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Majority of aliens including the greys are not interdimensional beings.

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posted on Mar, 7 2021 @ 03:44 PM
Let’s just agree to disagree on this. Maybe I just don’t like the Mfers, but god help us if they the top of the heap because they don’t have any emotions at all, so no empathy, no compassion, nada. They are hive like creatures that are all connected mentally and would have issue at all with dissecting the entire population etc. If they are in charge we are #ed Dumbdowned

posted on Mar, 8 2021 @ 08:08 AM

originally posted by: Jackfish28
Let’s just agree to disagree on this. Maybe I just don’t like the Mfers, but god help us if they the top of the heap because they don’t have any emotions at all, so no empathy, no compassion, nada. They are hive like creatures that are all connected mentally and would have issue at all with dissecting the entire population etc. If they are in charge we are #ed Dumbdowned

They got no facial expression nor show of any emotion because they are telephathic entities.
They've been here for awhile many decades if not for centuries.
Anyway still they're strictly here for scientific reasons, that's the most likely explanation from tracking their activity here on earth.

Grey alien messages have been consistent mostly though.
1. There's not much time. Humans better take good care of this planet.
2. Ongoing work of creating a much improved hybrid humans ?
3. Watch over nuclear arms danger.
4. Looks like they Intervene when is necessary.
5. Not particularly hostile at all toward humanity (yet?)

Their agenda is clear.
These Greys are here for a long term master plan and it'll most likely shape our future and what may lie ahead.

edit on 8-3-2021 by Dumbdowned because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-3-2021 by Dumbdowned because: spelling

posted on Mar, 8 2021 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: Baablacksheep

Not read the book but am well aware of the future human line of thought.

I have not read the book either.

This provocative new book cautiously examines the premise that extraterrestrials may instead be our distant human descendants, using the anthropological tool of time travel to visit and study us in their own hominin evolutionary past.

-- Book introduction from Amazon

There is another explanation for the "We are your future" line of thinking, one I don't recall discussed in UFO circles.

For the author to assume time travellers from the future is perhaps a natural inclination. However, perhaps the greys (at least) made a certain mistake in the past, and humanity is about to make that same mistake again.

In which case, to simply say; "We are your future" does not require time travel, nor does it imply the future is set in stone.

Just thinking aloud here.

edit on 8-3-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on Mar, 10 2021 @ 06:42 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

my 2 experiences with what I would call a gray one waking and one when i was laying down so i cant say 100% i wasn't asleep

but what both of them stuck fear into my very soul just being in the room or outside the house

The Grays are at best worker bees with a computer inelegance so it knows no compassion or respect for biologically lower life.

people have said they are screens or memory markers but I have seen one with my own eyes so I don't know how true that is
edit on 10-3-2021 by penroc3 because: spelling

posted on Mar, 12 2021 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: penroc3

The greys are mainly a mystery to me too penroc, and I cannot really disagree with what you say there about them.

I went looking for them at Dulce when I first came across ATS. Back then, I didn't really know what greys were, and didn't find anything there. Found something at another location, so I have an idea of what went on. Very unpleasant all of it.

I often write about them with a friendly-ish demeanour. There is a reason for that. I suspect that a lot of my encounters are with their created "programmables". I won't say "avatars", or "robots", or "cyborgs" because that is not quite correct.

So why use the term "friendly-ish"? Because they were freindly-ish; they wanted something.

The Grays are at best worker bees with a computer inelegance so it knows no compassion or respect for biologically lower life.

Frankly penroc, I don't expect them to have "compassion or respect for biologically lower life", the thought doesn't occur to me that they would without reason. We don't have any of that for the laboratory animals, especially over the last 100 years. Back in the time of the industrial revolution, when medical science was in its childhood, doctors used inmates of the asylums for experiments. I have a copy of the Seventh Earl of Shaftsbury's biography, his life and work (1886 printing) on my shelf. The horrors of the industrial revolution in the Empire.

There are the 'heavy' greys out there that keep their distance from me (mentally). They seem to be in charge and I don't have much to do with them. The ones I have met are the doing stuff ones. The walking telepathic designer bio-engineer fertility clinics.

Computer intelligence? Well, maybe one could call them that, but not really. Our idea of computing, even quantum computing, does not do what they have achieved justice, not even remotely.

Programmable organic computers? Maybe one could call them that. Programmable designer life? Nah, ya gotta spend time with them to appreciate how sophisticated they are.

people have said they are screens or memory markers but I have seen one with my own eyes so I don't know how true that is

They know a lot about working with memories. So much so, that I use the term "memory-sets" now after watching what they do.

I have a theory about formation of at least some "memory screens". I personally doubt the greys would do it intentionally.

There is a peculiar state of consciousness. The state of consciousness is the loss of one's learned inhibitions. Things like "sex outside of marriage is a sin" and so on through the learned "morals".

In the absence of inhibitions, things can happen. Afterwards, when the inhibitions return, a psychological conflict takes place. A lot worse than to have a drunken night on the town and waking up next to a stranger.

The mind tends to make up a cover story in order to cope with what happened. Memory loss too.

In my own case, which I understand had something to do with greys, intense fear was invoked beforehand. As a five year old, I woke up with my bed a yard off the ground violently tossing me into the air as if four strong men were at each corner of the bed. They did that until I was screaming in terror, then upended the bed to the left tossing me into a swirl(?) of stars/lights. No memory after that.

I don't think, from what I have seen, that the greys would routinely inflict screen memories to hide what they do. My own thinking is that our own minds can do that.

But that is just my opinion based on limited experience.

posted on Mar, 12 2021 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Do you have anything tangible regarding your contact with aliens and fairies?

posted on Mar, 12 2021 @ 12:59 PM
The dinosauroids, or Greys --- as some people call them --- consider themselves as "gaods," and I do worship them as being my gaods. It's been my religion since 1972.
edit on 12-3-2021 by Erno86 because: added a word

posted on Mar, 12 2021 @ 01:12 PM

originally posted by: jjkenobi
At this point the universe is so large and so empty it's almost ridiculous to think they traveled to our little rock in a tiny ship to do basically nothing with us.

How could you possibly know how large or how empty the universe is "at this point"? What point? Even the finest collection of intellectual minds on this planet have not been able to draw any definitive conclusions on either the size nor the content of the universe (much of which is still "unaccounted for").

Do you have information the rest of humanity might find useful? There are many doing research in this field that would love to see it!

posted on Mar, 12 2021 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: Dumbdowned

Sign language and computer keyboards are used in primate language research because non-human primate vocal cords cannot close fully, and they have less control of the tongue and lower jaw.

It is now generally accepted that apes can learn to sign and are able to communicate with humans.

As to a meaningful conversation, i suppose that would depend on what you said to them.

posted on Mar, 12 2021 @ 05:14 PM
a reply to: MagnificatMafia

Do you have anything tangible regarding your contact with aliens and fairies?

Interesting that you use the word tangible. I do have a photo of a hard to see sunflower shaped visual distortion in an almond tree in my garden. I am not sure what that is, my thought is that is fairy related and not grey related. A photo of a fairy or grey? Nope, no proof that would satisfy the critic.

Tangible meaning: perceptible by touch.

This will sound silly:

A grey lent over the table to kiss me on the cheek, and was stopped about six or so inches from my face by something ordinarily unseen.

As I watched her lean across the table, at a certain point, my vision bent inwards in a concave fashion. A visual distortion of the background scenery of my garden. A limited field of effect perhaps eighteen inches in diameter around her face.

She was surprised and pulled back. She hit a boundary of some kind.

- - - - - - -

EDIT: The visual distortion. If one has been to the doctor to have a piece of grinder metal removed from the eye and watched the needle touch the lens of the eye and the resulting distortion of vision, you will know exactly what I saw. My over enthusiastic eye doctor once showed me how good the anaesthetic was by pressing his finger into my eye while I watched.

edit on 12-3-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: added edit

posted on Mar, 12 2021 @ 05:55 PM
a reply to: Dumbdowned

Because we're different species, we can never have a meaningful conversation with them. It's like try having a meaningful conversation with apes or fish.

We are worth it and we are capable of telepathy...

Just sayin.


edit on 12-3-2021 by Darkblade71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2021 @ 07:38 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

The fear or flight or fight response they can invoke in humans in their close proximity is how I knew 'something' was outside my window.

and the other was for lack of a better work a hologram projected so it was just the head and stopped below the upper arm

during the last time I saw these things in my yard(before my CCD setup) including a face to face outside my closed window, the crazy part it was summer and it was still kind of light out i could see only half of the body as the rest was translucent and its translucent feet never touched the ground.

the only reason I would say all my close encounters with creatures is scary is because they startled me and emanate some kind of field that messes with our(or my) brain. I wonder if you were to put anyone in a room with a gray or what ever you want to call them if they could or would feel.

NASA is already doing tele space travel with that robot on the ISS that they can send out for a EVA and a ground controller with VR moves around the out side off the station

i can imagine in some far off time we will send probes out but not with a gold record but rather a 'living' computer that is being controlled from god knows where giving the false impression of the drones independence.

i was told a story by someone with some credit as far as truthfulness that most if not all gray abductions are in the end controlled by humans.

people get so fixated that ET comes from some distant stars but the things we have on earth/bedrooms with the exception of a VERY few true off-worlders rater than something that has always been part of earth/black projects, heck our little ball of dirt is billions of years old so who know came before us where their cities and all other artifacts have been lost crushed beneath the continental shelfs.

What I don't understand about the abduction syndrome is we humans have drugs that can wipe a day of memories to never be found again with drugs like anesthesia, so its almost like the abductors want you to remember

its called anterograde amnesia, its caused by drugs like versed or Propofol or another GABA affecting drugs and you cant tell me after millions of "abductions" the abductors should know ALLLL about human neurology and pharmacology that whip memory reliably every single time(no one remembers a colonoscopy yet you are more or less awake),

the only thing i can think of is they aren't as smart as they seem, there are tons and tons of stories of abductees noticing that their bed partner is frozen, why not do that to the person you are taking?

With all the genetic material they have collected you would think they would just make body parts or even a human that is a blank slate.

do you know about the black box? if not let me explain. A lot of people said that they have seen this shoe box sized black box where they will transfer consciences to when they are doing something normally lethally intense to a human body. And we cant forget about people seeing clones of them self that appear switched off and used as a mode to make demands with the threat being they will just replace the real you and put their copy in place.

edit on 12-3-2021 by penroc3 because: spelling

posted on Mar, 13 2021 @ 12:05 AM
a reply to: penroc3

The fear or flight or fight response they can invoke in humans in their close proximity is how I knew 'something' was outside my window. and the other was for lack of a better work a hologram projected so it was just the head and stopped below the upper arm during the last time I saw these things in my yard(before my CCD setup) including a face to face outside my closed window, the crazy part it was summer and it was still kind of light out i could see only half of the body as the rest was translucent and its translucent feet never touched the ground. the only reason I would say all my close encounters with creatures is scary is because they startled me and emanate some kind of field that messes with our(or my) brain. I wonder if you were to put anyone in a room with a gray or what ever you want to call them if they could or would feel.

The yellow one I call Wednesday says creating terror in my case is simply a "kindness". She was there way back then by the way. She suggested I re-experience the memory, but I declined. The field that messes with the mind may also be what I refer to as the state where there is a loss of inhibitions. That seems to be switched on or off.

The ability to project 3D images is an interesting one. That seems more human grown tech. High tech remote viewing/projecting is my current thought. There are human minds behind that when I track them back to the source.

i was told a story by someone with some credit as far as truthfulness that most if not all gray abductions are in the end controlled by humans.

The question is; were the greys human once upon a time? If there is a common ancestry then the human feel to their consciousness will be there. Doesn't matter what they look like or appear to be. Human is human.

The grey 'controllers' have a mostly unemotional mind that seems human to me. But it is the mid-size yellow ones that I doubt to be human. So too the little ones with the huge oval eyes that look like sand blasted steel.

The yellow ones seem to be mostly non-physical. Perhaps what the occultists refer to as aetheric. That sorta fits with Wednesday bumping into me. I have simply adopted the term boundary of self. I have learned a lot about the boundaries in the year or two since her arrival on my doorstep that day.

What I don't understand about the abduction syndrome is we humans have drugs that can wipe a day of memories to never be found again with drugs like anaesthesia, so its almost like the abductors want you to remember its called anterograde amnesia, its caused by drugs like versed or Propofol or another GABA affecting drugs and you cant tell me after millions of "abductions" the abductors should know ALLLL about human neurology and pharmacology that whip memory reliably every single time(no one remembers a colonoscopy yet you are more or less awake), the only thing i can think of is they aren't as smart as they seem, there are tons and tons of stories of abductees noticing that their bed partner is frozen, why not do that to the person you are taking?

I dunno about that side of things. I don't think the yellow ones unintelligent. Wednesday is very smart; we had a game of cat and mouse in the beginning.

Wednesday's opening line was; "We are all one." which is an obvious permissions trap. After being rudely told to &^%$ off, she went away and did her homework. Coming back a few weeks later with the memories of a human girl. She had me snookered because hurting a human child is something I can't do. To counter I adopted her as my granddaughter because there are rigid rules in that particular relationship. Cat and mouse in the game of permissions roulette. Lots of fun too. Actually a happy time having a new granddaughter who tried to wrap me around her little finger while I played the doting grandfather.

With all the genetic material they have collected you would think they would just make body parts or even a human that is a blank slate.

They can do that anyway penroc. Wednesday is an engineered Being. A walking thinking biological "CRISPR" (for want of a better word). Her anatomy has a degree of transparency and is thus: her tongue is round and obviously not for the articulation of sound and is for taste/analysis. The majority of her brain is olfactory by the looks. The stomach does not join the intestinal, it just stops. Wednesday contrived a kiss on the cheek in order to taste and analyse. That girl could cook up the Andromeda strain in her stomach if she wanted to, and then puke it up into your hand.

To appreciate how her anatomy works one needs a degree of occult knowledge. At least a working knowledge of how Rudolf Steiner's Biodynamic Agriculture works in the aetheric and astral.

The "fertility clinic" version has genitalia that is hidden and fits men and women both. It does almost the whole thing including incubation of the new engineered 'blank'.

Just a tad advanced for black projects methinks.

What their problem was is the inheritance of memories over generations.

The son of the father is not the father's son.

They look like they have worked out everything else apart from inheritance, and maybe the reincarnation stuff. They cut themselves off from the Fae long ago, and guess what? It turns out they need the Fae for the inheritance of the memory bit. Otherwise, they are just reinstalling memory sets in blanks. Not quite the same thing.

Turns out I know the Fae who can help them out, Wednesday needed a middleman. She had to earn my trust the long and hard way while convincing me they were not the evil vivisectionistic abductors of children I thought they were.

That is how I know all this stuff that probably no one will ever believe anyway.

do you know about the black box?

Nope, never heard of it, nor saw anything like it. Too busy studying Wednesday's naughty bits and other insides.

Here is something for you penroc:

Sex is how these organic computer wonders transfer information. I watched the first few minutes of a two day orgy when two networks connected. A real WTF am I looking at moment, ya just couldn't look away. Wednesday was obliging with answers to my questions.

On another thread someone mentioned Jack Parsons and other similar folks enjoying a good orgy from time to time . . .

I will just leave that one hanging there.

edit on 13-3-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: grammar

posted on Mar, 13 2021 @ 07:43 PM
a reply to: penroc3

I'll just add penroc, the Wednesdays can assemble and disassemble the building blocks of life in their stomachs. There are other taller yellow ones that can do the same externally with matter. They are wonders of engineering.

But that is not important really, unless one is the paranoid government thinker. They've been around for a long time, and if they wanted to take over they could have a hundred years ago.

It is the treatment of the experiencer by the non-experiencer that needs to be rethought.

posted on Mar, 14 2021 @ 10:09 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

hate to break the news but the invasion already happened, we are an occupied world.

eta. you have a pm
edit on 14-3-2021 by penroc3 because: (no reason given)

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