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Do you ever pray or meditate for wisdom

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posted on Mar, 2 2021 @ 08:46 PM
My own experience is that as we get older and when we either pray or meditate ( to me praying is a of a spiritual form on meditating ) the faster I seem to understand that the worth of a person is his/her own goal in life. This has brought an awakening to really finding myself a place in life.

What are your thoughts?

posted on Mar, 2 2021 @ 09:15 PM
I try to converse with the collective consciousness of the earth. It is a part of god but just the small local consciousness of god, not the universal consciousness. I do this through a subconscious link, a link all living things have but we are programmed to ignore as referring to a link between all living things is crazy. The big thing is not to link up to crazy people or to delusional or greedy people and try to link only to truth and not deception. Don't get sucked up into deceitful ways, the tricksters also have a collective consciousness, watch out you do not get hooked up to that. The tricksters also have lots of twisted evidence out there to back their deception. That is why the Churches want people to avoid linking this way, it is easy to get misled by deceivers or evildoers thoughts. Remember, focus on your needs, not your wants, and if it appears to be too good to be true, you are possibly communicating with the deceiver entity, the conglomerate of all the deceivers in the world. Now the bad evil people also have their own collective consciousness, connecting to that may be tying to what they refer to as demons.

See, I believe in something not proven to be real and I am trying to figure out what god really is. God is the word, the word not spoken....the link to the wisdom of god is a type of communication sort of like the internet but without technology to do it, a sixth sense. Just beware of who you or what you are linking to. This is the pre-tower of babble stuff. Don't link up to deranged squirrels or crabby cats either.

No, I am not nuts because I believe that everything is connected, well, maybe just a little, but a little crazy is fun.

posted on Mar, 2 2021 @ 10:26 PM
No, that dog want hunt, for me anyway.

posted on Mar, 2 2021 @ 10:33 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

yes i do all the time.

I mediate to expand my awareness and allow the universal brain to give me signs of what to do.
I think we are living in a lucid dream type world where you feelings and thoughts manifest reality to an extent.

meditating helps me balance my brain and expand what my mind picks up on in the real world. I also believe it helps guide me to knowledge and situations where i learn the most from.

I've also been doing a seeing blindfolded class where you reprogram your brain to see from a different perspective basically. There is a lot of mediation involved in turning on your inner sight.

For years i've astral projected also. So just about every night i will mediate to try to have an OBE.

The more i get into my mediation routine the easier it is to have a self induced out of body experience.

But that is what got me into all this. Meditating myself into an OBE and exploring the depths of consciousness changed my whole perspective on life.

posted on Mar, 2 2021 @ 10:37 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

Prayer...and meditation...are the pathways inward. Which leads to understanding and a greater connection to the almighty "All"....a tiny "piece" of one's "self".

Best, M.S.
50 th year with w Transcendental Meditation.

posted on Mar, 2 2021 @ 11:19 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse

See, I believe in something not proven to be real and I am trying to figure out what god really is. God is the word, the word not spoken....the link to the wisdom of god is a type of communication sort of like the internet but without technology to do it, a sixth sense. Just beware of who you or what you are linking to. This is the pre-tower of babble stuff. Don't link up to deranged squirrels or crabby cats either.

No, I am not nuts because I believe that everything is connected, well, maybe just a little, but a little crazy is fun.

I highly suggest you read "Return to life" a book by Jim B Tucker, MD.

You will find it takes serious reputable investigation into your above statement and gives scientific evidence to the thesis..... also ties in quantum mechanics into the equation.
edit on 2-3-2021 by CthruU because: 1

posted on Mar, 3 2021 @ 01:16 AM
That and more patience

posted on Mar, 3 2021 @ 02:02 AM
“The wise have been put to shame.

They have become terrified and will be caught.

Look! They have rejected the word of Jehovah,

And what wisdom do they have?” (Jeremiah 8:9)

I Came to Appreciate True Wisdom (Awake!—1988)

WHEN I was a little boy, a Buddhist monk noticed me and suggested that my name should be Panya, meaning “intellect,” or “wisdom,” in the Thai language. Being devout Buddhists, my parents were delighted to have my name changed accordingly.
Gautama Buddha claimed to have found the truth through his “enlightenment,” and Buddhists believe that following his teachings is the path of wisdom.


Early Religious Influence

At the beginning of each school day, there was a flag-raising ceremony and singing of the national anthem. Afterward the class would say a prayer in Pali, the religious language of Buddhism. Our school curriculum included basic Buddhist ethics and morals; otherwise we did not receive much religious instruction.

In most Buddhist homes, there is a small altar with an image of Buddha that is used for daily prayer and meditation. Here candles are lighted and incense is burned. Families of Chinese descent usually have additional altars for the worship of ancestors or to appease different spirits and deities.

Believing that there is good in all religions, Buddhists readily adopt and incorporate ideas and practices that they feel are good and can help them in one way or another. As a result, many people in Thailand worship not only at the Buddhist temple but also at one or more of the numerous Chinese and Brahman shrines.


From a very early age, I was taught respect for Buddhist monks as those who have adopted a life in imitation of the Buddha. They were to be regarded as having great wisdom, and we were encouraged to value highly their opinion and counsel.


I was fascinated by the idea that wearing such an image of Buddha around the neck could provide protection from harm and ensure good fortune. So I started to collect amulets. I stayed with the monks at the wat for a few months, and during that time, I was introduced to meditation, fortune-telling, and other spiritistic practices.

Although less than 1 percent of Thailand’s population belongs to Catholic and Protestant churches, I had heard that Christians believe that a person named Jesus is God and that Catholics worship the ‘Mother of God.’ Yet, such beliefs seemed to me to be unrealistic. How could somebody who died on a cross create the world? I did not consider this to be true wisdom.


Contact With True Wisdom


What particularly interested me was Bible prophecy. When I was shown the prophecies in the Bible book of Daniel, especially Da chapters 7 and 8, as well as Jesus’ detailed description of events and conditions we see today, I knew that no fortune-teller could have predicted such things. (Matthew, chapter 24) Then when I learned the reason why present conditions are different from what the Creator originally purposed and how he has made arrangements to undo the damage caused by those who reject him and his sovereignty, it was as if a veil had been removed from my eyes.

Everything about the Bible’s message was so harmonious; the pieces of the “jigsaw puzzle” fit perfectly. Human wisdom that I had valued so much taught me to regard God as of little importance in our lives. But in view of the overwhelming evidence, God obviously could not be left out of the picture. Through the Bible, I came to appreciate that “the fear of Jehovah [the almighty God] is the start of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Most Holy One is what understanding is.”​—Proverbs 9:10.

The prophecies in the book of Daniel are discussed below after 1:45:

the bible-accurate history reliable prophecy part 2 of 3 (playlist)

When helping others to see the difference between human wisdom and godly wisdom, my past experience stands me in good stead. ...

True wisdom has really changed my life. No longer do I grope in the dark as to the cause of suffering and the true meaning of life. Now I have answers to the questions that used to puzzle me. My life, even though I am handicapped, has purpose. I have the hope and desire to live forever. Is it not true wisdom to follow a course that brings happiness and a meaningful life now and holds out such a grand future? How glad I am that I came to appreciate this kind of wisdom!​—As told by Panya Chayakul.

Human wisdom is never absolute but is relative. Wisdom on a limited scale is attainable by man through his own efforts, though he must in any case use the intelligence with which God (who even gave the animals certain instinctive wisdom [Job 35:11; Pr 30:24-28]) initially endowed man. Man learns from observation of, and working with, the materials of God’s creation. Such wisdom may vary in type and extent.

Human wisdom can be used for good or for bad. In the latter case it definitely betrays itself as wisdom that is only fleshly, not spiritual, not from God.

The vanity of much of human wisdom. Investigating “the calamitous occupation” that sin and imperfection have brought mankind, King Solomon weighed the value of the wisdom that men in general develop and attain and found it to be “a striving after wind.” The disorder, perversion, and deficiencies in imperfect human society were so far beyond man’s ability to straighten out or compensate for, that those ‘getting an abundance of wisdom’ experienced increased frustration and irritation, evidently because they became acutely conscious of how little they could personally do to improve matters.​—Ec 1:13-18; 7:29; compare Ro 8:19-22, where the apostle shows God’s provision for ending mankind’s enslavement to corruption and subjection to futility.

Solomon also found that while such human wisdom produced varied pleasures and proficiency that brought material wealth, it could not bring true happiness or lasting satisfaction. The wise man dies along with the stupid, not knowing what will become of his possessions, and his human wisdom ceases in the grave. (Ec 2:3-11, 16, 18-21; 4:4; 9:10; compare Ps 49:10.) Even in life, “time and unforeseen occurrence” might bring sudden calamity, leaving the wise without even such basic needs as food. (Ec 9:11, 12) By his own wisdom man could never find out “the work of the true God,” never gain solid knowledge of how to solve man’s highest problems.​—Ec 8:16, 17; compare Job chap 28.

Solomon does not say human wisdom is utterly without value. Compared with mere foolishness, which he also investigated, the advantage of wisdom over folly is like that of ‘light over darkness.’ For the wise man’s eyes “are in his head,” serving his intellectual powers, whereas the stupid man’s eyes do not see with thoughtful discernment. (Ec 2:12-14; compare Pr 17:24; Mt 6:22, 23.) Wisdom is a protection of greater value than money. (Ec 7:11, 12) But Solomon showed that its worth is all relative, entirely dependent on its conformity to God’s wisdom and purpose. (Ec 2:24; 3:11-15, 17; 8:12, 13; 9:1) A person can be excessive in striving to manifest wisdom, pushing himself beyond the limits of his imperfect ability in a self-destructive course. (Ec 7:16; compare 12:12.) But by obediently serving his Creator and being content with food, drink, and the good that his hard work brings him, God will give him the needed “wisdom and knowledge and rejoicing.”​—Ec 2:24-26; 12:13.

posted on Mar, 3 2021 @ 02:36 AM

originally posted by: whereislogic
The prophecies in the book of Daniel are discussed below after 1:45:

the bible-accurate history reliable prophecy part 2 of 3 (playlist)

Actually, it's discussed in more detail in part 2. But that part is linked there anyway for those interested in finding out what it was that made Panya Chayakul (the person in the article describing how he came to appreciate true wisdom) change his mind regarding the difference between human wisdom* and true wisdom ("godly wisdom", as he puts it at the end). *: in particular the human wisdom of Buddhism and Eastern philosophy and mysticism, so prevalent and popular in what has become known in the West as "New Age philosophy" or the "New Age Movement". For example, Jim B Tucker's books, one of which was recommended by CthruU, are listed on Amazon in the category "New Age Religion & Spirituality", he talks about reincarnation a lot, a philosophy/idea that is rooted in Eastern philosophy and mysticism and ties in with Myth 1: The Soul Is Immortal. A more detailed discussion on how the teaching of reincarnation and rebirth comes from belief in immortality of the soul, can be found in my commentary concerning the question "Is Buddhism the Way to Enlightenment?" in the thread "Living in the Liminal" in the Philosophy&Metaphysics forum. In particular the 2nd comment (it's one long comment though).

edit on 3-3-2021 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2021 @ 08:20 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

Good Thurs to you across the sea...

Today while meditating... self realization is evident... to that self-evidence of who or what we are...and why.

Years of intro-extra-pect of "self"...finds us in awe of the fact we aren't really "in" there...but truly, spiritually...we find...we are "everywhere"...

No matter color, creed, constitution...we are no different....

Like a bottle of carbonated water...we bubble, we disapate, we grow again....and again...Peace MIM.....
edit on 4-3-2021 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2021 @ 02:43 PM
It falls softly and it falls hard, it flows fast and it flows slow, it rises up but you cannot see it. When it hits its zeneth it falls again, it flows again and it rises again.

edit on 3/5/2021 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

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