a reply to:
There is this nice saying which describes what we should do and it goes like:
Do no harm, but take no #.
I think it is important for humanity as a whole to not let society decent into chaos filled with violence, like a civil war for example, but at the
same time we shouldn't be entirely submissive either.
Even though the world is filled with clueless people and most just accept and even fight their own brothers and sisters over the actual story with the
world, the time discussions (especially on facebook) were about sharing information and opinions with each other are long gone. Nowadays it's more
about who's right, who gets declared the winner of the debate, who gets the most likes ackknowleding nothing factual but perhaps the prejudices that
they all share and if you make your oponent look stupid you win bonus points ofcourse, even though that guy is probably more likely to try and save
your life in a certain situation then let's say some government offcials or so...
Anyways, what is also important to keep in mind is that this reality, as far as we know consist purely out of energy all in different vibrational
states, I know from experience that dark beings really enjoy and feed on the fear of good-willed humans, they are adicted to it. It gives them power,
it's energy. I'm not saying they are like really evil or bad, but perhaps stuck in some sort of evolutionary cycle revolving around low-vibrationally
activities and they need this low-frequency energy to sustain themselves and feel good. I wouldn't say they are bad by definition, however some have
come to enjoy this state and surely entertain themselves with everything that is bad for human beings. Others might not really have a conscience, but
they do 'dream' of other ways of being.. Again others are jealous of humans because they realise their corresponding species which feeds on negative
energy is actually in a bad position collectively and they are just doing this to survive because it's all they know anymore...
As is often, not everything is black and white.
My life actually only began when I made the realization that good and bad are not neccesarily enemies. Ofcourse they don't like eachother because
there is so much contrast, but I do think they can understand each other, so if you are willing to accept their attacks as harsh lessons which
stimulate your personal growth, they might be inclined to be slightly more respectful to you too and might spare you once in a while.<
You must realise that you are always both sides, good and bad. You can't be just good, or just bad. Most humans are more good than bad, and some are
more bad than good.
Everyone makes mistakes and occasionally does something which might not feel like you're doing something bad, however, you wouldn't be able to
consider it to be good because that would be hypocritical. These things lead to conflict, because the bad feel like, he thinks hes so good but look at
what hes doing right now and he doesn't even recognize it, I'm gonna teach him a lesson, for example.
Then the bad act that will be performed on you has some foundation on good intentions, to be able to see yourself as you truly are and to accept that
you are not a holy man. It will open your eyes and probably change your character for the better, which isn't something bad beings actually want, but
it's the divine interchange of energy between the two opposing polarities. They can enjoy themselves messing with you and you gain personal growth.
This levels each other. Both parties benefit from it, indirectly the bad beings helped you become a better person, so are they really bad? And because
of that life will also reward them with good karma, even though the way how it's done isn't with alot of love they still contributed to your evolution
as a human being. It's kinda like 'tough love' for genuinly good people, they feel resistance to it because it is not their nature but they need to do
it to progress in a specific way. Sometimes you have to do things you don't like to create a ripple effect that results in progression in the actual
desired direction.
Anyways, this is a bunch of off-topic nonsense.
The people who are calm are best used to keep others calm too and people who feel like fighting should inspire others not to fight, but to not
tollerate injustice, but in a more civilized way than that they have in mind. In general I think all the people collectively interacting with each
other will balance each other out each in it's own unique way, even though 'they' will try to provoke certain reactions to which they know how they
can justify their certain reponse, as such that they're heads won't be rolling and the mass keeps conflict within themselves. They are probably going
to try and provoke violence and rebellion, because it's their territory. They are trained for it, they have the weapons, we can't do # with violence,
but we shouldn't accept just anything they feel imposing on us either.
I can't predict the future, and # will get rough probably... But the universe operates in waves, it goes from one end to the other perpetually keeping
the balance by changing direction when it's getting to intollerable extremes. They fight each other but they also balance eachother. Just an exchange
of energy to optimize growth potential.
Someone who never leaves his comfort zone may feel good in his bubble, but he will reach no further than that bubble and it limits his potential to
experience life in the most wholesome way. Sometimes you have to take a wrong turn to get to another destination which in hindsight is much better
than what your originally had planned. It causes both pain and pleasure, and the contrast between it is what makes us aware of what actually gives us
pain and pleasure and the relation to growth.
I can't say anything really, I'm a pretty optimistic person, I think it will be okay in the end, after alot of twists and turns and one looping which
you never expected but it was pretty exciting actually and it led to balance and order.
Each polarity takes turns in who is the dominant force at that certain time... This keeps everything balanced, even though it's pretty chaotic in how
it does that. The end result is that neither of the sides ever completely fade away and that life just goes on and on and on... The distance between
the two extremes shortens everytime eventually stabalizing the whole universe to a point where you can speak of general peace. It's not actually the
actual desires of the extremes but it is the middlepoint in which the conflict finds resolve and both parties will accept it as what is best for
themselves and others. Even if bad would win and the good die out completely... Who the f*ck are they going to feed on for energy and entertainment?
They would starve and eventually their one sided civlization would collapse onto itself, because the balance has reaching a critical tipping point and
could no longer sustain itself. They will start feeling even more annoyed and they also know that is not a viable option for long term.
As much as we all hate each other, we need each other and because of each other life keeps going. The good can do without the bad, but they also need
them for growth so it's better to just accept the ride and try enjoy it.
In this way, duality becomes less of a struggle and more of a dance, even though some situations can get extreme. Perception is key.