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New Mexico governor shuts down grocery stores for two weeks

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+7 more 
posted on Nov, 24 2020 @ 05:14 PM
Hadn't seen this posted yet, think it got lost in all the other election mess.

How is this even close to legal? I'm just floored by the government overreach.

A dozen grocery stores around the state have been forced to close for two weeks because of a public health order issued by Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham at a time when the state’s residents are suffering from record high unemployment and food insecurity, critics say.

The order requires businesses with four or more rapid responses of COVID-19 cases reported within in a 14-day period to close for two weeks.

More than 25 essential businesses were shut down as of Monday afternoon, including a number of grocery stores and major retailers.

The closures include two Walmarts in Albuquerque and one in Santa Fe, an Albertson’s in Roswell, a Smiths Food & Drug Center in Albuquerque and New Mexico Food Distribution Center in Albuquerque.

The governor’s office said, “The state is not forcing anyone to stand in a crowded line, as you suggest,” in response to requests for comment from KOB4 News TV.

New Mexico closes Grocery stores

+18 more 
posted on Nov, 24 2020 @ 05:15 PM
a reply to: pointr97


This is going to end well.


+3 more 
posted on Nov, 24 2020 @ 05:17 PM
Don't need

posted on Nov, 24 2020 @ 05:19 PM
Um. What? And here I thought in Cali we were getting the ball rolling on food scarcity going into winter by fomenting a shutdown across all outdoor dining and all dining period in/around LA.

Damn you good NM.....

posted on Nov, 24 2020 @ 05:22 PM
a reply to: pointr97

Breadlines might not be far off...

posted on Nov, 24 2020 @ 05:28 PM
They should get delivery trucks or hire their store employees to act like door dash stay in business and give the gooberment a big middle finger alongside the old fashioned USMC Green Weenie tactics.

posted on Nov, 24 2020 @ 05:28 PM

originally posted by: slatesteam
Um. What? And here I thought in Cali we were getting the ball rolling on food scarcity going into winter by fomenting a shutdown across all outdoor dining and all dining period in/around LA.

Damn you good NM.....

How does closing down dining increase food scarcity?

There seems to be a rumble growing louder around food scarcity however, it is starting to have the hallmarks of a psyop in my humble, partially educated opinion.

posted on Nov, 24 2020 @ 05:32 PM
There is an alarmingly high amount of people who can't cook outside of heating up a hot pocket.

Theres people who would starve without door dash or take outs.

posted on Nov, 24 2020 @ 05:33 PM
The bread lines will be shut down due to covid.

posted on Nov, 24 2020 @ 05:34 PM

originally posted by: IAMALLYETALLIAM

originally posted by: slatesteam
Um. What? And here I thought in Cali we were getting the ball rolling on food scarcity going into winter by fomenting a shutdown across all outdoor dining and all dining period in/around LA.

Damn you good NM.....

How does closing down dining increase food scarcity?

There seems to be a rumble growing louder around food scarcity however, it is starting to have the hallmarks of a psyop in my humble, partially educated opinion.

I believe that it is more around supply and demand. The grocery stores here are by law only allowed to keep like 3 or 5 days of stock on hand. Fewer buyers at a time, less demand during the 3 or 5 days, so the store would order less, and hence the producers would decrease production of stuff that would spoil if not used.

posted on Nov, 24 2020 @ 05:36 PM

originally posted by: Nivhk
There is an alarmingly high amount of people who can't cook outside of heating up a hot pocket.

Theres people who would starve without door dash or take outs.

Sorry but that's Darwinism taking effect if you can't feed yourself outside of microwaving some factory produced, garbage amalgamation of corn derivatives and toxic preservatives or ordering and paying for a meal. It is one of, if not the most basic aspect of self preservation.

Surely they can steam some veggies and fry some meat? Not hard.

By the way I am not saying all is normal, nothing to see here about covid restrictions and authoritarian over reaches. Just don't see a need for panic stations about food scarcity and think the introduction of the idea has some nefarious agenda behind it.
edit on 24112020 by IAMALLYETALLIAM because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2020 @ 05:40 PM

originally posted by: pointr97

originally posted by: IAMALLYETALLIAM

originally posted by: slatesteam
Um. What? And here I thought in Cali we were getting the ball rolling on food scarcity going into winter by fomenting a shutdown across all outdoor dining and all dining period in/around LA.

Damn you good NM.....

How does closing down dining increase food scarcity?

There seems to be a rumble growing louder around food scarcity however, it is starting to have the hallmarks of a psyop in my humble, partially educated opinion.

I believe that it is more around supply and demand. The grocery stores here are by law only allowed to keep like 3 or 5 days of stock on hand. Fewer buyers at a time, less demand during the 3 or 5 days, so the store would order less, and hence the producers would decrease production of stuff that would spoil if not used.

I see what you mean however, I don't see how a two-week closure/restriction on grocery stores in one state leads to an overall problem of food scarcity?

This is absolutely bloody insane though, I agree with that.

posted on Nov, 24 2020 @ 05:44 PM

originally posted by: IAMALLYETALLIAM

originally posted by: pointr97

originally posted by: IAMALLYETALLIAM

originally posted by: slatesteam
Um. What? And here I thought in Cali we were getting the ball rolling on food scarcity going into winter by fomenting a shutdown across all outdoor dining and all dining period in/around LA.

Damn you good NM.....

How does closing down dining increase food scarcity?

There seems to be a rumble growing louder around food scarcity however, it is starting to have the hallmarks of a psyop in my humble, partially educated opinion.

I believe that it is more around supply and demand. The grocery stores here are by law only allowed to keep like 3 or 5 days of stock on hand. Fewer buyers at a time, less demand during the 3 or 5 days, so the store would order less, and hence the producers would decrease production of stuff that would spoil if not used.

I see what you mean however, I don't see how a two-week closure/restriction on grocery stores in one state leads to an overall problem of food scarcity?

This is absolutely bloody insane though, I agree with that. thing that I would add, we were only supposed to be on a two week lockdown too.

posted on Nov, 24 2020 @ 05:48 PM

originally posted by: IAMALLYETALLIAM

originally posted by: slatesteam
Um. What? And here I thought in Cali we were getting the ball rolling on food scarcity going into winter by fomenting a shutdown across all outdoor dining and all dining period in/around LA.

Damn you good NM.....

How does closing down dining increase food scarcity?

There seems to be a rumble growing louder around food scarcity however, it is starting to have the hallmarks of a psyop in my humble, partially educated opinion.

I must’ve missed the part where they’re building new grocery stores and food markets for the 10M in LA Co.

Maybe that?

posted on Nov, 24 2020 @ 05:52 PM
I agree, but media is all about emotional impact than any standing issues.

People have been babied for too long living in cities with down the block food sources.

posted on Nov, 24 2020 @ 05:54 PM
a reply to: DeadlyStaringFrog

No no. You'll simply need your vaccine voucher, a mask, and socially distance, or be required to line up in accordance to your sectioned off zone.

posted on Nov, 24 2020 @ 06:01 PM

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: DeadlyStaringFrog

No no. You'll simply need your vaccine voucher, a mask, and socially distance, or be required to line up in accordance to your sectioned off zone.

I was thinking that the new China QR code ID thingy is what they will require.....

posted on Nov, 24 2020 @ 06:05 PM

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: pointr97

Breadlines might not be far off...

Weren’t you advocating for lockdowns over this hoax?

What did you think was going to happen?


posted on Nov, 24 2020 @ 06:08 PM
a reply to: pointr97

Good thread. It gives Americans a preview of what will occur if Joe Biden wins this election.

posted on Nov, 24 2020 @ 06:09 PM

originally posted by: slatesteam

originally posted by: IAMALLYETALLIAM

originally posted by: slatesteam
Um. What? And here I thought in Cali we were getting the ball rolling on food scarcity going into winter by fomenting a shutdown across all outdoor dining and all dining period in/around LA.

Damn you good NM.....

How does closing down dining increase food scarcity?

There seems to be a rumble growing louder around food scarcity however, it is starting to have the hallmarks of a psyop in my humble, partially educated opinion.

I must’ve missed the part where they’re building new grocery stores and food markets for the 10M in LA Co.

Maybe that?

Well I missed the part where there's not enough? First I've heard of it though to be honest I don't stay abreast of commercial developments on the other side of the world.

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