los Angeles 1985/1986 Earthquakes working as nurse, and again in South Korea, but Interpool would have been unable to track her down. About twenty years later, police would find out the passport she used was fake, and that the name of Elisabeth Queminet Berger, was of a Swiss woman who died in 1937.

Nowdays locals believe Beth was either an extraterrestrial or time traveler, minding her own bussiness, but the annoyance of the locals and police made her leave the island for good.

edit on 9-3-2021 by Frocharocha because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-3-2021 by Frocharocha because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2021 @ 03:07 PM
Cool story. Thanks for sharing the account

posted on Mar, 9 2021 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: Frocharocha

That's a very intriguing story! Definitely one for further research.

BTW, what's up with the name Beth and Little Women?

posted on Mar, 9 2021 @ 03:12 PM
Intriguing story, tnx for sharing.
These kind of stories light up my imagination, cool!

( Side note: It's keeps getting harder for those Antartican Germans to find vacation resorts)

posted on Mar, 9 2021 @ 03:23 PM
a reply to: Frocharocha

Interesting. Any word on who owns the property now? Is it still in her name?

posted on Mar, 9 2021 @ 03:32 PM
a reply to: Frocharocha

Wow...thats a great story. Everything points into something mysterious going on. Great destignation for a road tripp.

posted on Mar, 9 2021 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: Frocharocha

Operation Prato

In the interview, Hollanda denied the official version and said that his team did, in photos and videos, record the luminous objects and gigantic ships that performed movements impossible for terrestrial technology. One of them, according to the colonel, emitted lights of different colors, released and collected small UFO probes - the team also collected testimonies from the population about the existence of strange beings coming out of the interior of the ship. The lollipop was everywhere scaring the population, also known as "apparatus", "vampire light", "light of fear" etc.

Even more interesting.

posted on Mar, 9 2021 @ 03:59 PM

originally posted by: new_here
a reply to: Frocharocha

Interesting. Any word on who owns the property now? Is it still in her name?

Couldn't find info on that. I wouldn't be surprise if it's still on her name since it's still kinda in the middle of nowhere.

originally posted by: myselfaswell
a reply to: Frocharocha

Operation Prato

In the interview, Hollanda denied the official version and said that his team did, in photos and videos, record the luminous objects and gigantic ships that performed movements impossible for terrestrial technology. One of them, according to the colonel, emitted lights of different colors, released and collected small UFO probes - the team also collected testimonies from the population about the existence of strange beings coming out of the interior of the ship. The lollipop was everywhere scaring the population, also known as "apparatus", "vampire light", "light of fear" etc.

Even more interesting.

Operation Prato is one of the most well know UFO cases in the world and Brazil. There were records of hospitalizations in the town alongside the UFO sightings.
edit on 9-3-2021 by Frocharocha because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2021 @ 05:01 PM
a reply to: Frocharocha

Why would Interpol get involved? Btw according to Wiki Brazil became Interpol member 1986.

Is there any way to verify the story, newspaper articles or any documentation accessible to the public?

posted on Mar, 9 2021 @ 05:14 PM

originally posted by: moebius
a reply to: Frocharocha

Why would Interpol get involved? Btw according to Wiki Brazil became Interpol member 1986.

Is there any way to verify the story, newspaper articles or any documentation accessible to the public?

I've tried to find more sources, But i couldnt find "sources" other than articles on the story. I've included interpool because the place video i've seen on this case said they tracked her down in the 80's

edit on 9-3-2021 by Frocharocha because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-3-2021 by Frocharocha because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2021 @ 08:34 PM
I have a different hypothesis, she was a harlot for the military.

Don't get me wrong I'm not a skeptic, and I believe the Operação Prato to be one of the most important known UFO cases in history, but there are things to consider.

I'm from Brazil. Something terrible was going on in my country at that time, and it was recorded in a document that would have been destroyed, called Relatório Figueiredo. It describes unspeakable atrocities being committed by the military regime against the native indians, they were in fact the ones who suffered the most at that time, and many tribes were simply exterminated. The things they were doing against those people can make the Nazi seem like the Care Bears.

Those lights were photographed and filmed by the military in the late 70's, in the region of Colares, in Pará. They released some of the pictures but none of the footages.

In my opinion, nature was rebelling against what was being done against the natives, because those lights attacked the military personnel and their helicopters. They were scaring the people in Colares and so the city had to be evacuated.

I just don't think that a single woman, Elizabeth Berger, is more important than the thousands of people being killed secretly by the military regime.

posted on Mar, 10 2021 @ 06:04 AM
Got any links to this hidden history, hiddenhistory?

a reply to: hiddenhistory

posted on Mar, 10 2021 @ 07:31 AM

originally posted by: Dalamax
Got any links to this hidden history, hiddenhistory?

a reply to: hiddenhistory

You can look more into Operation prato as a whole:

(post by kaltsegayemihretu removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Mar, 10 2021 @ 09:38 AM
Let's see a photo of her

posted on Mar, 10 2021 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: kaltsegayemihretu
a reply to: TXRabbit

I know right if you guys wanna see a alien caught on camera click this link found in la junta

Signs up today, posts random link with no details.

Yeah I'm not clicking that.

posted on Mar, 10 2021 @ 09:50 AM
i vaguely remember something about friendship island being a similar story, might be connected in some way.

posted on Mar, 10 2021 @ 12:43 PM
a reply to: Dalamax

The link that the Air Force used to release the pictures was later taken down.

As far as I know, all the information accessible to the public are those files and the interviews with the people involved in the case.

Here's an article from Yahoo:

posted on Mar, 10 2021 @ 02:56 PM

originally posted by: Frocharocha

originally posted by: Dalamax
Got any links to this hidden history, hiddenhistory?

a reply to: hiddenhistory

You can look more into Operation prato as a whole:

Thank you sir/ma’am

a reply to: hiddenhistory

edit on 10-3-2021 by Dalamax because: Sources

posted on Mar, 10 2021 @ 06:27 PM
Glad you brought this forgotten (by most) curiosity to attention.

There are so so many "real" equivalently strange stories buried in the old records and being forgotten while the measly "tic-tac" crumbs thrown out by the governments are devoured by (a weirdly indifferent small portion of) the masses.

And yes, this one is likely related to the "Colores" "attacks" though if memory serves then at least some of the victims of the beams were civilians and not all military... though I suppose some of the victims may have helped the military with their atrocities against the indigenous peoples. If so, the strange lights burning people sure do take on a more heroic nature.

Hint to whomever is driving the avenging lights, there are many more evil so-in-sos needing a singe!

Edit To Add: On afterthought, we're all somewhat complicit in the current situations and likely deserving a little burn.

edit on 3/10/2021 by Baddogma because: added some straight edge hardcore truth

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