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I hope for true it doesn't happen to you

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posted on Jan, 29 2021 @ 12:39 AM
We moved to Naugatuck when I was four years old, I moved away when I was in my mid thirties.

I still have a lot of friends and acquaintances in that town and I tend to keep up on the local news out of nostalgia and curiosity.

Yep, that police blotter is the gift that keeps on giving when it comes to silly grins and grimace's on my part..

Some 'round town hounds never stop howling...

This is not the police blotter , but to me it is much worse.

I know personally the people in this story, the police chief and his wife, Steve and Johnna ,as well as the superintendent of schools And his wife, Chris and Heather are honestly two of the finest individuals I have ever met. The character of the four I listed is unquestionable to me.

So it pains me to see this being spun completely out of control.

The cancel culture is real and it will come for you... If not you , than a two year old social media dm made by at The time your thirteen year old daughter..

Again what the 13 year old said was wrong . No doubt about that.

But the reaction TWO YEARS later is a bit out of hand in my opinion.

They had a special day at the high school as well as a March..

Now I know most of you are not going to bother reading those two articles and that's fine but here is an excerpt from the second link

“We hope to not have to see that student in school ever again. We hope to also not have her mother as our assistant principal, and I know it may be a reach, but we don’t feel safe with Mr. Hunt being our chief of police,” Siggars said.

This is the reaction to a post made two years ago, from a 13 year old.....

I’m here today to speak out on the horrifying and disheartening events we faced, this community, this past weekend,” Siggars said, pausing to catch her breath as her voice shook

These two year old posts, just surfaced this month..

I grew up there, I went to high school there.. 30 some years ago, and I can tell you racism was not a problem then, It really wasn't..

I feel bad for Steve and Johnna I really do, imagine being fired for a post your 15 year old daughter made 2 years ago..

Isn't it bad enough this will follow the child around for the rest of her life?

/shakes head while thanking the good Lord he moved to the end of a dirt road in the middle of nowhere.

/rant off


posted on Jan, 29 2021 @ 02:16 AM
Did these people who lost their job happen to vote for Trump? The cancel culture has no shame in how they operate.

posted on Jan, 29 2021 @ 02:59 AM
Leftists are pathetic

And fascist to boot

posted on Jan, 29 2021 @ 03:02 AM
a reply to: kwakakev

‘The perfect target’: Russia cultivated Trump as asset for 40 years – ex-KGB spy - Major Yuri Shvets.

"Pfft, Republicans and the Brain of an ANT!"

Trump discusses helping Republicans take back House in 2022 as team boasts ‘popularity never been stronger’

His popularity is in hindsight one of the 'lowest on Capitol Hill'

RE: Fascist!

edit on 29-1-2021 by Android86 because: Leftists Rule - "We are SPECTER and SPECTER is EVERYWHERE!"

posted on Jan, 29 2021 @ 04:16 AM
a reply to: Mike Stivic

I get the feeling that there's much more to this than anyone is talking about. But what we know is disturbing.

The daughter of the police chief was making threats of racial violence. That's a problem. A big problem.

Is this reaction over the top? I don't know. I don't know the girl and if she's still a problem child or this was truly a past mistake. I don't know the parents (but I know they need to be a little more responsible in supervising their child's social media!) and if this kind of talk is normal in their family, or just brushed off as "kids will be kids" (and no, violent threats are NOT just "kids will be kids"), or otherwise known and ignored for whatever reason until it became public. I don't know the town and the school and its people, if racism and racial violence is prevalent and a growing problem.

It could also be that someone's bored just wants to stir the pot... or wants to make a name for themselves... or maybe someone wants the police chief's job.... or wants revenge for being charged and prosecuted for their crime. It could be so many things.

But the girl made violent threats. And that's a big problem.

And if parents are going to allow their kids on social media, they need to do a MUCH BETTER job of supervising that time.

posted on Jan, 29 2021 @ 04:20 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: Mike Stivic

I get the feeling that there's much more to this than anyone is talking about. But what we know is disturbing.

The daughter of the police chief was making threats of racial violence. That's a problem. A big problem.

Is this reaction over the top? I don't know. I don't know the girl and if she's still a problem child or this was truly a past mistake. I don't know the parents (but I know they need to be a little more responsible in supervising their child's social media!) and if this kind of talk is normal in their family, or just brushed off as "kids will be kids" (and no, violent threats are NOT just "kids will be kids"), or otherwise known and ignored for whatever reason until it became public. I don't know the town and the school and its people, if racism and racial violence is prevalent and a growing problem.

It could also be that someone's bored just wants to stir the pot... or wants to make a name for themselves... or maybe someone wants the police chief's job.... or wants revenge for being charged and prosecuted for their crime. It could be so many things.

But the girl made violent threats. And that's a big problem.

And if parents are going to allow their kids on social media, they need to do a MUCH BETTER job of supervising that time.

Re: a MUCH BETTER job of supervising that time.

You would find China's internet law's quite an appealing read, no discussions of political matters or subjects of the state and no poisoning of children's minds, limiting there internet use to 60 minutes a day!

But the girl made violent threats. And that's a big problem.

Kids will be Kids...
edit on 29-1-2021 by Android86 because: Because

posted on Jan, 29 2021 @ 04:26 AM
a reply to: Android86

Re: a MUCH BETTER job of supervising that time.

You would find China's internet law's quite an appealing read, no discussions of political matters or subjects of the state and no poisoning of children's minds, limiting there internet use to 60 minutes a day!

Really? That's where your head goes when I say parents need to better supervise their children on social media??? That's scary.

There are safeguarding issues involved. It's not always about controlling information or content. Young people -- both boys and girls -- are often targeted and victimized in various ways by bad people. No child should be unsupervised on the internet. Period.


Kids will be Kids...

That says everything about YOU. Thank you for confirming to me -- telling the whole world -- exactly who you are.
edit on 29-1-2021 by Boadicea because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2021 @ 04:37 AM
I'd like to know who these busy body "activists" are that stirred this up. People like that need to get the same treatment IMO.

I get the impression after glancing through those articles that someone in the background, someone with an axe to grind with the Chief of Police, or the next guy in line for chief who wants his position, found this lovely post by their daughter of two years previous and then spread the word around to the community.

With censorship growing exponentially, I find it hard to believe that such a post would be allowed to remain for two years. Also, why hadn't there been such a reaction two years ago when the post was first made?

It seems that perhaps the local political players in your old neighborhood have discovered that skeletons in closets, blackmail, cheating, lies and personal attacks are the means to political power these days. I could almost believe that the daughter never even made such comments, that they were somehow posted in her name at the time. Nothing would surprise me with regards to how low some people will go to gain some political advantage.

posted on Jan, 29 2021 @ 04:44 AM
"There are safeguarding issues involved. It's not always about controlling information or content. Young people -- both boys and girls -- are often targeted and victimized in various ways by bad people. No child should be unsupervised on the internet. Period. "

So are you saying you prefer it if your child is using a device looking at them whilst they type?

That's where my head goes when I say parents need to better supervise their children on social media!

That's Scary!

posted on Jan, 29 2021 @ 05:02 AM
a reply to: Android86

What is the point of your post, and how is it on-topic at all???

Just another opportunity to get a dig in on Trump? You're probably one of the ones who will be doing this same thing in their 80's! Terminal TDS!

posted on Jan, 29 2021 @ 05:03 AM
a reply to: Android86

So are you saying you prefer it if your child is using a device looking at them whilst they type?

That makes no sense to me. I have no idea what you're asking me.

I am saying that parents need to supervise their children's social media use just as they need to supervise everything their children do because children do not have the experience, knowledge and critical thinking skills to handle the potential problems inherent in social media. This isn't rocket science.

It is done for their benefit. And in the process, the parents are able to teach their children what they need to know... including how to spot predators and scammers. But also how not to be a despicable violent racist spewing hate and threats. If that girl doesn't feel like absolute crap right now, then she needs to learn a lesson the hard way. If she does feel like absolute crap, then I'm betting she wishes she knew better then, and didn't have to learn any hard lessons. Her parents could have -- and should have -- been part of that process.

I'm not hating on the parents. We all learn lessons the hard way. But there's something to be said about learning from others' mistakes.

posted on Jan, 29 2021 @ 05:04 AM
I grew up, mostly, in a very small town in North Dakota.

I still look at that towns site, nothing changeds but, racism?

Oh yeah.

Thing is, there is no diversity there. So why should they care?

posted on Jan, 29 2021 @ 05:14 AM
It is done for their benefit. And in the process, the parents are able to teach their children what they need to know... including how to spot predators and scammers. But also how not to be a despicable violent racist spewing hate and threats.

Well said..

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
a reply to: Android86

What is the point of your post, and how is it on-topic at all???

Because I'm for the left, supervising there kids and what goes into a child's brain, telling them that there computer is for there liberty and the glory of mother Russia - not for the glory of Microsoft!
edit on 29-1-2021 by Android86 because: Edit

posted on Jan, 29 2021 @ 05:16 AM
a reply to: Mike Stivic

The moral of this story is...mainstream social media is a cancer.

Was the girl wrong in saying what she did? Absolutely!

Should she have been punished? Absolutely, to the fullest extent of applicable juvenile laws.

Did either of the parents somehow endorse what the girl said, regardless of what it was? Not that I can see from the story(s) presented.

Now, if the police chief and/or his wife as an asst. principal, have a documented history of actions which support the child's statements then there might be another issue there, but the story(s) don't suggest this.

Should parents be held accountable for the actions of their children? Absolutely! That's your responsibility as a parent, AND why there is a legal distinction between a 'minor' and an 'adult'. The former is under the care and custody of an adult, whereas the latter has only themselves to blame. However, this accountability should be in line with damages which can be proven to be material and adjudicated by a court of law. We're not seeing that in this case. What we're seeing is a lynch mob mentality based on someone crying "Witch!".

edit on 1/29/2021 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2021 @ 05:26 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: Android86

ETA: Kids will be Kids...
That says everything about YOU. Thank you for confirming to me -- telling the whole world -- exactly who you are.

There is a reason the age of consent is 18. Kids say and do stupid stuff at times as they grow up trying to make sense of the world. Kids do make mistakes, like falling over when learning to walk.

Your response also says something about you, reading the responsibility of a child as an adult.
edit on 29-1-2021 by kwakakev because: formatting

edit on 29-1-2021 by kwakakev because: formatting

edit on 29-1-2021 by kwakakev because: formatting

edit on 29-1-2021 by kwakakev because: formatting

posted on Jan, 29 2021 @ 05:46 AM
a reply to: kwakakev

There is a reason the age of consent is 18. Kids say and do stupid stuff at times as they grow up trying to make sense of the world. Kids do make mistakes, like falling over when learning to walk.

Yup. As did this girl. And I truly hope it is a past mistake and not a continuing pattern of behavior.

Your response also says something about you, reading the responsibility of a child as an adult.

No. I very clearly put the responsibility on the parents. It is the parents' responsibility to supervise and guide their children, to teach them, to prepare and protect their children because (as I have already stated), children do not have the experience, knowledge or critical thinking skills to recognize and avoid the problems inherent in social media use.

However, the girl also bears responsibility, if only to recognize and own her mistake, and make a conscious and willful choice to be a better person going forward. No one can do that for her. Youth is the absolute best excuse in the world... but it doesn't age well.

posted on Jan, 29 2021 @ 06:46 AM
I had a hard time understanding what was actually going on.

Those are two Twats taken out of the context of the time. What was going on that prompted them? What was she thinking at the time?

It's like taking two random sentences out of a book or speech. On their surface, they have meaning; when places into a full understanding of the times, places, events that could change.

And that's all I'll say because that change could make things better or worse.

posted on Jan, 29 2021 @ 06:47 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

However, the girl also bears responsibility, if only to recognize and own her mistake, and make a conscious and willful choice to be a better person going forward. No one can do that for her. Youth is the absolute best excuse in the world... but it doesn't age well.

How conscious were you of future impact for your actions at 13?

posted on Jan, 29 2021 @ 06:53 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
No. I very clearly put the responsibility on the parents. It is the parents' responsibility to supervise and guide their children, to teach them, to prepare and protect their children...

That's kind of the issue. Racism, and other similar behaviors, aren't genetic, they're learned.

posted on Jan, 29 2021 @ 07:02 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

The American People will not and never would knowingly adopt Socialism.

Yet under the name of 'Liberalism' they will adopt every single facet and every fragment of the Socialist Program.

Until one day America will awake to find itself a Socialist Nation, without even realizing how it happened!

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